This show is gonna get the Rick and Morty cycle

This show is gonna get the Rick and Morty cycle.

>Everyone obsesses over it and loves it
>Praises it as a breathe of fresh air
>General public over hypes it
>Sup Forums calls it reddit and turns it's back on it

Other urls found in this thread:

>This show is gonna get the Rick and Morty cycle.
>>Everyone obsesses over it and loves it
>>Praises it as a breathe of fresh air
>>General public over hypes it
chan calls it reddit and turns it's back on it
What the fuck is it

Looks pretty reddit

Wow he's touching her ass.
This is the best show.

I can see it already, all the normies drooling all over this shit for being le too random and relatable 20 something's life xDD

Fuck this and anyone who likes it

Is this Regular Show for "adults?"

Pretty much, mixed with some dude acid

why do all these postmodern cartoons for manchildren all look the same?

>breathe of fresh air

Because animation is dead, and studios go for the cheap, soulless"art" like bean heads and noodle arms.

I unironically think it looks pretty good.

>t. normie

It already looks like shit, though.

Reddit show now with hoomanzz
I enjoyed stupidity back in the 2000's like Aqua teen hunger force or Sealab 2021 and mission hill but this thing is trying too hard. Is targeted to a certain type of manchildren audience.

I liked Regular Show... besides when it did the faggy Adventure Time Rick and Morty shift where it suddenly focuses on Muh Smart Emotional Relationship Drama instead of ridiculous cartoon misadventures. If I wanted to see that kind of fag shit I'd watch an HBO show.

Early era Simpsons was very nice, and they threw alot of pic related in as well. Just little micro-vignettes showing fun expressions or whatnot

I hated Rick and Morty from the pilot.

I even gave it another chance and watched an entire second episode which was also awful. The show is not funny. And it infuriates me that people are attributing quotes from Sarte to this shitty cartoon. "We're born without reason live for no purpose and die by accident that's so deep this show is so smart and cerebral omg I've got to share how trendy existentialism is with everyone on facebook!"


I mean Sartre.

Fucking frogs why can't they use the Latin alphabet correctly.

haha sweet reference dude! You have the sickest references and everybody knows that!

>reddit show releases reddit trailer
>reddit show gets released and it's reddit
>redditors love it
>anyone who's not a fucking faggot doesn't like it

is it weird that i knew jason manzoukis would be playing the character he is playing based off how he looks? why do animators make characters look like the people who voice them all the time?

jason fucking mantzoukas deserves better animation

why don't these meme cartoonists even ATTEMPT to differentiate their shows anymore

it's fucking criminal

wow sick tat

>This show is gonna get the Rick and Morty cycle.
Not really because no one knows/cares what this is.

you can still make cheap animation while having a unique style
archer looks different from tom green goes to the mayor looks different from reg show

they CAN do it but they fucking SUCK
bunch of no-talent one-trick-ponies running this industry, probably based off stupid social capital popularity pageant bullshit
>lol me and my bros l i t e r a l l y just drew this HILARRRIOUS cartoon
>yasss we are gonna be soooo popular

tats are cringy and degenerate