Movies about retarded people?

Movies about retarded people?

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OP the biopic

Global warming is a hoax. That's a fact.



Oh shit, a guy said a thing. It must be true.

>That's a fact.
Want to know how I know you're white?

let me guess you deny evolution and round earth as well?



Because I'm on Sup Forums.


>haha people say we're sinking but my side of the boat just lifted 60 feet up into the air

You believe in evolution? Fucking hell, man. Do you even use that brain of yours or is it just something to fill the gap between your ears?

>oh shit, someone said climate change is real. guess its true.

>Call it "Global Cooling"
>It stops cooling

>Call it "Global Warming"
>It stops warming

>Call it "climate change"
>Now every time the climate changes it's proof of your baseless claim that humans are going to destroy the planet in X years and everyone needs to pay you trillions of dollars to stop it

>a film analogy
Ouch, your argument.

Because he knows facts?

this. poor liberals, their little hoax is getting rekt


>dude wow trump is a retard for not crippling our economy to appease some hippies

Are we now just a straight up surface-level twitter politics board? Really?


It's been almost a year since the elections

Is that an argument? I don't think it is.

so why do you accept 2 scientific facts but deny a 3rd one?


WTF the whole world is flooded now after I read this great argument.

Please stop thinking media, you or anyone knows better than actual climatologists:

Also, considering the economic costs of doing something about this, it is extremely unlikely all governments on the planet would come to a consensus like they have on this topic (excluding the USA and Syria, literally the only nations that don't maintain an official stance of accepting climate change reality):

>scientific facts

I really wish people would stop using that term for completely unproven things.

>actual climatologists

Argument from authority. Nice logical fallacy, man.

>I don't trust a vast majority of scientists, but I'll just the conman in chief who knows fuck all about science

Oh bug off you fucking /lit/ fag

real life

>vast majority of scientists

Where's your citation, boy

>Doesn't believe in global warming
>Believes a virgin gave birth to the messiah

You do know that he's been proven right time and again about pretty much everything he tweets about.

The Toxic Avenger

>citation needed
>badly needed

Literally this.

I care nothing for the coal industry for example, or about polution; I live in the middle of nowhere, goodluck getting a factory built here that's relevant, but even I can see it's just nonsense some jewlord came up with to milk cash out of every industry everywhere.

It's a fucking buzzword some propaganda faggot came up with in the 60's like Nixon's niggeredy anti-weed stuff.

Strawman. Nice logical fallacy, man.

But they are proven, open google you imbecile

Its because of people like you that an actual law was passed that anyone can challenge scientific facts without any knowledge on the subject.

there is literally nothing wrong with that tweet

>I can't use google to be proven wrong

Not an argument.

The American Republican party is one of the only political parties in the modern world that denies climate change.
Over 80% of lobbyist campaign funding goes to Republicans.
It really makes you think.

>literally 30% of Great Barrier Reef died in 2016 thanks to oceans warming

The End of Suburbia

>this is the only real answer in this thread
I want Sup Forums to leave

>Great Barrier Reef

Literally Who?

What argument? You refuse to check common facts because it would prove you wrong and that's our fault?

Yes, indeed! What a prosperous nation Chavez made out of Venezuela.

If global warming isn't a hoax and is something we want to take seriously, we at least need to invade China and force them to halt all carbon emissions. So let's hope it's bullshit.

And what exactly did that reef ever do for the U S and A?
That's right, NOTHING. Which is SAD.

Go to Google Images and search "earth from space" and see how many real photos there are compared to Photoshopped ones. Also, compare how dramatically different they look to each other.

Because the ocean temperature has never ever changed before, right?

I've got the script for a pretty good one.

Corals. They die when sea temperature raises by 2 celsius, and along them the whole complex ecosystem

Fuck climate change autists, if they really gave a fuck they'd be boycotting the hell out of China, but instead want western nations to stagnate while that smog-filled chink machine keeps running.

