Post movie magic

post movie magic

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her feet are like 6 inches from his dick

The dog or the guy?



jane levy is ugly stop comparing her to emma stone


why tarantino is such a perv for feet ?

never been so bored


God, fuck movies.

>the current state of cg

fucking hell
how doing this is better than filming in an actual set?
>but muh super hero styled camera work

why do they keep doing this?

fuck movies

>move all quadrants to sector 515

wtf does that even mean? this movie is retarded


I think that one is order 39



the idea is good and i bet it looked fine in the story board but the execution is so fucking atrocious.

Today I saw Richie's King Arthur
what a fucking waste of a decent director
all that unwanted over the top cgi is capeshit tier

I'm a simple man
All I wanted was another britbong gangasta film
why you have to hurt me like this Guy?

I work for a major vfx studio.


was jackson always a hack?

you do know you're killing the beauty of movies while doing your work right?

damn, those fast and furious movies are insane

depends on the movie.

>the idea is good
It really isn't. This shit has gotten way out of hand, action movies just try to have their heroes do the stupidest thing they can think of now. There is no tension when someone who's supposed to be an ordinary human being can pull off stunts like this because it tells you they are invincible because the movie says so. There's no more ability to forget you're watching a movie and be amazed at the feats of a strong action hero. You're just watching some dumb computer graphics thing wholly disconnected from reality.

we Just Cause 3 now

how cynic are producers about spending each time less and less in cgi? (as in, hulk in avengers, wonder woman and spider man movies)


>the beauty of movies
Most movies use CGI these days.

not that guy but gonna answer anyways: they don't spend less, there's just so much volume (so many shots) that get outsourced to like 10 different effect studios around the world on a short schedule (and not much prep). It shows in the end result.

My uncle works for Hollywood and he says the director insisted on ejaculating into her face to simulate the dog slobbering all over her. In fact, the director's cut is just that scene.


Its like that joke about the dumb blonde actress

I don't work for those big production houses.

It's like this Movies/Tv are big money. They don't care about spending an ass load of money on work.

If they want something. they get it. if it doesn't "work" they scrap it.

Post-production is long / big work. It is always changing.

it can be as little as. change the colour of this actor's suit / re-do their hair / change this object TO. big crowds. CG for just about everything.

every frame of a movie has been altered in some way.

unless it's high privacy then it's all kept in house.

what video game is this from?

Because it's impossible to make gun violence interesting with a PG-13 rating, but they still try anyway.

the fuck do you mean?

At least he still uses practical effects and film. Whatever you think of the guy, his movies actually look like fucking movies.

cgi is as much of a useful and valid tool as the light reflector in any production, is as much as a tool as practical effects, yet excessive and badly used cgi is a corrosive practice in today's film industry

Is this early footage of Just Cause 4?

This scene actually looked pretty cool in 3D.

She's super hot. I hope the horror girl typecast will end soon, i want to see her in other roles

Can i have a job please

nope, that's the sad part.

I was wrong and a fool
forgive my ignorant post sir

>Most movies use CGI these days.

all of them do. It's not ALL CGI. but everything gets altered.

paint outs are most common. set extension.
or even stitching two shots together.
Take 4 combined with Take 5.

hell even speeding up film is a vfx

What the hell movie is this?

its not hard. goto any college that does vfx and learn NUKE.

learn how to roto. get a job doing that. Then get into compositing.
move to a major city.

looks like marvel capeshit

>watching XXX in 3D in theaters
your Sup Forums card has been revoked. Please wait will the 14th of the following month to reapply

>Blind guy cuts a hole on her clothes to reach her pussy
>In the car scene, we see a shot of her as while bending over
>There is no hole.

how useful are visual sketch artists in your field? Is everything done on computers now?

The escalator shootout from the original was a thousand times cooler and more moreinteresting

Daily reminder

final destination something

is this real? wtf

One of the Final Destinations.
4 I think.

depends on the studio. but I'd recommend doing matte painting.

the guy sitting beside me was making story boards with shots from other movies. I was shocked.

he is currently making up story board scenes for a major movie coming out in a few years using after effects.

its not THAT useful

why do you this to me? atleast spoiler it.

Thumbnail made it look like the dude was fucking that dog.

yeah my job would be painting out that green rod.


>and adding CGI all over the prop

>tfw european
>tfw your country's movie industry doesn't produce retarded movies for 13y. olds and attention deficit manchildren
>tfw no comfy job prospects

I didn't know Vin Diesel was part of Channel Awesome

not really. perhaps paintout any seems or rips the prop might have.
they might want some parts darkened. maybe they want dripping blood or goo .

there is CGI rendering and there is basic compositing work.

depends on what the director wants.


t. dissapointed pervert

It's from The Thing 2011, where they completely replaced every puppet with inferior CGI, because market research said people want movies to look like video games or some shit.


99% sure Final Destination 4

never saw the movie heard of this shit.

it really depends. I recently worked on a movie that had a big prop. in the end it just didn't work as well. and they added a bunch of cg to the prop.

it happens. director's minds change. producers. etc.

PROTIP: don't like it . don't watch it. you vote with your dollar.

pretty cool desu

yah this is really good. I haven't see it in a while. but I can estimate

100s of hours went into that 1 shot. not even joking

I honestly can't tell if this is a video game clip or not

How do you do that shit when there's a person's face moving behind whatever's removed, or similar stuff that changes too much to copy from the background or other frames?

>We Uncharted now

I believe they use something like memory based filling and content aware techniques


This actually happened in a movie?

how was this scene achieved

really depends on the shot. but paintouts are truely fucking magic. you have to basically get inventive.

lots of ways to do it. you could .

create a clean plate. so you hold a certain frame. then paintout it out and track it back into the shot. you might have to do 2-5 of these sort of things for certain frame ranges.

you can also sample from previous frames. if the object is moving. .e.g rope rig that they use to pull actors into the air / objects.

it gets complicated at times. and hard to really explain. its like doing the clone stamp tool in photoshop without using photoshop / all its features.

paintouts are an over looked tool that is used in all movies. its very clever work and closet thing to be "movie magic" without any green screen.

you could use photoshop to an extent. but its too long. its all done in NUKE.


I fully stand by that had this not been in slow motion close ups, it might have been cool. If it were just a case of "yeah Elves can do this shit" and over in a few seconds, then all g.

This film made a billion

wtf is this? looks like look def / test more then a movie

literal kinomagic

how have you never seen the work print for wolverine origins?

Total recall remake

I see workprints all day. just not 2009 shit

me in the back

Yeah because that's exactly how it looked on cinemas, dumb ass.

>don't worry, I wasn't actually in any real danger at all!

wkuk is underrated

How much of your work has been outsourced to India and Vietnam?

lots goes out to india. their work sucks and constantly has to be fixed/redone.

but mostly brainless work like roto

Wait, there wasn't REALLY a man in a flying robot suit chasing them with missiles!?