Do you think it bothers her being typecast?

Do you think it bothers her being typecast?

no, she's used to it. she knows her tits are the only reason she's famous.

Considering her voice could strip paint, I'm sure she's aware that her tits are the foundation of her career.

tbqh she's ugly in the face, her tits are fat, and she's out of shape overall

>tbqh she's ugly in the face

humungous lips, eyes like lakes and luxurious hair

she's the ultimate jewfu in every physical way

Typecasting all the way to the bank.

Tits aside I still think she's attractive.

I don't think so

>$4 million for bags of sand

Really makes ya think

I hate her smug face.

>1.64 m

She's a woman. The equivalent would be

do you think it bothers her when all men want to do is cum buckets on her huge jewbs?

Her tits and her (((acting ability)))

also nice get

shes a jew though. tits are the second reason, but they aren't natural tits, she only got them cause she's fat which is not a good quality.

She was designed for it like all those big titted sultry jewesses

>but they aren't natural tits, she only got them cause she's fat

saggy disgusting fat bitch tits are the worst kind of tits

Everyone with tits is a disgusting fatty

not sure if joking or sarcastic or just retarded

Her entire 'talent' consists of two big tits, so no, I don't think it bothers her.


Nigger are you ever not posting waifu related horseshit? Neck yourself.

>you will never have talent let alone two
feels bad man

i want a pale titty monster jewish gf so bad lads

not on your life goy--er i mean guy

>this will never be real

I think the point of his post was that unnatural and got tits because of fat are contradictory statements.


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