My dick

My dick

Bitch is ugly af

My botox

I want to cummy in the goddess of deaths bummy


*grabs your balls*
*shatters them*

>Oh how I've missed this.


You're gay

>satanic milf vs literal chad thundercock
I'm not worthy

Don't you have some traps to jack off to, faggot?

Finally, a headdress more ridiculous than Loki's.

First post is homo

>That was the first time I died

I, too, get aroused by 10 pounds of makeup and CGI'd faces.

I Aku the shapeshifting master of darkness...


my cock can't handle this

I've never understood the attraction to this butterfaced bitch. She's plain as fuck.

i-is that even legal

She's become hotter with age.



Damn, Andy Sixx looks like THAT now?


don't know what you're talking about. there's nothing to talk about except for her face, which is hot.


Looks like she's trying for some glam rock hobo Selene shit.

Lucky fuck

Does this mean the emo goth trend is coming back?

Gods yes.. I want her to kill me so badly.

That chick is scene as fuck bruh


what wrong with her face

What's the difference between scene and goth

God I hope so. Goth chicks have been my weakness forever.
I want more celebs to jump on the goth look bandwagon.

>blurry pictures
>small res
>heavy makeup
>botox af
>heavy eye shadow
>half of her face is covered by hair
The state of fucking Sup Forums

It's the mommyfags.

Back to your cuck thread

Goths hang out in abandoned buildings/cemeteries/the woods. Scene girls hang out on MySpace.

They also look completely different.

>Goths hang out in abandoned buildings/cemeteries/the woods
where do I find such places?

>Cate will never ever be your mommy

What's the point in living?

I'll tell you if you post more goth chicks.

Is this the girl of death Thanos wants to fuck?

Has Cate ever been in a scandal? She's probably one of the few serious actresses in Hollywood right now.


make it happen