Why the fuck does Lena Headey get naked in every other movie she does but uses a body double for GOT...

why the fuck does Lena Headey get naked in every other movie she does but uses a body double for GOT? like she got naked for a movie called zipper and that was super recent and i can forgive the shame scene cuz she was pregnant but why use a double for last night's scene?

makes no sense

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also why wold she pick an ugly skinny af girl for her double

I'd guess that Heady doesn't have an issue with being naked, it's prolly a money or contract issue. Maybe Dany got a nice bonus for getting naked in the first few episodes, and then they asked Headey to get naked and she's like "it's not in my contract, but if you pay me what Dany got paid then I'll do it" and HBO was like "fuck that, we have big CG Dragons to pay for, how about we pay some slut 1/8 the amount your asking and we'll just paste your face on her, sound good?" And Heady was like "whatevs, you cheap pricks".

Cause her ass is as busted as someone fucked by Dragon cocks everyday

u dont get paid extra for nude scenes. its same as shooting a scene with clothes on

She's old and saggy now.

>being this retarded
they are both payed the same. and it has nothing to do with nudity.

Then why would Dany get paid the same based on acting skill?

I'd rather have seen her naked with long hair but not now.

She is old and not attractive without her clotes. Nobody wants to see that. HBO wants us to think there's some quality meat under those dresses.

don't care, i would french kiss her every orifice with passion all day every day even if they were filled to the brim with a dead mans cum


Shut up you dumb faggot

Actresses have been known to negotiate for more money to do a nude scene. In this case though maybe it's just a contract thing, maybe Headeys contract says no nudity? Why would she go nude if it's not in her contract and she's not getting paid to do so?

For her fans?

What the fuck kind of CG is this? It looks like she has Barbie doll arms and her head is way too big for that body.

Because in the past she was just some slut.
Now she's a mother and will not show off her damaged used goods C section scar and swollen nipples.

>>Actresses have been known to negotiate for more money to do a nude scene.

Yeah dumb actresses. You either do it or not. If you don't they will cast a stunt. It's no biggie to them.

HOWEVER, ff you try and leverage more money for a nude scene (which is against the SAG guidelines and they won't support you if they hear about you doing that) you are just literally a whore and should be doing porn. You'll also massively damage your reputation in the industry because Hollywood guess what? Is a small world.

It's because of these, you fucking retards

The point is, that if it's not in an actresses contract to do nudity in the first place they can't just change their mind and make her do a nude scene, they would have to re-negotiate her contract, understand?

Women are all thots.
All women are thots.

Covered in tatoos

I don't believe you've ever seen an actor's contract in real life, otherwise you'd know how stupid that statement was.

Tattoos suck, what a waste

they're good in the case that you think "that chick will bang me a few drinks in"

Not an argument.

Type properly or fuck off, retard

>covered in shit tier tattoos

literally why

fuck sakes why

I wonder why retards get tattoos that are too large with color in them since their color eventually fades away leaving a mark that looks like a shit stain on your skin for the rest of your life

Yes, they are all retarded...and pathetic virgins lashing out at a great actress.

who gives a fucking shit? She's old and busted, and as you said she's naked everywhere anyways.

She read the books and doesn't think GoT is worth to go nude.

She is not wrong.



Gay post tbqh.

alright, show some proof.

How come virgins gets so mad about tattoos and weed? It's like they associate them with the people who picked on and alienated them.

faded tattoos look cool, at least thats what girls say about mine

Tattoos are objectively a bad decision. Weed is still up in the air, mostly because most people can't manage their addiction, not because weed in itself is that bad.

>being afraid of needles


>m-my tattoos are really cool, a-anyone who disagrees must be a VIRGIN, y-yeah that's it...

Good question

Because she already appeared nude with that body, it would make no sense if she suddenly had much smaller tits and ass.

>being this dense
jesus christ its not about the needles you fucking moron its about permanently getting stupid shit on your body


That makes sense, but is it really cheaper to get a body double than just erase the tattoos digitally or with makeup?

nice strawman, easier to talk about how cool you are enduring some toddler level pain instead of permanently marking yourself with the equivalent of scribbles from a legal pad just because thinking is hard.

Tattoos look bad on women, there is no debate about that. Not a virgin.

I don't really care but when you're an actor it can get in the way of your role, like in this case.

I'd like tattoos if they weren't typically associated with trashy behavior. Maybe I should just get myself a qt tribal gf or something.

Soon the retirement homes will be full of grannys with tramp stamps.

damn no wonder i thought she looked good nude this episode

Because the character Cersei has bigger tits then Headley.

>niggerfucker tattoo

>Logic and consistency in Game of Thrones


Because she is covered in tatoos.

No one would even care outside of /GoT if Cersei inexplicably showed up with tattoos.



Fucking wasted.
Women are retarded

I think she looks pretty hot tbqhf
in a trashy way

The only good tattoos are the ones that are minimalistic and symbolic.


CG costs the time of a a graphics designer.
Nude body double costs the time of a whore.
While it's not as big a difference as you'd think, it is cheaper to just get some dumb slut to get naked for a camera.

There was a time when HBO had a policy against body doubles. That were the good times.

if by good you mean least bad

like this

Are you lost? There are forums specifically for blacks to talk to each other you know.

lack of creativity
the second sentence of your post
and an inability to commit to something that reminds them of their mortality

No, there's professional grade make up to hide tattoos - cheapest costs 8 bucks for a big jar ...

She wanted it in her contract from day 1

>The only good tattoos are the ones that show your blood type in case of an accident


disgusting trashy whore

no wonder they use a normal human for shoots of the body


I was gonna fuck her but now I won't!!
Fucking RUINED, women are retarded!!!


>people can't there addiction
>spends hours upon hours on Sup Forums

Thanks doctor

HBO doesn't pay her enough.

Since nobody gave a decent answer, it's not tatoos (they can be covered up by make up) she had a kid in 2011 and that makes your boobs droop. The only nude scene she's done after that is for that political thriller and was pretty covered, brief, not full frontal and very 'female friendly'.

She says in this


that she didn't go nude in the shame scene because she didn't want to be angry or some shit.

Also she seems like a bit slaaaay queeen, but also like an ok person.

The virgins responding with tears to this image, fucking priceless. No wonder you faggots are universally laughed at.

But real talk, it would have to be cheaper just to digitally remove her tattoos then get some whole other bitch as a body double. There has to be a different reason.

Her tattoos look beautiful. I'm glad to continue laughing at the assblasted virgin faggot nuns in this thread - you guys are a fucking joke lol!

literally 5 minutes of makeup hides those

tattoos are no concern

Maybe they don't want to do it and prefer CGI.


have you ever seen girls? its sloppy ass and pancake tits left and right.

anyone got that dunham webm?

>Is this desperate, has no standards whatsoever
And you have the balls to call anyone a virgin? Lmao.

>dunham webm?
please no


Literally because she had a son a couple of years and said she didnt want to do nude scenes anymore because shes a mother now.

hot af

>pancake tits left and right
so much this

You know how you see a girl with nice, perky tits and ass and you think, nice, I wanna tap that. When you manage to do so, you discover that the ass is kind of meh and her tits are in no way what they looked like in any shape or form with clothes... and then it hits you that bras are the most deceitful thing ever. I mean, you still enjoy them and whatnot, but holy shit if you see a woman with like nice perky B cups, under that theres a woman with small, almost flat breasts.

She doesn't want autist nerds to see her naked.
Same reason girls are OK with their shit hanging out then they pull up their shirt when you walk in the room.

>lack of creativity

This entire post reeks of insecurity and lack of proper education.