Your weekly /got/ reactions :^)

your weekly /got/ reactions :^)

just know who is the audience that watches got ;)

Other urls found in this thread:

You mean people who aren't afraid to leave their moms house and safe space?

Where's Odlaw?

>Call for more diversity in entertainment media
>Have literally no people of color in your sjw nerd meetups

Humanity is the butt of a long cosmic joke

>a fucking PBR on the counter
Remember when it used to be a redneck beer? I fucking hate hipsters.

reminder that numales aren't white

Not everyone's a loser like you, bro

numales aren't human desu

That bar is literally a safe space for SJW hipster cuck nerds. Are you retarded?

They literally allowed themselves to be filmed and posted online open for people to make fun of them. That is the opposite of a safe zone. I sure as shit don't see any of you faggots putting yourselves out there like that, cowards.

post yourself then faggot

jesus christ that's so fucking gay

I miss 2012/2013 when the show was at its peak and normies were only just catching wind of it.

me in the green shirt

Everyone watches GoT dude, it's the most normie show ever

Sorry I don't go to fag ass hipster bars you fag ass. I also don't overreact to shit because a camera is pointed at me. Go back to tumbleddit with your faggotry.

>Sup Forums NEET loser babies with no friends mock going to a bar with friends

u r cute :3

also who dat giant in front doe

stay mad cuck

what cool bars do you go to grandpa

>calls someone a cuck
>is defending a bunch of literal SJW hipster cucks



i can never understand how these people can enjoy the show while artificially acting for the camera they know is pointing at them.

why are americans obsessed with others watching them?

I drink at the Grill N' Chill down there on South Rural Rd.

stop watching conservative eceleb youtubers, it's rotting your brain

>stupid white girl with anime hair
>that lispy hairy faggot at the end
>literally everyone triggers me

Stop going to rddit you cumstain. It's rotting your brain.

what a sausage fest, I bet if I went dressed as a girl I'd get so many free drinks

>not watching shows with your pals
>not having pals
>being found dead in your shithole home because someone reported a foul stench coming from it
>cops, emts, clean up crew laughing at your dead corpse because you didn't have any friends to report you missing and thus sat there rotting
>it's all okay tho because at least you didn't go to a bar to watch GoT

You sure are triggered.

No one will ever believe me but I was the first one to post this image to Sup Forums.

>being such a loser you fantasize about hanging out with numales at hipster bars

Are you one of the people who go to that bar or something?

I bet you fags don't even have Superb Owl parties.

He probably owns the bar. Not even a hipster cuck would defend some random bar he goes to so heavily.
If he has no association with that bar then he should really rethink his life, or just commit suicide.

that fucking shirt

I want to blow the guy wearing blue shirt w/ the hairy chest desu.

Dude in real life I'm actually considered cool and popular among people who know me. I wouldn't be caught dead doing something as lame as that, it would hurt my reputation for people to even know I watch GoT privately. It actually pisses me off to no end when someone comes up to me and just assumes that I watch the show. Just the other day I was getting out of the shower, looking at myself in the mirror, and trying to figure out in what way am I so physically flawed that people are assuming I watch Game of Thrones. But I've got nothing, my body is flawless, people probably think I watch GoT because I'm known for excellent and well-rounded taste in film, which requires one to view a significant amount of garbage so as to have the broadest possible perspective.

jokes on you nigger i watch it with my grandma

they are not enjoying they show, they there to show how progressive and outgoing they are.

This show is dimly lit and half the dialogue is in whispers. If you're not paying close attention you'll miss everything. Not that the show is worth paying attention to anymore. No matter how hard you roleplay not being a loser it will never make sense watching anything but sports at a bar.

Not to mention the smell of smegma/yeast infection from all those dirty unwashed hipster cucklords.

Same here man. Missing that period all together though.

Most people that put themselves out online never expect to be made fun of.

it's a shoop

The image MAYBE, but I'm the one that edited the reddit/Sup Forums symbols above there

>HBO show
>normies never watched it

So my grandma is not a normie???
rethink your life

Well America is a surveilance state

Why won't they let him sit with them?

Thats a huge bitch!

did /our guys/ The Normies uploaded episode 3 reaction yet?

The kind of people who want more diversity, are the people who lived in upscale closed off communities with little interaction with POC

None of you can prove that those people aren't white.

I took this picture but it never really caught on.

>why are americans obsessed with others watching them?
Why do non-americans flock to these threads to vent their hatred and obsession with americans?

Because he watches Game of Thrones.

Did user ever drop the beer?

Do these people not realize that in a feudalistic society they'd be the first ones through the moon door?

jesus christ
is that a core duo iMac?
how old is this picture?

Fuck off to >>>>>/reddit/ with this cancerous bullshit.

OP is making fun of them you retard. There's literally only ONE samefag in this entire thread that is actively defending these wastes of space.

Every person in that room looks like they screa! Blacklivesmatter nonsense but live in the whitest part of town.

>just know who is the audience that watches got

people from all walks of life

[citation needed]

Yeah he should watch the nightly comedy shows because they keep you so we'll informed.


imac running windows 7

(((citation needed)))

OP you fucking dickhead, I was this close to going to bed. I was so sleepy and ready to go to bed early. You've done the equivalent of blasting puerto-rican rap music through my house with this you fucking fucker.

not an argument

(((not an argument)))

im using windows 7 right now on my iMac.

>6 IPs

you are right


Man... the edited for these vids are getting really bad. They just show reactions for lame ass scenes now. I wanna see these faggots spaz out over Cersi telling that Sand bitch her punishment or Euron telling Jamie about his magic fingers

All americans must hang

there's a part 2

>just know who is the audience that watches got
It's the most watched premium cable show ever, everyone is the audience who watches this shit.
The audience who watches it says nothing about the show.
You're a fucking mongoloid, Jesus Christ.

*snaps fingers*

found the sjw

>Scary Movie
Keep that sort of shit to yourself, you're an embarrassment.


>millennials can't enjoy a tv show without getting filmed at bar and posting it online

Holy fucking Hell, what happened to this world?

found the diabetes monster.

When will they learn, bros?

show us timestamped proof of where you were on Sunday between the hours of 7pm to 11pm

I wonder how deep her pusy is

She needs to be bred with an alpha tier mandingo bull

>hurrr there only two types of people in this world: faggot numale hipsters or neckbeard losers...

Saved, im gonna use it when the situation allows it

you can use this one as well


This is bordering on shilling for views. We don't need a weekly thread.

That bartender would make me turn around and leave that bar.

>Not a single one with white features


Show me recent pics of your mom's tits timestamped and post your social security number.

A lot of hispanic people live in the neighborhood where that bar is located. Why are none of them in the bar?

you think they consider you cool. thats a difference.

They are too busy spreading their seed and securing a future for their people.