Best show

best show

On Netflix? Probably. Still pretty meh overall. breaking bad was better

Is it really? Need a new show to get into. Sell me on it.

Similar to BB only this time our white suburban dad isn't motivated by a massive ego and extreme jealousy/pride instead he's actually a pretty decent guy who just says "hey what they want is basically what I do anyways and I'm good at it, why not?" Also his wife knows from the start and is in on it. The kids get in on it too.

BB had more depth to it imo, Walter was an interesting character and the show had interesting commentary on what it means to be a man, this show is really just trying to be entertaining/suspenseful there's no real message.

Bateman is great in this

this shit is actually bretty good, like user above me said is kinda similar to BrBa, but in themes and genres only

the cinematography is great, jason bateman did a really good job considering he also wanted to direct half of the episodes and was also involved in the writing, people don't give enough credit to him

also pic related is a cutie

Thx. Imma check it out tonight

It's not good. Shills have been selling this show and everyone has been buying it seems.

Pretty good but the family is annoying especially that bloated-faced tranny girl

>excessive blue filter
>excessive homosex
no thanks

does she get nekkid?

This show is better than anything being shilled in several threads right now.

I saw the first 'shill' thread on here a week before it came out and was hyped up and loved the show, so I guess it is working!

They had an ad going around promoting it as "Breaking Bad and Fargo combined" and that's when I knew it would be bad because those two things are thematically opposed.

do tv shows get remux

This show is great

If you love predictable boring pieces of shit filmed with a grey filter to look edgy

Can't even get the color of the filter you're arbitrarily complaining about right; opinion discarded. Go start another GoT shill thread, faggot

Best new show to come out in awhile and extremely well done for a Netflix show. The cinematography is Fucking beautiful and its nothing like breaking bad except family, illegal shit and cartel.

Show is a gem and looking forward to season 2, only complainant is the blantant push for homosex but its not surprising since its a Netflix Orinigal. Happy the gay shit was the only real pandering. They actually had the balls to make fun of Obama too, the old man is based.

Daughters ass is top notch

Her ass is amazing but her it's all sorts of weird. Looks like a alien crossed with a cat.

It certainly washed the terrible aftertaste from GLOW.

reminder that this show is more interesting in one season than breaking bad was in three seasons

That's my type.


I loved breaking bad but it didn't pull me in as hard asor as much as season 1 of Ozark did.