Removing Superman's Mustache From Justice League Is No Easy Task

Hair we go....

Last week it was reported that DC was spending $25 million on reshoots for the upcoming superhero team-up Justice League. However, the most curious news wasn't the cost, it was that Superman actor Henry Cavill will be reshooting his scenes with a full mustache, which will then have to be digitally removed in post-production. Now more details of the process involved have emerged.

"If we were to remove a beard [or mustache], we would have to digitally re-build the actor's face behind the hair mass," he said. "We would need to build a 3D model of the face and then shade the surface of the skin to look realistic. We would then need to track the 3D model to the movement of his head and potentially re-animate his mouth. The amount of lip animation would depend on how much of the original beard occluded his lips. We would need to paint out the parts of the beard that extend beyond his shaven face."

Fleet went on to explain that it can take up to six weeks to edit a moustache out of a one=minute clip. It is unknown how much footage Cavill needs to reshoot, but it goes without saying that many fans will be watching his top lip carefully when the film arrives in November.

Cavill himself also commented on the issue this week, with a jokey post on Instagram. He stated: "There has been no discussion over whether to shave or not to shave for the JL reshoots, simply a relentless campaign to put an end to the seemingly inexorable conquest of this despotic 'stache. It is not a question of IF I should shave--it is a question of how can we possibly be victorious against such a beast without bringing our own doom raining down upon us."

havent they heard of razors?

Why don't they just transplant the mustache hair to his scalp?

I'm in love with Henry, he just has the most beautiful face.

Fucking hell Henry just make love to me already and look in my eyes when you do it.

>implying anything in this is true
>bbbbut muh inside sources

Based DChad

And to top it all off he's a really nice guy IRL.

He's just perfect!


Maybe DC should cast women who are hotter than their men if they want to turn me straight

just give him a fucking beard for reshoots, and then CGI a beard onto to the already filmed scenes. You Fucking Cunts

Just no. Henry is a man of beauty, you cannot deny this.

shit movies

who cares

if you're past the age of 17 and still discussing/speculating/hyping 2 hour commercials for toys, then you need to reevulate your life and start asking yourself "where do I see myself in 5 years"

I thought this was all a joke.

>tfw neither he nor his moustache will mount and destroy your boipucci

feels bad man :(

Please don't ever use that term again, also he's more likely to be the bottom.

How non-secretive they are about Superman being in Justice League really confuses me why the fuck they even bothered killing him in the first place

I came to a similar conclusion after Batman and Robin

>image actually spells it marvelkek
Holy shit lol.

He dies in the comic and comes back. They'll spin it that he's just gone into hiding for a while because he's guilty about a load of shit that happened in BvS and after the beating Batman gave him with those K grenades.

It's so weird. I've never seen anyone on Sup Forums praise a man's looks as much as I have seen them do it for Henry Cavill. There's just something about him.

Even I cannot deny he's pretty handsome, though. He has the look.


A power bottom is more than just a bottom. He generates a tremendous amount of power from the bottom.

Seen it on news comments sites about his movies, but yeah he deserves the praise, he is a stunner.

The death was just a thing to pander to comic book fans and people who like religious parallels. Everyone knows Superman never dies for good.

What else did /ourguy/ INSIDE SOURCE will say about WB!
Very Cool Info

...he said, posting on Sup Forums. on one of the worst boards no less

fucking kek

I wonder what it tastes like

>also he's more likely to be the bottom




It's pretty well known that he's gay m8. He had/has a boyfriend that looks a bit like Dustin Lance Black, but all the pictures of the pair of them got deleted (kissing ones n shit) and he frequents gay clubs (like Jesse Metcalfe) in London but is totally straight.

Look at his interviews with his "girlfriends" he dumps them fast and it's all staged as fuck. He's a "masculine" gay guy that's in hiding.

he needs to do more scenes like this

with colin farrell

Colin isn't attractive and has a very small penis.

I've seen his sex tape and he's just awful

yeah i asked why hes a bottom not if hes gay ya fucking idiot. that doesnt explain why hes a bottom.

Fuck off faggot, there's literally nothing wrong with wanting to service Henry's cock

Because he's overcompensating with his masculinity, most gay guys that do that tend to be vers/bottoms.

ok then how about

idris elba

Nah, only Henry does it for me.

you sound like a bitchy queen. that still doesnt make him the bottom, his bf could be the bottom.

fucking THIS!


no i meant, if henry had to do a gay sex scene, what other actor/actors would you cast?

michael fassbender?

