Cersei's done horrible things I could never even imagine myself doing. She's a monster

>Cersei's done horrible things I could never even imagine myself doing. She's a monster
>*poisons young kid at his wedding where he dies violently in his mother's arms*
>*frames two innocent people and almost gets one executed for it*
This bitch had it coming

>I killed joffrey
>"jamie takes out a knife and starts stabbing her eyeballs"

wasn't that smart a move desu

You morons are getting desperate. D&D are doing a fine job with the bag of shit George left them.

>Cersei's done horrible things I could never even imagine myself doing. She's a monster
Yeah, I was wondering what this even meant. Olenna poisoned an adolescent at his wedding.
Cersei blew up a cathedral of religious zealots.

What is the horrible thing she can't imagine herself doing? The incest? The hunting accident for Robert? How are they worse??

What has Cersei done, anyway, that's so evil that everyone acts as she's evil incarnated and so much worse than everyone else?

>Tyrell's are the richest faction, have been involved in minimal fighting already had the largest army, Loras is a beast
>LMAO dude just betray your liege lord
>Retainers killed off screen
>Yeah we always sucked at fighting.

How do people even enjoy this show now that it's 13 year old tier fan fiction.

>*conspire to imprison your Queen, humiliate her, and force her to march naked through the street*
>*looks out window*

Dude just turn off your brain lmao

How do you think they managed to make red uniforms for the reach defectors in like a week?
Do you think they even thought about it and worried normies would get confused or they just don't care?

I am just glad i dont have to see that walking skeleton again.

I thought the whole point of naming the episode "The Queen's Justice" were that for all of her faults, every action Cersei took against Olenna and the Sneks was 100% justified

This isn't a comic book villain burning down an orphanage, just a bad person making bad people pay for their crimes

>How do you think they managed to make red uniforms for the reach defectors in like a week?
That's why Cersei saw the banking representative. She needed a loan for a rush order on matching costumes.

Olenna also manipulated her daughter to be her plaything from the moment she was born.

The whole Highgarden is full of immoral people.

>Bad people
What did he mean by this?

Also do you think Dorn and the Reach will just never be spoken of again because to man factions is just confusing for normies?

>Olenna Tyrell
>not a bad person
She was literally Tywin: Vagina Edition

>He thinks nobility are moralfags, their marriages are political unions nothing to do with love at all, them and their children are nothing more than puppets to keep their micro dynasty running forever.

>lived way more than 95% of the people of that age
>peaceful death

Nice revenge

are you implying that Tywin was a bad person? I bet you root for all the 'good' guys like daenerys and jon

I mean, he did knowingly sentence his son to death and then, while waiting for the execution, fuck the woman he loved. Bit of a dick move from dad.

>treat your son like dirt all his years
>command the murdering of innocents, turn a blind eye to sacking and rape
such a swell guy

Why was Jaime such a cuck in this scene? She's gloating over the death of his son and he just does the virgin walk out of there before she even dies

When did everyone forget the golden rule of media deaths? If it doesn't happen on screen, it didn't happen.

Jamie not going for her throat the moment she let it slip that she killed his son, was purposefully out of character.

Is it really that hard to believe that the poison was fake? Jamie also couldn't talk Cersei into a kind death for Olenna. It simply wouldn't happen.

>*poisons young kid at his wedding where he dies violently in his mother's arms*
He was a complete shithead that asked for it many times over. He died in an inconspicuous place where she would be less suspected out of practicality. Also he died with about as much dignity as an assasination could go. At least no one thought less of him or his family for the way he went out.

>If it doesn't happen on screen, it didn't happen.

Also, Ellaria and the daughter that Cersei poisoned are both confirmed for that episode to be their last.

The camera story telling is getting sloppy

>Danish actor beats an harmless granny on screen to pulp

doesn't fare well with the viewers


And a good Chunk of the Tyrell family...you already forgot that Mace,Loras and Smirkfu was there too?

