/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General - STORY TIME EDITION



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>Au revoir, ma cheri.
>five hours later

Was it posing-woman code?

the french woman scene was hilarious.

why does Lynch HATE Audrey? i am supposed to believe that Audrey the sex kitten wound up with Charlie? and didn't she explode in the bank? WTF was this scene?

A fucking midget...

we Sup Forums

rate the parts

>ywn be paid big hollywood bucks to let some hack director use old photos of you in his TV show

Sometimes I really worry about (you)

durr ep12 was kino & if you disagree you are pleb hyuck



Seems like a natural progression to me. Richard is probably from another guy when Audrey was young and could whore around, now she's old and settled with a rich guy

>why does Lynch HATE Audrey?
I don't think he does.

>i am supposed to believe that Audrey the sex kitten wound up with Charlie?
A contract is a contract.

>and didn't she explode in the bank?
She got better.

>WTF was this scene?
Pure kino.

unironically agreed. I have enjoyed every episode so far at 100% capacity

Some kind of wierd "contract" is somehow involved. I hope this is one of the things explained.

Audrey scene was fantastic, though. She really seems like the same sharp, witty dudette.

If you would have read my book youwould have known no she didn't. But it's not too late. Buy and read my book. K thanks.


>details about acting skills

I'm saying he was a bad actor, and every scene that wasn't paired with Cooper was unconvincing because of it. Most of the Twin Peaks cast are not major thespians (though I'd say Sheryl Lee and Ray Wise give two of the best ever on television) but they have charm and character. Ontkean is a wooden board that needs a personality as outsized as Coopers to work at all.

It was a good episode, the Audrey scene went on too long but whatever. Some great moments from Gordon and crew and Berenice Marlohe of Bond/Song to Song fame was ravishing! Also Mrs Palmer brought the spooky back.

>niggers trying to force memes out of ep12

I kind of the like The Other Truman. He's an outsider to the story. Lynch is going to have mini infodumps because he's not a retard and he knows people who maybe haven't seen the show in 25 years won't remember all the details. So this Truman allows for that without being awkward where Hawk explains things to Harry that Harry already knows.

Obviously, the bromance scenes are never going to appear again and that's a tragedy.


>*red curtains appear*

Have a towel handy for sweat

This. I love Truman but he doesn't work on his own. Anytime he had to actually act or be in a scene with someone besides Coop, like the Josie scenes, he was totally weak

It was code for "my pussy hasn't been this wet since I learned Hitler invaded France."

>It was a good episode
>scene went on too long
>Some great moments
>It was a good episode


What did this Universe do to deserve Vaporwave genuinely creepy deep lore crime-realism comfy slice-of-life kino?

D-did we accidentally save reality or something, guise?

>FBI and Diane
>Hawk and Sarah
>Cole and Albert
>Frank and Ben
>Audrey and Charlie

at the risk of sounding too reddit everything was stilted because every conversation in this ep had the characters avoiding what they should have been talking about and the situation at hand, every scene had those pauses where the characters just looked at each other as if to be say, "yeah we're fucked." without saying it.

Audrey is literally the incarnation of everyone upset with the pacing

The fuck are you even trying to say you meme-addled retard?

Why so many small people though
>The arm
>Ike "The Spike"

She's ugly and obnoxious. If you don't hate her you're a mental case.


>Also Mrs Palmer brought the spooky back.
My favourite part. Hope we'll see more of her.

Marriage is a contract, moron. It's a merger.

Richard and Linda, two birds with one stone

Once this is cut down to 12 hours, it will be decent

Yeah, what was her deal anyways, does she have another lodge spirit inside her or did she just end up with poor mental health after everything that happened

Audrey's scene felt like a joi video.

The skipfags of tomorrow... today:

Honestly, Forster hasn't delivered for me. He feels out of place and all the ' me and Harry keep in touch' clings empty and false. He doesn't feel like a part of Twin Peaks and he has no idea how to access the plot and material. Sorry but it was a real disgrace that Ontkean backed down after almost doing it. They should have thrown money after him or whatever it'd have taken not to cause this a bit too big a blemish on the end result.

It's a cuck relationship, he only provides for her financially. She fucks Bobby.

She's having lodge related visions for sure. There's also something in her house.

Not frost btw

What is getting annoying about this show is that, with very little time left to move these various plot points together, it is still using up time to tell us shit we already know, from earlier episodes.

>ep 2 or 3
>Tammy you're on the investigation!
>ep 11 and 12
>Tammy, you're now a part of the investigation!

>ep 9
>I want you to kill the warden, a character with an estimated screen time of 7 minutes
>ep 12
>spend time to show minor characters killing another minor character when a single flash or mention would have done it

To say nothing of the pointless and dull scenes of nobodies talking about people we don't know, see, or care about at the Roudhouse. These moments are so fucking amateur and bring down the good bits. I would have thought with all the people working with Lynch and Frost, there would be some more substantive discussions about what is worth showing and what is not.



Mark Frost, doesn't this episode completely LYNCH The Secret History?

Blue Rose isn't lol naem of bote, it's a codeword based on a cryptic message from a Lodge victim 'shortly before she died'.

this isn't mine but I agree with the guy who made it

Downvote me all you want.

I watched Game of Thrones before this episode and the difference was night and day. The amount of progression in story and development and THEN I saw TP.

10 minutes of a hooker leaving a room? 5 minutes of some yahoo yelling in his basement about the government, when we already spent 5 minutes of him giving the same speech a few episodes ago? 20 minutes of Audrey and a dwarf banging on about a guy i had to Google to remember who he was... and 1 second of COOPER.

