/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General

Sheryl Lee Edition



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first for jumpingman

So what the fuck happened to Lynch's taste in women?

New thread

Maybe it's more about Lynch's taste in viewers

clearly it improved, since every woman on the right is better than her counterpart on the left

anyways i found the greatest piece of human literature ever


>the absolute state of that Audrey scene
The show is verging on unwatchable now.


Is there a webm or gif of this scene? Specifically when it shows his mouth close up? I can't even find it on youtube

>no windom earle


Nothing. Cameras just got higher quality.

Yeah, these new women are awful with the exception of Jade and JanyE.

Has anybody noticed how the intermittent episodes between / before a new act has generally been the weakest and roughest when it comes to pace?

Part 6 and 12. Now 6 was actually a good episode, but it still felt really at odds with itself, the first 20 minutes belonged in Part 5, and the Richard and Carl stuff was such a huge chunk of the episode that moved nowhere after reaching its climax 30 minutes into the episode.

Part 12 is even more disjointed, as nothing is complimentary to anything that happens in that episode, it feels like The Missing Pieces: The Return to me. Part 1 is ever so slightly guilty of this same issue as well, but not nearly as bad. It still has the NY and Buckhorn stuff that actually moves somewhere, but it still is one of the more disjointed feeling episodes of the season.

So it seems like an issue in editing are these intermittent moments where they have a bunch of material but don't know exactly where they go in the story.

And toiletfu of course

It's like the bridge in a song. On its own, not that interesting but it serves its purpose in the greater whole

>janey e married to a being from the lodge (descends from electrcity)
>actress played by naomi W A T T S


It's the issue with the series
Because it's not set in one place you have lots of different plots going on
When an episode focuses on one plot point it shines through - that's why episode 11 was so great it was mostly dougie and the blue rose task force with only a few seconds for the other stuff or the bobby scene
Also with 12 they introduced new plot lines but then had to time jump to make sense (so we have morning scenes at the traile park and evening scenes mixed in everywhere)
If we ever get a collected set it would be great if someone edited the twin peaks scenes to be more coherent

Interesting fact
Watts must have filmed this in ? mid 2016
That meant she was away from home for months 2016
And then after 11 years she splits with Jew Boy in September 2016
And after the split Jew boy starts turning one of the kids into a trannie
Fucking kikes


in the morgue

>old people do things slowly: the show

fuck this shit


the scenes with Andy and Lucy in the return is complete hack writing.

L Y ? ? ? ? ?

The original series had the town in a 50s hyper glamour style
So a lot of that good looks is make up hair and lipstick

HD cameras

I actually think Part 11 is a perfect example of how well you can make all of these diverging plotlines work exceptionally well together, even if they're not directly related.

That episode was full of tension, and had tons of weight to it, even though the 3 big storylines in it had little to nothing to do with each other.

What it comes down to is really tone and pace. Part 11 was consistent in both, and it resulted in an amazing hour of television. Part 12 had no tone, there's no central theme to the episode, it was expository dumps with nothing of importance happening anywhere.

oh man this was so interesting thanks for sharing this interesting fact it was well worth reading

I think all the black lodge spirits are basically just out for themselves. BOB seems to be on a time limit for being on Earth in human form, and he was due to go back to the black lodge after 25 years. Since he made a doppelganger of agent Cooper's body for himself to possess while he was on Earth, he thought he could get out of having to go back to the black lodge by making a third Cooper body while he was on Earth, and letting it get sucked back into the black lodge instead of himself when his time limit was up.

The black lodge spirits seem to be all about pain and suffering, it's literally food to them - they call it garmonbozia. Since BOB has been on Earth for 25 years, he's probably collected a lot of garmonbozia, and the rest of the spirits probably want him to share it. But BOB probably wants to stay on Earth so he can have it all to himself.

Also, the arm does hate BOB. In Fire Walk With Me, they show that BOB owed the arm a huge debt of garmonbozia for some reason, and BOB really didn't want to pay the arm back. I think the whole reason BOB had to possess someone and kill Laura Palmer in the first place was to generate enough garmonbozia to pay back the arm.

Whatcha you doin' rabbi?

This is definitely true. People are wrongfully assuming that Mike is a good guy, when he most definitely is not.

He didn't want to kill Laura though he wanted to possess her probably so he could spread suffering throughout the town
With evil cooper he has spread more suffering via drugs etc but it seems to be poisoned which is why the lodge spirit zombie was vomiting

wow this show sounds fuckin retarded

When does Twin Peaks: The Return to being good?

>Audrey came back and she's a piece of shit

not canon

Well I 100% knew the missing pieces of this thing were so to speak going to be included when I knew Mary Sweeney wasn't in and in addition to that he chose Duane Dunham as main editor instead of for example Jonathan Shaw. Dunham edited slower scenes than the rest (Pilot and season 2 opener).
I could have written it on Dugpa and warned them but it would have been pointless. Those people never listen to anything than their own asshole anyway.