Yeah, that fucking oldfag could even puke the poison and survive, he is a fag

Butthurt tyrellfag

>I killed your son in fucking horiid ways and pushed your other retarded son to suicide
>k, bye, stay there and die, k

Like she's going to escape.

Why you fucks are bitching about Jamie?

It was literally a "do What you must i already won" scenario...it doesnt matter granny was already dead

ok, but dont start a monologue about the "horrible things" some other noble did then. olenna was a hypocrite hoe. also she had no problem watching tyrion sentenced to death while being innocent, but the reddit pleb seem to forget that , even tho tyrion is supposedly one of their favorite character

I'll give you Mace, but Loras and Smirkfu had given themselves to the Faith.

Brienne reminded him thaat he is a knight, they dont kill defensless old women

a few seasons back he tried to kill a kid without any remorse, ruthlessly killed his own relative... but now suddenly hes a good guy. and why? cause he had a talk with a big bull dyke.. brilliant writing

>jaime shouldve been an edgemaster and beaten an old lady to death

how exactly would that have been good for the show?

U a moron

because people want to see overly smug characters put in their place

I don't think he cared

Just wait til GURM finishes the next book where the Lannister's are seconds from getting BTFO out and Tyrell's are still bankrolling everything everywhere.

Jaime is the idiot for even thinking Tyrion would poison Joffrey, hes just a sucker manipulated by Cersei to the end. Tywin should have thrown all three of these assholes over the cliff then burn the woman who gave birth to them alive.

>frame people for crimes and a couple murders
>torturing people, allowing your son to torture and murder people, and blowing up a building packed full of people, many of whom were completely innocent

Whether or no Olenna is successful in justifying her actions, she has done nothing compared to Cersei, people in this thread are retarded

I thought he was relieved because her dying words were vindication for Tyrion.

But then I checked twitter and apparently she's the most dignified YAS QUEEN OF SHADE to die saying "I killed your son bitch." I know who the target audience is, so I guess I was wrong.

He wouldn't be so huffy if he didn't. Even if it was only because of the disrespect after going through the effort to give her a dignified painless death.

I should have clarified that I mean major characters, although I'm sure it can be argued that the sand sluts and their mother were.

It still strikes me as odd that they wouldn't show one poison death the whole episode. Even if they were portraying Jamie as the good guy, they would simply have to show Olenna slowly stop moving while in her chair. They've shown hundreds of things more graphic.

Anyway, is Stannis not coming back?

>assuming the closeup is more canon
>those units are 12 men deep
>looks to be 3 times as wide
>432 men per unit
>97 units
>41904 foot soldiers
>then some knights and 8 thinner units

Blowing up the church was self-defense as everyone there was part of a kangaroo court out for Cersei's head.

She blew up the equivalent of the Vatican, killing half of her own court in the process.

Found the AnCap...

>Blowing up a building
>Self defence
I'd love to read the transcript of how that would go down in court.

I am the court.

>kangaroo court

lol what will you silly 'stralians think of next

what is her inevitable death scene going to be like?


Dying peacefully in her bed of old age after a long, stable, and prosperous reign.

Kinda lead to him losing his brother, father and son

You don't know how much I want this to be true.

I thought little finger killed him. She just claimed it to as a last gasp revenge. It's like how my ex's claim to have fucked my buddy even though I know Tyrone never would.

She can fight her way out

I think he either knew about it or was one of the plotters. I don't even think about it anymore since Littlefinger's motivation has devolved into trying to get Sansa to put out

Smirkfu was still loyal to the Tryells, when she gave Olenna the crumpled paper with the rose. Loras was just abused and brainwashed.

no its pretty clear Littlefinger and Olenna were the primary conspirators

>Littlefinger's motivation has devolved into trying to get Sansa to put out
Thats a worthy pursuit tho, gotta hit it before she hits the "great wall" so to speak. Besides, the cold makes nipple play extra fun

Yes, but Cersei didn't know that.

