
the gf's edition

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*kills every last person from nz*

makes sense somewhat

which pic is better for this meme?
left or right?

(at my uni the "scout" is this guy who comes in at 10am every day to clean your room for you)

looked in the mirror and my eyes are 90% bloodshot, and there's purple bags under my eyes

think I'm dying lads

>ywn see a girl's bumhole in real life

fuck off

kill yourself without remorse


How can a tiny island nation in the southern ocean be so based and elite lads?

does every uni have this????

and right

not with that attitude. just storm the nearest ladies room and jump the stall when they're on the poo

I see my gfs bumhole on a daily basis

it should make sense completely

Pacific Islanders are the most powerful race on Earth, Fact


so horny I could fuck a pillow

the one on the right seems less gay not a fan of animal posting

The absolute state of the UK is an abomination

technically, we're in the Atlantic Ocean


Do it

They come to scout ur bumhole

does a MtF trans have a boy's bumhole or a girl's bumhole

kill yourself with pleasure

Anyone no any landlords that take housing benefit

remainian false flag

New Zealand is stupid. Stop speaking for white people

depends how cute it is x


mine did


kill yourself with apprehension?

This shit is designed to emasculate you, especially the makeup roleplay. Wake the fuck up people this is serious.

New Zealanders are the biggest assholes on the internet

Mad that all Americans have African ancestry


don't care

Didn't want to do a Brexit, but then i remembered how rude Yuropeons are

Dirty scum bag bastard don’t no the full story I’ll smash that shop to peices


I live on an island in the absolute middle of fucking nowhere. Thank god we're all white.

*Goes back to sleep*

New Zealand is possibly the stupidest concept in modern history. Think about it.

>Think about it.

>tfw samebody but bit more fat

Any UK card holders with valid ID quick money to be earned!!

No bullshit

All done face to face

How the FUCK are we so based, kiwibros?

new zealand shouldn't even exist.

Hello user.
Comment va? C’est toi qui fait de la couture?

>takes 8 hours to go from London to Inverness by train

bit slow

woah, hot

Where the fuck is Inverness

ahhh yes... lobsters
the aquatic runt

uni toil beckons.....

North of Scotland

>implying theres more than one of you


this is easy
give your head a wobble

i'm sure it is


Now then, what u got planned in Inverness lad?

this is pretty basic

you a first year

my ideology


we did this in our 3rd week of our first term
and im not even a mathematician

ah yes.... pedo pole
the slavic runt

Literally year 6 stuff mate you taking the piss?

Grim indeed

Gemma travers you dirty little dog I’m gonna knock you spark out wen I see you dirty grimey sort swear you gave man brain wen her bf was in the yard you dog!!!


Just replace all the wanky Greek letters with the word Poo

LITERALLY did this shit in kindergarten sort yourself out

clearly a monaco flag

i mean if this is second or third year maths your uni is beyond remedial m8


ah yes.... upside down poland
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes

Remember that lad from the last thread, who said he was in the Library reading a book, what a Fanny haha

projective geometry with through heavy emphasis on abstract linear algebra is remedial?

god I fucking hate mathrunts they're so fucking smug

haven't touched maths since year 10 because it's pointless and insipid, best decision I ever made

We stopped being island after we crashed into China. Just updating you la

Ah yes, Irony

Can't wait to move to canda

wouldn't call australia tiny

maybe this will help
these were my lecturers notes in first term, they were pretty high quality:


dont tell oxford im doing this heh heh heh

lol rip ryan mason

for a maths degree, yeah

You are literally ridiculously small and ridiculously large X


howling at the state of this runt

differential geometry is where it's at 2bh senpai

>uni toil
you lot are in for a rude awakening when you leave university, or adult nursery as I've taken to calling it

You see all you man that call your self Levi's mates all you need to get a grip and go see him Carnt wait to see couple of you RealTalk!

taking a break from reading my book and came back to this not a happy bunny

>you lot are in for a rude awakening when you leave university, or adult nursery as I've taken to calling it

Ah yes physics lecturer at Oxford, what an awful existence

>forced to retire after fractured skull
god i wish that were me

it's about creating a home


Easterners are inhumane, you kill a million of them and they don't care

bet he's fucking minted now

downside: he's fucked for life