Domino vs. Valkyrie

Notorious "white" girls. Whou would win?

>"It's a thinly veiled Sup Forums thread" episode
And back to your containment board ya go, Cletus

If I suck my dad's toe every Wednesday at 7:48 P.M. EST, does that make me gay?

Reported for assuming my gender.

Does this mean we get to see domino's big boobs, she looks like she is packing some heat under that vest.

they could atleast get some attractive black ladies these girls are dogs

why is she holding the sword like that, why are women so shit at action?

Wait - Valkyrie is a fucking nigress now?!

Valkyrie is not of completely white ancestry in the movie. Valkyrie is pretending to be Polynesian like Rachel House. That's why she has a non-American accent in the new trailer.

Do not post Sup Forums threads outside Sup Forums.

How the living fuck does a polynesian end up in space?

>a Valkyrie got BLACKED

Disgusting. That's like casting quetzalcoatl as a Norwegian.

because we just accept that if they do black widow spins that they're our equals lmao

>be male
>cant be action role without bulking up
>be 5'3 woman with no muscle definition
>people will accept you as a "bad ass bitch" if you do some retarded "speed over strength" moves with your legs and a dude's neck

>faceless goon standing around
>shot of scarjo running like a girl with a stupid look on her face
>cut to stunt double doing some ridiculous flips
>cut to scarjo crouched in a stupid pose with a stupid look on her face

So niggers get their own movie, but scandi myth movie has to have the space vikings as 1/2 black in number. cultural Marxism everybody.

If you don't like it, then tell your kike buddies to stop forcing niggers into everything.

>give Sup Forums something to complain about
>"Daaaah, I wonder whas going to happen?"

honestly, Domino is pretty hot, but I don't see why they didn't just give her the classic black eye, the contrast would still be there.

So...You don't have a problem with domino looking like a fucking tranny?

Domino? More like Oreo.

Domino looks kinda alright actually, and the actress looks good with expression. The other one is clearly just a shoe-horned nigger, most especially considering Valkyrie fucking nordic lore

>Too afraid to give the character pure white makeup for fear of being called racist
>Let's make her look like she has vitiligo instead!

i'm not really experienced with seeing a lot of trannies, I'm sure you are more of an expert with that, but I think she looks good.

Just needs the classic black eye.

Gross. Too fucking real.


That coon in the thor movie had one line in the entire trailer and she delivered it horribly