Got a date for the first time in my life

>got a date for the first time in my life
>suggested we see Dunkino, seeing it tomorrow
Did I do good?

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Reviewbrah is too pure for this world.

No, never take a girl to a movie on the first date. Or a dinner. Do something active you Autist

this, sorry OP you dun goofed

Why not? Seems like a good idea

Dinner is fine because you can talk. Cinema is fine if you do something else first that lets you talk. Women love talking

just take her home and put on some movie and then touch her vajaja

because you spend two hours sitting next to each other saying nothing.

Going to a movie on a first date is a cliche because it has it's uses. It gives the two of you something to talk about initially to get comfortable with one another before broadening out the conversation.

>autists advising autists on not being autistic

why does he have to keep moving bros?

>Reviewbrah is actually a serial killer
>"I just have to keep moving."

1: I highly doubt most girls would like Dunkirk
2: You have go to a restaurant afterwards, or else the date will be a fail

Chasing the flavour

Nothing wrong with a movie for a first date, but you fucked up asking her to mankino she won't appreciate

Last year he went crazy because he thought he was being gang stalked

>Taking a chick to a movie on a first date.
>Taking a chick to a movie she's going to be bored by and just spend the whole swiping through tindr setting up her next date while you just sit there like a cuck

Much like the British as they fled the continent with their tails between their legs, not your finest hour

Went on a first date on Friday to see Kino Driver and we're official as of today. You do you, OP.

>You do you
I think he's trying to do her.

Should have watched Baby Driver at least there is a romance part she can relate to

It's fine, just do something first, meet up a bit earlier so you can chat and get to know each other

A movie is fine...Don't listen to these long as dinner follows. You'll have guaranteed conversation that should lead organically into further conversation.

That being said, Dunkirk is probably pretty heavy subject matter for a first date.

No, it should be after the movie so that they can talk about it.

Tell her to come to your house. She will eventually start rubbing her hand on your weener pants area of your pajamas. This means she wants your weener. After that just let her fondle your weener or whatever


ITT: bunch of dweebs who've never been a date in their lives attempt to give dating advice

Idk, saw the movie today with my gf and she loved it

If you aren't making out for 80% of the movie, your movie date is a failure. Keep that in mind.

I agree with this. While Dunkirk might be a little heavy for a first date, it should be fine.

Also if it doesn't go to plan, it sets you up perfectly for the next one. Think of it as a process.

>tfw 27yo touchless virgin
>asked a girl on a date once
>had to repeat myself before she gave me her number
>she never replied to me

No, it's absolutely not fine. Females are known to hate war movies. He should have brought her to Baby Driver or The Emoji Movie.


If she gets scared that will most likely work in his favour

but he doesn't know her though that is the difference it's called a first date for a reason

>tfw trying 2 show off 2 a qt Korean chick
>take her out for sushi since i've seen her eating it alot
>i spit out the 1st roll onto her plate

idk how you gooks do it that shit is disgusting

Yeah but I'm attractive, confident, funny, and I already know her and know she likes me so it doesn't really matter does it?

You should be able to do pretty much anything (within reason) on a first date, otherwise you have no chemistry

I've seen Dunkkirk nothing scary about it in fact she might feel swooned by Big Cock Tom Hardy and then you have harry styles in the movie too. after seeing those two shes gonna imagine being with a chad instead of a dweeb like the odds are not in your favour user

Chad after he takes your girl away

>tfw took a qt Japanese girl to see Hacksaw Ridge on our first date
It was awkward as hell and she was crying but she swears she actually enjoyed the movie though.

Minigolf you dumb shit

She knows her place keep that hoe breh

Go to a better sushi restaurant you faggot.

Nah, I was handsome at one point and had lot's of dates, many that led to relationships. Now, I'm a depressed drunk on Sup Forums. We aren't all BORN losers, user.

Brave of you to pick the low-hanging fruit, though, tough guy.

Except women aren't as shallow as you think

like what, go to the park and play with a frisbee?

You have to be over 18 to post here


Man, I am a drunk.

You won't know until you have your date. Despite what other kissless autists on here will say, there's nothing wrong with a cinema date being your first one. It's how I met my boyfriend. We've been together strong for over a year now.

Because he is a reviewer for the Michelin guide, as such he needs to always be moving in order to fulfill his extensive dining schedule.

He really was though.

Some dude from here (I think /r9k/) actually stalked him, breaking into his house and stealing pictures. He even mentions that in the middle of a review the dude pulled up next to him and just filmed him as he sat talking.

>Sup Forums autist reacts to negative reaction of a girl after seeing a zack snyder DC movie together

must be gold

Keep telling yourself that

That wouldn't surprise me. He seems like he's capable of it.
Mentions where?

