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fire and ice edition

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Do you think Bran spies on Sansa in the tub?


why is the fat fuck so slow?

How come Tyrion never sought revenge on Littlefinger for framing him as hiring Bran's assassin?

theon is and always will be /ourguy/

>Your father burnt my grandfather

tfw Jon finds out his grandfather burnt his other grandfather alive

>Danny keeps saying "I'm not like my father!!"
>The first thing out of her mouth to anyone she meets is "I HAVE 3 DRAGONS, IT IS MY RIGHT TO RULE OVER THE 7 KINGDOMS, I DESERVE IT! MINE MINE MINE!"

Does she not understand she sounds like a madwoman?

be patient user

>actually wanting the books

retard both show and books suck ass. at least with show we're gonna get some conclusion. fat fuck needs to die. fat fuck fat fucking fuck

So the people of Westeros can make

>elevators that can reach the Wall
>greek fire that's even more deadlier
>frankenstein zombies
>huge multistory libraries with huge astronomical equipment
>a shitload of other late medieval inventions like plate armour

But can't make gunpowder. They just can't mix charcoal, brimstone and horse shit, right?

Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright

10th for Ser Twenty of House Goodmen and his brother, Ten of House Goodmen

Imagine how D&D came up with Mel's dialogue about bringing Ice and Fire together.




If you can't think of numerous reasons on your own why writing a massive novel could take far, far longer than expected or desired, you've never done anything creative in your life and you lack imagination.

You don't understand. He spies on every tub. And not only on every tub, but every tub that has ever existed. He literally has no choice.

Your brother is half the man you are!

Remember when we had fun?

Why is metagross a kingsguard now?



Firearms would make the story boring because they're the great equalizer.

No heroes and kangz when any peasant with a pistol or rifle can kill you with a bullet through the chest.

You now remember how Stannis held Storm's End for like months during Roberts Rebellion

nowadays it takes 10 minutes to take the GREATEST castles of Westeros,

he sure was lucky he lived back in the olden days

Theon is who we'd all be if we were born into a great house.


desu gunpowder was made from pure chance by an autistic chink.

people have done much more in less time.

She's much hotter on the right. That romulan look really turns my crank.

this guy is supposed to be a bad guy and we're supposed to cheer for his death?

>actual armor instead of shitty leathers
I miss seasons 1-3 lads

Just how badly did Robb fuck up by saving Qyburn and letting Talisa tend to his wounds?

preston ,you're funny videos are not fucking funny. Kill yourself you fucking beta white male that had to settle for gook used gooks.

honestly one of the best things about this season so far.

Mark Polo hasn't made his journies to Yi Ti yet.

>"Duuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrr! Why did you run away like an idiot instead of fighting and killing yourself like an idiot?"
I can't believe based Euron is of the same breed of these lot. Ironborns are retards.

what do you guys think her asshole looks like when you give her buns a punch?

dabid is the one on the right
stupid fuck

yeah leave George alone! he's working so hard going to conventions and eating pizza while blogging about football. you clearly don't know the artistic mind like I do! unnngh I love slobbering on GRRM's balls urrrgh

Realistically, only two people can have the Iron Throne.
- Sansa, the only living Stark that can have children.
- Jaime, the only living Lannister who can have non-manlet children.

Daenerys can't have kids, there is no dynasty.
Jon Snow is officially a bastard.
Bran is a retard. Tyrion is a manlet.

No one else alive has any kind of name or clout to even lay claim to the throne.

I don't mind the castles being taken in 10 minutes because plot is more important than 35 minute fight scenes like the battle of the bastards.

Unfortunately the plot sucks so we're screwed lads.

I hope the series ends with all the major houses dying.

No, it's actually a meta thing. GoT is actually a fever dream by Billy Bones who's been marooned on the Treasure Island.


Even if you prefer the TV Series over the book you really need to admit that they are now just pandering the fanbase.

>Melisandrei Fire and Ice Comment
>"Shall we begin" "I'm the Ruler of the 7 kingdoms"
>Cersei torturing the Viperas.
>How Grandma killed his son

Its literally went from "Hmmm it would be kinda cool if this happened" to "LOL SELF REFERENCE, PRO-THINKING QUOTES" etc


George refuses to write unless he's in his study at his house. He's never in his study in his house because he says yes to every type of media request he gets.

You're forgetting right by conquest. If you take over the 7 kingdoms then you're king. It's how kings are started in the first place.

So was that loyalists or wurons ships, as they said two ships survived
>implying they'll keep to R+L=J rather than it being Robert's bastard making him rightful king of the north and of westeros

How is that any different from the Starks or Tullys wanting their homes back?


>sending a tiny portion of her army with her most valuable fighters to the enemy stronghold across the entire fucking continent and holds no tactical advantage and also in close proximity to the homebase of the viking pirates who have been known to fuck up ships in the area throughout history
>I don't want any bloodshed

What exactly was the goal here?

Why didn't Olenna just teleport her army to Dragonstone before they were attacked?