>you sound like a bitchy queen. that still doesnt make him the bottom, his bf could be the bottom.
Nah, just observant.

Literally wrong on both accounts.


Tom Hiddleston

The one where he's having a threesome? He has a tiny circumcised dick. It's off putting as hell.

Go away.

Why get rid of it at all? Superman always looked better with facial hair.

colin is that you bb?

>no beard and longer hair when he finally comes back

This movie gonna suck.

i would have agreed with you were this pre-taylor swift, now i just cant look at tom the same way anymore :(

>The one where he's having a threesome

No you stupid faggot.

It takes barely a few days for a mustache to grow back. Maybe a couple weeks if you want it to be big. Why in God's name could he not shave it off? Even if it's for Mission Impossible or another movie, why couldn't they get makeup artists for that shoot to stick a goddamn fake mustache on his face? Is this a joke that I'm not picking up on? Is this real?

>comics and comic book movies
>toy commercials

Really though ?

>A few days

He has low test

i bet that tashe feels nice on the pussay/cock/butthole. imagine his tongue darting in and out.


Hi Colin! You're ugly, deal with it.

Yeah that Taylor shit was horrid and corny as fuck, Fassbender hasn't aged too well.

He looks like a greek statue, hes the perfect male form. Guess thats why he got the part of superman.

yeah you right about fassy. what about christian bale x henry scene? or robert downy jr, he seems a lil gay.

>It is unknown how much footage Cavill needs to reshoot

But we'll click-bait the shit out of it anyway.

Bale not so much and not Robert Downy Jr. Could you imagine having sex with Henry? He's a God, his good looks are intimidating, you'd be all self conscious and shit being around him.

Sean O'Pry maybe but he's not really an actor.

His dick is pretty decent sized though.

How about just let him keep the fucking mustache.

he can reshoot all over my face.

Hnnng don't.

Get in line!

well you maybe, i wouldnt. but from a film point of view, should we cast a manly guy to fuck with him or a twink for him to top?

personally i would choose hugh dancy, hes down for the gay stuff.


Get off my board you flaming faggots

This is all very lewd pls stop.

Once in the flow of it it'd be fine but the build up and flirting would be intimidating as hell.

Twink to top him would be very sexy, who would you chose?

lets share, then we can snowball baby!

im sure daddy cavill has enough for all us lil babbys.


Suck my dick please

hmm i dunno, i dont know any twinky actors. maybe zav efron when he was young?

Why not just let Superman have a beard, win win situation.

He already had one, her name was Kaley Cuoco

>accusing people of being faggots
>on Sup Forums

newfag, we are all faggots on here. and now are you, have some daddy goodness

Agree, he looks hot with a beard too.

Hnnng those eyes though, such a nice color.

He is, something about blue eyes and black hair that is so hot.

>this thread
What the fuck? Why are DC fags so fucking gay?

Because Henry Cavill is enough to turn any man gay.


What about the guy that played Robb Stark? They look similar. A twin off?

Indeed, apparently a study was done about what most people found attractive and the winning combination was blue eyes/dark hair. I like that his eyes are not completely blue.

its a fucking fact everyone is gay for henry. even westbro baptist church is gay for henry. if you are not you are either a liar or have erectile disfunction.


>If only there was an easier way!

i dont watch fag of cucks, post a pic.

We better get an unedited mustache cut of the movie in the Bluray.

Richard Madden

It's a sexy combination that's for certain. Damn.

Imagine what it must feel like to be a major film studio and you have a funny little story like this go viral all on its own.

>tfw henry will never be your geeky hipster boyfriend taking you to coffee shops, art museums, rubbing your feet when you tired and cuddling up under a blanket by the fire on those cold winter nights where you push your rock hard nipples up against his delicately whispy haired man chest and he blushes furiously as he get embarassed by your arousal

why live ;_;

>richard madden

you need to go to specsavers mate he doesnt even look like a 99p knock of version of our lovely henry. the only guy who comes close is matt bomer

He suits shorter hair.

>Wrapping your legs around him as he carries you to the bed and looks down into your eyes stroking your face
We should stop now user.

I just had another look and you're right, there's some scenes in GoT I remember where he did look slightly like him but looking at his pics on google and nope, you're right.

We'd all like to be Henry's friend.

so i just looked up henry cavill doopleganger and this is the first picture to come up why the fuck is it making me laugh so much?!

this desu

>not ADDING the mustache to the scenes where he doesn't have any

you had one job DC


Is it weird I prefer Daddy Ben over Cavill?


You guys are gay

You just KNOW


>Henry in the movie
>Superman is dead
