They better not fucking kill him off

they better not fucking kill him off
literally the best Character on the show

He cant ever get the bad poosi now

>best character

Tells you something about D&D

Who are characters you dont want to die? Id pick Jamie over all

He will be killed off.

Would watch the adventures of young Bronn?

They're killing off Beric
It's bad enough
And Euron is the best character on the show dumbass

at this point how the story goes he'll probably end up being killed by the little Mormont girl, and after that she'll become hand of the king

Reddit: The character

Lil Finger
loli queen
Hot Vanilla Slave girl
Sam's Wife

>And Euron is the best character on the show dumbass
thats a weird way of spelling Bronn, is it High Valyrian?

t.drumpf cucklet


>Lena Headey was linked to Game of Thrones co-star Jerome Flynn; however, the relationship reportedly ended badly, resulting in the two being kept apart on set.
What did they mean by this?

guess she didn't like the finger in the ass after all

>quippy edgelord antihero

truly inspired work

>just liking Euron because he did only one cool thing.

I bet you are on of the fags that bashed Euron when he shows up in the late season.

Guys like Bronn and Sandor always will be the best ones because since the start they dont give any fucks

Red head freefolk guy

The Hound

That's about it at this point. Don't really care for anyone else.

Bronn vs. Hound fight as Tyrion watches?

The Hound

Clearly, he wanted a good girl, but he needed a bad pussy

>the meme mercenary
I hope he dies trying to rescue the BADZ PUSSEY

I've actually never bashed /our guy/ so get fucked

>Lil Finger
This, keep that brilliant character alive.
I want it to end with some plan of his and it fading to black as he grins going onto his next plan.

Beric Dondarrion

I'm afraid they're going to pull a Ramsay with Euron and have him killed by Yara in the most brutal way possible because muh karma.

I thought that too, might be a bit strange Perving on her with her mother right there though.

i bet he'll switch sides and defend tyrion and the others