>Jon Snow is officially a bastard.
[citation needed]

the problem isn't realistic amount of episodes to take castles

the problem is that D&D are bored of the show and want to finish 2 gigantic books in 14 episodes because they're hacks and are rushing through it

We should have had 10 seasons at least, with showrunners who actually care

do you also not understand master and commander by any chance?

Because teleporting is a Sup Forums gimmick

/got/ is too stupid to understand sliding timescales

What plot? Grey worm sex scenes? Dany standing looking stupid staring into the distance?

T. Guy who hasn't read renaissance history and the SIEGE OF 1527

Yes but whoever takes them has to hold them.

The series can't end with Daenerys on the throne and no possibility of children or a succession, that's not even a resolution.

Daenerys will not be queen in the end. She cannot be.

Does he at least have a small penis? I need something to not feel so emasculated by him.

Because she isn't laying her claim in a logical manner. Everyone instantly associates her with her father, and her response is "I HAVE THE RIGHT TO THE 7 KINGDOMS!!!!" That isn't going to fill anyone with confidence.

You're really good at this leading thing, my queen.

Daenarys CAN have kids. What makes you think otherwise?

>Jon Snow is officially a bastard.

when we have a weddng flashback scene he's not gonna be a bastard

>Daenerys can't have kids, there is no dynasty.

who said she can't have kids? you? you have no power, d&D has

oh, what's that? that doesn't make any sense? welcome to the world of game of thrones retard

what a dumb fucking faggot you are. kill yourself

> no possibility of children




So guys, does she like it gentle or rough ?

All the cool characters are dead already, with the exception of Jaime, who's only dead on the inside.

>plebs don't understand why Bran acts like that

>Qyburn’s words were terse and to the point, Cersei’s fevered and fervent. Come at once, she said. Help me. Save me. I need you now as I have never needed you before. I love you. I love you. I love you. Come at once.
>Vyman was hovering by the door, waiting, and Jaime sensed that Peck was watching too. “Does my lord wish to answer?” the maester asked, after a long silence.
>A snowflake landed on the letter. As it melted, the ink began to blur. Jaime rolled the parchment up again, as tight as one hand would allow, and handed it to Peck. “No,” he said. “Put this in the fire.”

>the great equalizer
Soldiers used to fight with swords up until WWI. You can still be a kickass hero.


Gentle from Lannisters

Rough from everyone else

She likes teh finger in teh bum

She cannot have kids, it's been made clear.
She even knows it herself.

She likes it roughly in the bum with a gentle finger in her cunt.

>showing footage of a battle while you do a voiceover explaining the plan of the battle
>fake out
>show the actual footage of the battle while you do a voiceover of the actual plan of the battle
There is no greater trope in television or film.

no one likes it gentle, that's a meme

Why won't the White Walkers just walk through here? The river is probably frozen during winter.

>he hasn't read the leaks
>he thinks Dany will stay barren


Besides Daenerys and once-revealed Jon, Tyrion may as well sit on the Iron Throne as a Lannister, with Sansa by his side.
In fact, it could be quite possible he's counting on it. He's far too smart to let Daenerys waste her advantages like that. She's basically defeated atm, except for the dragons


If you told me just three years ago that I will wish the show got cancelled instead of getting what we have know, it'd be the last thing in the world I'd believe. Goddamn I just hope this doesn't embitter my good memories of the first seasons, or rewatches.

I think most of us are just here to see how things turn out now, sick to death of the hold this shit show has over me

>I am loSexy of Borg
>resistance is futile

And people have done much less in more time. Your point? There's a ton of variables, it isn't just a direct correlation between words and time.

Jaime has been dead ever since the kikes decided to roll back his character redemption arc in favour of the bad poussy of Cersei

who could be behind this post?

no other serious book author of such hits has ever been so fucking slow at his job

>tfw you will never get an ASoIaF adaptation resembling pic related

Same mistake Hitler did

>Attacking Stalingrad and getting bogged down there instead of pushing past it befor Winter hit

>bran wakes up from his coma and everything was a dream like rick in the walking dead

>Daenerys can't have kids, there is no dynasty.

There was the whole scene in season 1 with that witch that made her abort the child. Then she burned the witch, came the dragons. I'm sure they mentioned she is infertile.

>Dragons are my kids now.

I wonder how many thousands of potential Lannister/Tyrell/Unsullied soldiers died in the last 10 minutes of that episode.

that's the gorge, there's a bridge there called the bridge of skulls

Probably a steep ravine

if a new book came out tomorrow and i never read a single one would i be lost if i picked it up and read it?

>Sansa is perfectly happy to let Bran take over ruling Winterfell

What the fuck is this shit, where is the female empowerment?

euron is like a symbolic farewell to good viewership
the perfect way to end this shitshow

why does Sup Forums act like >le alpha don't care mr. cool guy when it comes to got?

this episode was great, and even if you don't like particular episodes the quality of the show is far superior to other tv shows.