Alex Jones has never been wrong

Alex Jones has never been wrong

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Wow, Alex Jones is a snake oil salesman. Who knew?

What about the gay frogs though?

>/our guy/ madman john actually did it
I you've watched the whole episode John actually actually posted the Delegates meme. Lost my shit at point.
post yfw John Oliver actually has interns posting here for "research" purposes

He basically advertised for Alex Jones. Good job kikes

not an argument

Should I be watching Alex Jones?

Just watch Lauren Southern.
Basically the same shit, but she's hot.

there are people so bluepilled/dumb that dont know the frogs are turning gay even when there's evidence and data proving it

So Alex Jones also has positively no ideas and simply parrots others in the most generic way possible?

as a frog, I can safely say this is true

daily reminder

Is there a version without retarded font size?

No thanks, (((Lauren)))


I don't think you realize how long Alex has been in the game

So much butthurt

Why is he in that one Linklater movie?

I would be a fan of Alex Jones if he didnt claim 911 to be a inside job, wasnt anti democrat, and didnt support Trump


>listening to a well-adjusted Englishman who provides top notch journalism to late night viewers on a major cable network
>believing the batshit insane conspiracy theories of some fat, steroid abusing redneck dumbshit from Texas

Um, yeah, really hard choice.

Explain Lucky Larry

And also, frogs are people, so people are turning gay on tap water.

This. Before, he was some guy on the internet, now this will only help him become mainstream.

He was in two Linklater movies and because they're friends.

Your propaganda post derailed earlier, so why not post it again later. Fuck off, you shill. This place is cancerous on its own.

How come guys like this never do a 1 on 1 debate with guys ben shaiprio like Cenk did? I mean cenk is an idiot but at least he had the balls to debate.

Guys like this have a team of writers who write him a nice monologue designed to sound very "certain" and legit but it's never countered.

The madman

Are you trying to insult Lauren Southern because she actually has well thought out and researched ideas.

>>>reddit > that way/

>provides top notch journalism


Most of his investigative segments are actually pretty interesting. I learned a lot about decadent american scum.


They are biased and written in such a way that use jokes as ways to deflect any criticism of the half-truths and cherry picked material.

He would never be able to debate his points against someone without a team of writers and a teleprompter.

The coal story, or the insurance, or the money lending scam seemed pretty straightforward for example senpai.

>oh look, Sup Forums is triggered again.

There are people so retarded that they don't know that most frog species are multi-sexed to begin with or have the ability to change sexes for reproductive purposes.

Sort of an important detail...

Pretty funny but then again it's not like AJ is a difficult target. Obviously he's either out of his mind or looking to get rich off of people that are. Oliver is still a sniveling cunt who panders to low info brainlets though.

Because you literally can't debate conspiracies, mate. You can't "win" with them. The attention just gives them validity to retards who already agree with Alex. Look at the interview Alex did a few weeks ago where they literally pulled direct footage of him saying Sandy Hook was a false-flag operation. They double down harder than ever and cry about "Alex was attacked WAHHH! He was out of context! It's a media hit job!" You can't win with logic.

>He would never be able to debate his points against someone without a team of writers and a teleprompter
Are you too dumb to realise what you just said applies to the most of the TV personalities and politicians?

>because she actually has well thought out and researched ideas.

I'm waiting for you to post that Oliver Sup Forums copypasta about psychology. You sound mad enough to have that one saved.

I remember just doing a cursory reading after the fracking story and seeing all the manipulations and shoddy work that went into the segment. I'd recommend rewatching that and reading into the particular case with an open mind.

I used to be a depressed transexual frog. Then I tried Super Male Vitality. Now I'm a red-blooded American with 22" pythons who crushes the skulls of bankster elites and shreds globalist Satanists with pure unadulterated truth and integrity. Thank you, Alex!

I'm sure you have plenty of evidence to back that up.

>there's just alll these manipulations and shoddy work you know???
>I won't prove it though just...Urgh! I can't even!

If you are retarded enough to even suggest that tracking is a good thing, you need to kill yourself.


Strictly speaking he still falls other comedy/political commentator rather than being like Cenk who is straight up a political commentator.

Except for issues such as Isreal, Shapiro is an excellent debater who I don't believe anybody could win, it was beautiful seeing him destroy piers morgan but then again anyone winning piers morgan is enjoyable.

Shapiro just gishgallops a bunch of non-corrrlative shit that looks like an argument when you string it along. He's a conservative PR talking head going for the "fast talking smug, no shits given" persona conservatives think is smart and convincing, since they already know their arguments suck.


>she actually has well thought out and researched ideas

John Oliver is a political mouthpiece for you know who.

NO ONE, and I mean absolutely NO ONE had ever heard of him in the UK before he went to the US and bent over for the long dick of (((them)))

He'll say whatever his masters want him to say, just look at him. He has no fucking spine...or chin.

I can't believe Americans are so stupid to eat it up because he has the accent. How fucking moronic are the viewers of this show?