Why don't you guys like Jon or think he's not a good guy?

jaime kills her

Still, she killed Olenna's entire lineage. Cersei also killed Kevan Lannister in the explosion as well, so she's also a kinslayer.

>be an older white lady
>complain about young white lady
>rationalize your similar behavior by saying it was for a 'greater good'

Sounds like liberalism/feminism to me..

Got was interesting when it had morally ambiguous characters engage in politicAl intrigue.

John is a strategically inept twink that has failed his was to the top because of fate (but really just plot armour)

Davos manages to offhandedly sweet talk the iron bank into giving coin to the Mannis.
Fast forward to season 7
> hur dur this is Jon Snow ma'am

But it's "funny" so what the hell.

>jaime kills her

100% this after today's episode

>Jamey is supposed to have been reformed
>"slicing granny's throat makes sense!!"

Is there a legit reason why Euron has time to build a fucking Armada but cersei can't grow her hair out again?

Reformed or not, gloating about killing your child and shit-talking the woman you love for ten minutes straight should get the blood boiling. He reminds me of those stories you hear every now and then of parents reconciling with their child's killer and forgiving them - even shaking their hand. It's truly an incomprehensible, inhuman position to take.

what Rome Total War mod is this?

but no siege equipment to take Highgraden falls in hours........


A shitty son that he never spent any time with and probably never loved or at least didn't love him as much as Cercei. Besides he gave her the poison, she was going to die.

Wont happen until next season at least, before that she has to tell him she doesn't care about the ice zombies

Yeah it's bullshit.
I think it would be a long siege even if the Tyrells didn't get a single other sworn house to aid them.

>one of the ancient houses of Westeros
>survived for centuries upon centuries
>lol we were never good at fighting

Nailed it!

Looks more like a mobile space invaders re-skin.

dont act like they fought wars by themselves. by all accounts they were prosperous and made smart alliances. Just because they werent as good as the lannisters doesn't mean they couldn't have survived.

>implying she is dead.

So? She's dead already

Didn't he hump Cercei on top of his coffin?

I'll never not hate GRRM for that.
"Wow this series is extremely popular, it sure would be good if you took advantage of the popularity and finished writing the series."
Martin: *barely finishes one book he'd been working on for years before the show came out, and only because the show finally motivated him to*
*has multiple years to write the rest of the books but STILL can't be assed*
*leaves the showrunners to finish the story themselves because he's too much of a lazy fatass*

Fucker had literally YEARS to wrap things up. And still didn't.

I'm not surprised that Twitter doesn't get that Jaime is one of the best characters in the series.

Because he's a fucking child killer.

He deserves to rot in hell for all eternity.

>child killer

wait what? when did he kill a kid?

He hanged that boy who got his family slaughtered and eaten by the wildlings.

He's scum, nothing more.

a kid in the nightwatched killed jon, jon was raised from the dead and had that kid hanged

That made sense, Davos is actually a good talker, it was a strategy.
Daenerys wanted to start a titles competition that Jon couldn't win, so Davos used the "man of the people" talk on her - yeah you have a lot of shit before your name, this is Jon Snow and he actually earned his fame instead of being born when it was raining outside and luckying out by having dragons because the writer jerks off to him.

She played a hand in Robert getting gored by a boar. Then she destroyed his proclamation making Eddard protector of the Realm and had him executed to get her inbred son on the throne.
She is basically the root of the entire war.

Jamie choking her death with his one good hand.

Muh prophecy, and all that

She, unironically, did nothing wrong and is the good guy. Fuck Jaime and Cersei.

This. I blame GRRM

that kid joined the nights watch and then betrayed his lord commander jon by literally murdering him

he deserved to get hanged that little shit

>had the largest army,
They got BTFO at Blackwater.

>Loras is a beast
He's a faggot and he got beat down by Brienne.