Republicans have to deny climate change because if they didnt they would lose all the money they pocket.

Keep saying they're doing it for your best interest tho Sup Forums!!!

You made the claim, back it up.

And why would I want them?

there are 9 million bicycles in Beijing, that's a fact as well.

>I don't trust the gubment, but I trust the tinfoil that keeps them out of my head

It's so fucking sad that you guys can't form a single coherent buzzword-free sentence about an actual film other than the usual "KINO PLEB REDDIT IMDB" namedropping, but if it's politics or some whatever surface-level moral or history subject than you all passionately/autistically reply to each other with whole essays for posts along with all the statistics and links needed with it.

This board is a fucking joke.


Doesn't anyone find it utterly retarded that the president of the united states has a twitter account and tweets like an autistic child?

This shit again.

Does the world go through cycles of warming and cooling? Yes.

Is there any proof that humans have significantly impacted the climate of this planet? No.

Is Climate Change just to enact a global carbon tax so Jews can become even wealthier? Yes.

Democrats have to shill climate change because they have investments in """""""""""green"""""""""" energy.

It's a scam and you're the sucker.

It did, but never so much. Yearly temperature fluctuations are insane.

I'm not totally convinced that's all from CO2, but the global warming is real, and no one sane can deny it.

Films are garbage entertainment, no need to take them seriously.

It's on google. If you refuse to look, you refuse to argue.

>you all passionately/autistically reply to each other with whole essays for posts along with all the statistics and links needed with it.
What board are you on? I've never seen a Trump supporter reply to a coherent argument with more than a couple words calling their opponent a shill, or an infographic filled with inaccurate information.

wealth doesn't come out of nowhere retard, it's a highly populated third world shit hole will lots of oil and tons of poor people, sharing the oil money was the right thing to do
Norway did the same thing but I don't hear your autistic screeching about that hmm what could be the reason??

That's right user. A bunch of doctors told me I had cancer and that I need therapy - wouldn't they love it if I took that on their authority!

And? What do you want me to do about your big gay reef?

I'm not paying you a trillion dollars.

Yes, twitter screencaps are the more sophisticated way of discussion.

It's a source of food for hundreds of millions of people. It's also one of the most beautiful things on Earth.

.t lobbyist

it's on you to make hte argument

Because he knows how to use a computer

I googled it. You're wrong.

Looks like I win. You have to return to Reddit now.

So in places where the atmosphere has been polluted to almost un-breathable levels (China, India), that's just crap, is it? We should just keep pumping fumes, chopping down trees and dumping oil into the oceans, that's just incredibly healthy.

Yeah, I put my trust in oil companies.
They have my interests in mind.

Doesn't look beautiful to me

Think we can do without it desu


Strawman. Nice logical fallacy, man.

>implying I'm going to feel any significant effects within my lifetime
turn up the heat

t. green lobbyist

Your precious meme energy like solar cannot survive without massive government subsidies. Remember Solyndra? A total embarrassment.

>It doesn't happen here in bumfuck so it doesn't happen anywhere else.

then why did only 30% of it die and not all of it?

Christians: 1
atheists: 0

Google "cats" on google, and see how many photos are photoshopped, does that mean cats dont exist?
people just like polished pictures, of anything, earth included

Even the memes and shitposting are starting to fade away. Now it's just straight up pol lite and got threads

>I'm not paying you a trillion dollars.

I know, and hopefully when the process is irreversible in the next 30 years you will all die a horrible death and the Earth can finally reset.

I agree that more needs to be done to get China and India to stop; seeing them during the Olympics and Commonwealth games with all of that smog was just embarrassing.

fuck off there please I beg you

I don't know if you've noticed, but life in the West is pretty good. Our air is breathable and everything.

Just because subhuman chinks and poos can't figure out how to properly clean up their messes means that we should be punished.

Because of the currents, not all water in the sea has the same temperature, but on average it did increase a lot.