What the FUCK was xers problem?

what the FUCK was xers problem?

who is that guy

she was kinda hot in valerian


What did the Green Goblin mean by this?

She's aging like milk. Should've layed off all the booze, drugs and parties.

She's fat now and she can't act for shit. You know you're terrible when you make Cara Delameme seem tolerable.



wtf yore gay now

Why is she xers?

Ah shit. How do I ungay?

she has a penis

Expect a visit soon™

you dont

X rated movie /when/ ??


>all that makeup
her skin looks like sandpaper

soon probably

Is she gaining weight cos she smokes a shit ton of dope, or is she gaining weight to be T H I C C.

Or is she pregnant.

too many hamburgers

too much white man semen

leo pounded her for weeks straight and piled enough white man baby batter into her womb her unborn child is pregnant

Yeah, but who wants to be a loser like you though?

your sister never complained

pounded her boipussy you mean


is that oprahs slutty sister? fat fucking goofy looking bitch

do you just want to fuck or not

Since you're deflecting i can only assume we're in agreement with the fact that she don't look too good these days.