ITT: Post leaders of your cunt who were assassinated

ITT: Post leaders of your cunt who were assassinated

what's with his eyes?

He's a reptilian jew like all american leaders except he rebelled against the Great One so he got killed


>Alexander II (1818–1881)
>Vladimir Lenin (1870–1924)
>Josef Stalin (1878–1953)
>Leonid Brezhnev (1906–1982)
>Yuri Andropov (1914–1984)

>Josef Stalin
conspiracy or fact

None, we are civilised. Yet it is suspected that Kubitschek's death was a plot of the military government, but he was not president anymore


There wouldn't be any conspiracy theories about Kennedy's death if the investigation of it had been conducted with any degree of competence and professionalism (which it wasn't). Instead it was like the Keystone Kops.

Three of them were old men in poor health, it's doubtful that their deaths were anything but natural.

^Yeah this.

You had a king killed by an anarchist once.

I mean, seriously. Why would you possibly hire an unstable flake like Lee Harvey Oswald for a professional assassin anyway?



Gabriel Narutowicz, first president of Poland 1922 - 1922, also a mason

Oh goody, the guy who got killed for having a MILF fetish.

Nah that was the other Serbian king and Croatia was still part of Austria back at that time. I think the guy he posted was one of the Yugoslav monarchs around WWII or something.




And it's never mentioned that he was a Japanophile and one-time communist.

FWIW it wasn't a Federal crime to assassinate a president back then, so the local authorities in Dallas would have handled things and city/state police in 1963 were pretty amateurism compared with today.

>everyone in the past 200 years

>cops holding up Oswald's gun to show off to reporters with no gloves on, thereby erasing any prints on the thing


I guess it doesn't count because he wasn't elected yet and he was supossed to be the vice-president, but it's the closest thing we've got.

Stalin is thought to have been poisoned by Beria with warfarin. The evidence for this comes from the autopsy findings which discovered widespread hemorrhaging throughout his body. Officially, he died of a stroke which normally should not cause any bleeding outside the brain, yet he had hemorrhages in his stomach, heart, lungs, and other areas.

Having said that, he was in very poor health at his death and apparently suffering from vascular dementia due to repeated small strokes over the years.

Shot by a patriot after having started Sweden Yes.

Shot by nobody knows who

mossad, americans, SÄPO, who knows. He was a brilliant man though


Yeah, that. Seriously, you have to facepalm at how the assassination of JFK was handled by law enforcement.

From what I understand, the investigation of Olof Palme's death was also pretty inept and partially why the shooter was never found. Within a few months, it devolved almost into tabloid farce.