Also, I'm no fan of Jones either, but the reason Jones sells his product and does what he does, is because he doesn't have big funding and a national fucking TV show. He doesn't have a safety net like this pseudo-intellectual bottom does.

How the fuck would a guy like Alex Jones eat if he didn't sell some shit? HOW?! You think fuckers are gonna hire him on a TV show? Or at a big time radio station? No! He has to do it himself... John
Oliver purposefully skips over important aspects of every "story" he does. He's peak virtue signalling, none of his actions are altruistic. He's fucking vermin

I hate John Oliver and everything he represents so much that I also hate anyone who likes this fucking cunt

Oh look, a variation of the "nobody heard of him in the UK" pasta.

>a well-adjusted Englishman

He's a Brummy cunt.

But the audience from Alex Jones would never watch this segment so what is the point in making it except having liberals jerking themselves feeling enlightened by le currentyear guy ?

you sound upset.

ye but why u mad tho?

Poor Alex, thank God people are buying his shit or he'd be back to selling matches on the street to afford some heat in the winter.

because literally no one outside of us watches john and his garbage 'humour'

>hit emmy-award winning show on HBO in its 4th or 5th season.
>nobody watches.
You sound delusional, bud.

This is like "HEALTH INSURANCE" posting.

I would love to just talk about virtue signaling on Sup Forums with one of the Sup Forumstards.


How is that bad? I don't get it.

>REMINDER: No matter how hard John Oliver tries to be funny,
>No matter how many genius comedy writers he has writing his script
>He will never be as funny as Alex's impromptu rants.

Is that the guy whose wife divorced him and took his children and he admitted his whole show is him pretending to be retarded? Kek

everyone already knew about AJ you retards

Well, he's not trying to be.

>because my post has naughty swear words in
Just how sensitive are you faggots?

The guy isn't funny, its pseudo-intellectual wankery for people who think they're smarter than everyone else. It's like Reddit: The TV show.

>Awards mean anything
Noose yourself up, you worthless fucking idiot

Are you just pretending to be stupid, or are you seriously fucking retarded?

Wow, you really proved to me that you aren't mad.


nice try Soros

they literally do when the argument is "nobody watches this show". Clearly, enough people watch to throw awards at it.

I think the point is that he's showing it just to show it.
It's bad karma.

That's the funniest part. Alex isn't even trying to be funny but he will make you laugh harder than any fucking joke John Oliver could tell you.

What happened to Tomi?

>claims to support traditionalism
>wears jean shorts so tight they spread her pussy lips
what did she mean by this?

Alex Jones is far more entertaining.

>people unironically agree with all this.
Let that sink in.

(originally conceived on a Sup Forums thread #79089360)

True, like the Russia collusion conspiracy theory.

>haha wow one of his guys says that immigrants cause disease like wow how could he say that

Faded into obscurity like most of these new firebrands after the election high died.

>they literally do when the argument is "nobody watches this show". Clearly, enough people watch to throw awards at it.

Are you dumb ? A bunch of jews in the Emmy jury selects which show get awards, it's not 'the people watching it', 'Crazy Ex Girlfriend' has gotten emmys, nobody outside the emmy jury watches it, it has incredibly terrible ratings even by CW standards.

Bill Nyes netflix show is nominated for an emmy for their sex junk episode.

Nice whataboutism. Nobody was talking about that.

Doesn't mean it isn't a valid point.

>they literally do when the argument is "nobody watches this show"
Who said that? People obviously watch it, if you read my post I specifically stated people watch it.
And awards do mean nothing. Absolutely nothing to anyone except people like you of course (worthless cunts with sub 90 IQ's impressed by shiny objects)

Keep watching your mental masturbation TV show with your role model John "No chin" Oliver all you want, you fucking pseud, I don't care either way

Fucking DRUMPFSSHDF and everyone he's associated and has ever been associated with are all like soooooooo stupid right guys like i'm so smuch smarter than them because i regurgitate everything i've ever seen as if gospel right guys hehehe

Absolute conspirakino

Even people who agree with her don't want to watch a 20-year-old pipsqueak with a shrill voice rant for 10 minutes at a time about "snowflakes."

oh right, I forgot where I was for a second.

I agreed with you about conspiracy theories.

Fake news. Immigrants only cause smiles and rainbows.

Fucking shit, dude. You are so mad. Go outside, take a walk. Relax.

It is true though, and also a little strange, the only other comedian I can think of who wasn't big in the UK before he made success in the US that I can think of is Craig Ferguson

>John "No chin" Oliver

I don't get it.

People watched the Bill Nye show too, buddy.

Man, I wish I saved the screencap of someone explaining how Oliver et al. engineer their material by not providing criticism, per se, but by reinforcing the idea of certain things are to be laughed at by appeal to ridicule then followed by breaks for laughter.

It was better expressed by the person than I am.

>lauren southern
Fucking what? She's a girl with a fully functioning baby factory.

>comparing 13th dimensional vampire globalists and false flag psy-op school shootings.
>to a real investigstion into digital tampering by a foreign government, which is a real world thing that does happen to other countries.
>these are the same.
Come on.