Seriously, most of you would be LYING if you said you would gladly watch this season again, I will never. Ill only watch the first 2 episodes, the one where Cooper fights the midget guy and episode 8/9. Every other episode could have been condensed to 20 minutes and still have the same content.

Get mad at me all you want, down vote me all you want but this season is barely a 7/10 at the moment.

Also, i LOVE most DL movies, loved both seasons of TP and loved Fire Walk with Me and the deleted scenes, so dont try "ooh you probably like Michael Bay movies" shtick because im a huge DL fan.

This season sucks. and if you read the general views of most fans outside this circle jerk, youll see im not alone.

Everyone will skip 80% of ep12 on a rewatch just accept it

for some reason i thought Billy was their nickname for Richard so when she said she was fucking Billy i thought Lynch had lost it

And most of episode 1, because nothing happens in episode 1.

i won't downvote you because that's stupid but you genuinely don't get the show including the original seasons.

Also we wait at least 5 minutes for Gordon's French lover to leave only for Albert to tell him something we already learned earlier in the episode. They had to have been intentionally trolling.

Billy is a nickname for William, dumbass

You effortposted that textwall over "lol GOT is better guise maek u angry"? Who in hell will read it?

every episode is 10 except episode 8. that episode was pseudo kino and not twin peaks at all

who was the french woman and does she have any nudzz

Sheryl Lee is a considerably amazing, remarkably genuine, extremely gorgeous, unbelievably lovable, highly intelligent, tremendously talented, unquestionably amazingly sweet, outstandingly caring, exceptionally kind, adorably cute, legitimately worship-worthy, particularly huggable, decidedly amiable, factually fantastic, undeniably compassionate and extraordinarily wonderful lady with the most beautiful smile and the softest, silkiest voice that has meditative and calming qualities not found anywhere else who is unfairly inflicted with the blood disease of Neutropenia which she is unjustly suffering from!

manlet uprising

i feel the opposite way
game of thrones is a chore by this point, whereas each week i'm surprised and entertained by twin peaks

episode six was not great bruh

6 and 12 are barely above-average television

>this whole post
Are you even human?

>>ep 2 or 3
>>Tammy you're on the investigation!
>>ep 11 and 12
>>Tammy, you're now a part of the investigation!
Referring to two entirely different things, but I can't tell you about that.

good taste, although swap the scores of 9 and 10, and lower the score of Part 12 to a 4, and Part 6 to an 8

For more on Project Blue Book check out the Secret History of Twin Peaks annotated by Tammy Preston.
The audio book is amazing.

the ABC network bosses were right to pressure Lynch back in the day. If you leave him unsupervised we get the bad kind of autism

What would you skip? The Roadhouse? Fast-forward through French woman leaving?

6 had a lot of memorable scenes, but I agree that is a really poorly strung together episode.

not even memeing, this

Reminder that anyone giving up now can fuck off and will not be welcome here once Bowie shows up.

hence the "for some reason"

Trump timeline is the best timeline.

If I was, could I literally sense your pent-up frustrationbozia welling up, threatening to erupt into a spasm of sockpuppet agreeing with your own posts?

When will they learn

someone should start working on the inevitable film cut of this season

Shut up Mark

so am I retarded or did anyone else think that the guy tim roth killed was bobby?

Lynch didn't want to solve the Laura mystery, which means if it was up to him the entirety of season 2 would have been like the back half, albeit with better writing.

mai waifu in the middle

a lot gets set up in 1 so no, its not treading water like 12

It really is, though.

Bérénice Marlohe


You're retarded

not him, but what's there to "get"? The editing has been some of the weakest aspects of this revival. It is extremely self-indulgent.

One of the largest problems I have with the show is that all the characters are isolated from one another, which means we get fewer character interactions, which means we have fewer chances to learn about these people (and thus relate/care about them). So much of the show, with a few exceptions, is septic and sterile, and lacking in life. And when we do have scenes with characters together, how much of it is just them standing around, silently, not saying anything to one another? More than I can count. This is coming from a guy (Lynch) who gave us great characters in Blue Velvet, Mulholland Dr., and Twin Peaks, and another guy (Frost) who has a strong history of writing engaging TV shows. And this is the best they can do?

What do we know about Tammy as a character after 12 hours of television? Almost nothing, because she is a character who just stands around.

stuff like that is neither cute or funny. It's just lazy.

probably. i didn't know who they were killing at first, but then figured it was the warden

lucky 888 for jeffrieskino

Watched E12 again - I really don't mind the Audrey scene.

Also who's Chuck? I thought it was Richard who stolen the truck.

Finally a non-redditor.

I'm a little disappointed Audrey is such a bitch. It's not surprising since her character was basically a sociopath in the first place who only hoped to use other people for her own ends, and in a sense if she's trapped with a husband that can't stand her so much he isn't even phased by her fucking some hillbilly then that's poetic justice, but in the end I never really thought of her being such a bitch in her mannerisms directly.

this tho

Chuck fucks and sucks

>not him, but what's there to "get"?
all the shit you're not getting as evidenced by the rest of your post. you're not understanding the basics of this show, honestly.

there are plenty of things about this season to criticize but you have to first understand what you're watching. i'm not here to hold your hand i'm just letting you know that it's you.

This is crucial to read if you want to understand the show.

This is only because Janey-E is the true waifu.

>for Albert to tell him something we already learned earlier in the episode
The point of the scene was not for the audience to learn the information. It was to show how Gordon handles Albert approaching him with the information, minutes (in episode time) after noting how Albert is the only member of the Blue Rose task squad who has yet to disappear off the earth. Are you literally too autistic to process character development with minimal dialogue?

frustrated bulldykelet detected

i agree, 3 and 8 were pointless