This is why you're alone.

>Making out during an IMAX 70mm showing of Dunkino

But the movie is hyped by the normies and she could surprise him. It's not the best 1st date movie but certainly not the worst. In all fairness i expected my gf to not like it.


t. watched with my girl and she literally fell asleep half the time and the other half she was cuddling with me. she's pretty smart too, but her female anatomy overrode any interest in history when watching this film.

Women like being treated like shit they see it as a challenge exactly why alot of women think they can change the 'bad boy' except they'll just be pumped and dumped.


>23, kissless virgin
>first ever date
>meet at bar
>start with jokily talking about the weather and stuff, then go onto music, and then the conversation flows naturally
>after a few hours we go to to a restaurant
>after that, we walk around holding hands
>eventually I push her against a wall and we start making out
>there are still people around so I suggest we go somewhere more secluded
>go to a park
>continue making out; I slide my hand up her skirt and feel wetness
>look her in the eyes
>"oh to hell with romance and old fashion values. I'm going to fuck you tonight"
>"Please fuck me"
>she slides her panties down and I fuck her on the floor
>cum inside her

The lads have told me I was a true alpha that night and yet I don't know where it came from. All I can think is that I tapped into my true "primal" side instead of overthinking everything

>1 hour of smoky beaches
>30 minutes of war
>30 minutes of bombs dropping
>10 seconds of women characters
>no woman would ever enjoy this


Good philosophy. I'm sure you'll live happily ever after.

You had me until here
>>"oh to hell with romance and old fashion values. I'm going to fuck you tonight"
>>"Please fuck me"

He's not wrong.

Yeah iktf. Lost it a year ago at 21. To anons who want to know the secret, you have to hold hands first, interlock fingers, tease her hand with your own. It gets girls so fucking horny. The rest is obvious, follow the four bases.

This is why I recommend a date at an outdoor mall first. Halfway through you go like "are your hands cold? Let me feel them :)" and the rest is easy

Only women with daddy issues like being treated like that

Way to avoid getting laid Op, you gigantic virgin faggot.

Stop with this meme, tv/ spouting dating advice like they have any idea.

I went to a science museum and dinner at CA Pizza Kitchen on the first date with my qt gf

went breddy gud

Dude, it was even wilder than that. I was talking about angering God and my desire for greatness and such. Was some Shakespearen shit

my gf and I made out during Pirates of the Carribean and some shitty alien abduction flick a few months ago. Last week we went to see Spiderman and I made a point to actually watch the movie

I'm not paying 25 dollars to do something I can do in the parking lot after the show

>tfw 27yo touchless virgin

Just how does this even happen?

>Going to a movie for a date
wow come on dude
you stare at a fucking screen for two hours
why would you think that's a good activity to get to know someone

Go and see Valeria or whatever it's called, first dates are ok if it's a shit film you can both take the piss out of it.

nigga i do all-you-can-eat sushi at least once a month. shit is amazing

reply to this thread and brah will come to you in your dreams

I'm sure everyone has already said this but, you fucked up.

Went on a first date to see Nymphomaniac part 1. It went good, turned out she was a freak.
Best 2 years of sex of my life.

>Dude, it was even wilder than that. I was talking about angering God and my desire for greatness and such. Was some Shakespearen shit

please tell me you're joking

Yeah don't take her too see a movie. Instead bring her to dinner, talk to her and try to understand who she is as a person. Then when you go to drop her off at home follow her into her apartment and rape and mutilate her followed by scattering her body parts in several locations, preferably with a minimum of 5 miles between each said part

My first date was to a restaurant and then a bar.

Girls love movies.

>tfw took a qt Jewish girl to the Holocaust Museum in DC

Dating is so fucking degenerate I refuse to ever do it

Wow how can I be as badass as you

This desu
It's a good pick after a few dates, and certainly a good pick once you're going steady, but not ideal for a first date. Not TERRIBLE, but there are definitely better options.

my gf liked it and she hates everything except comedies and romance movies

Wanna know how I know you're under 18?

But did you take her to it for your first date?


I'm a kissless virgin and I thought everone knew not to got see a movie for the first date. You're supposed to get to know each other not stare at a screen for hours.


You're so close to understanding women but also really far off

Grill won't like Dunkirk because it's a visual poem and not the visual story she expects. She'll say it's dumb and boring and associate you with dumb and boring experience. You goofed. First date at cafe and then nearby art gallery if it's going well.

Don't even bother if you're not a Chad OP the game is rigged

Dinner is objectively the best first date because you can show you're a provider by taking the check and bond over food (one of the best ways to bond with anyone because food makes us happy).