Candie and Tammy are LP, fuck off

>Audrey is married to a scheming kike midget
she didn't deserve that t b h

It won't. How much do you think Showtime execs are kicking themselves for giving Lynch 3 million dollars an episode and he gives them his mp3 playlist and a guy sweeping for 10 minutes. How much do you think the old cast regret threatening to walk if Lynch didn't return to the show, only to be thanked by being written out of Twin Peaks and having their characters made into unlikable mental patients?

The whole thing was a mistake. Lynch's head is deeply lodged in his own ass these days.

This was just as bad as episode 9

She's a woman in a David Lynch work, she got off very lightly.

Candy > Laura

watching this right now

what do I think of it?

so far its pretty kino

>Weird for the sake of weird: the show
>Pad the runtime: the show
>Let's turn a 45 second exchange into a 9 minute slow crawl: the show
>Let's end every episode with a terrible hipster band: the show

This, I was fully expecting Audrey to be scarred to shit from the bomb/be in a coma/living in a trailer park getting beaten up by Richard

That said I've heard people speculate that the midget isn't her husband but a psychiatrist playing along with her psychosis, mostly because they don't act married at all and the midget is more concerned with audrey being rude than cheating on him

I don't know if episode 9 and 12 were just plain bad or feel that way because of the quality of their predecessing episode

>it's an Audrey yells at her midget cuck husband for literally ten minutes episode

Fuck Lynch

atleast you got your damn fine cherry pie

Damn shame about her face

Fuck off, that was the funniest scene of the episode.

I can see the "18 hour movie" meme making more sense now after watching clips from earlier episodes on youtube but that's a lame excuse to give for people that don't like the show.

12 was the ultimate pleb filter

I believe that the mole is getting sentient
or worse
Charlie is THE MOLE

it was a filter for most of US too

>it's an Audrey yells at her midget cuck husband for literally ten minutes episode

As someone else pointed out in an earlier thread, that discussion was practically mirrored right after by the two girls in the roadhouse, also a guy then comes in saying he was almost hit by another car and killed, while in the Audrey scene, the midget on the phone with 'Tina' makes it seem like something really bad has happened to 'Billy'.

There seems to be a lot more going on here than meets the eye, are we being Lynched!?

>same face, only older
It's called aging.

But that doesn't happen in my animes!

Aging like a fine milk, yes.

Official Aging tier list for returning actresses:

>S Tier

>A Tier
Lucy, Nadine

>B Tier
Laura, Log Lady

>C Tier
Audrey, Shelly

>D Tier
Sarah Palmer

>JUST Tier

Literally fine

just like she always do

pleb detected

Part 12 was just a callback to mid season 2 Twin Peaks. Some people just don't understand what Lynch is doing. It was intentionally bad. A taste of nostalgia from when Twin Peaks was at its worst, a sampling for what The Return would be like if it was disappointing, and a foreshadowing of the next pleb filter episode. It's simultaneously bad in the past, the present, and the future.

It's really just classic Lynch, and perfectly executed.

>S Tier
Norma, Shelly, Leland

>A Tier

>B Tier
Lucy, Nadine

>C Tier
Sarah Palmer, Jumping Man

>D Tier
Log Lady

>JUST Tier
Donna, Audrey

Are you guys still enjoying the show? I can't wait for it to end tbqh. I'll never rewatch it.


granny fetish detected

>It was intentionally bad.

You guys are embarrassing.

would you please KYS?


it fucking was

the Gordon / Frenchie scene is Micro of the Macro of the episode
Gordon knows how to enjoy life and there was not need to push into action, like Albert

Booper x Diane sex scene when?

i actually agree with the last one

Would it be worse or better if Lynch came out and confirmed that it is in fact intentionally bad

but will she be /nice and wet/?

it was not bad
you are a pleb and do not appreciate a "11:05" type bordeaux


she dry as her martini

worried people die of cancer
sad but true

Candie General Login In

She's still hot, she looks very milfy now. Especially with those nice plump bosoms.

GILF, baybay, GILFY

>scheming kike
Redundant statement


I loved Audrey's scene with a fiery passion because I saw so much of myself in her last night — the take no shit attitude, telling off her piece of shit lazy ass husband who refuses to sign their divorce papers. "Yeah, I said we're going out. Of course I have my fucking jacket." I was like YES GIRL

she is 52
my grandmother is 49

My mother is 50

she looks hot in the show but weird irl desu

You got lynched
The French girlfriend scene was making a point
She takes her time making sure her dress and makeup are perfect and then does the pose in the doorway
That's lynch telling you to be fucking patient and that you need to build up stuff


Are you fucking retarded? It's outright in the dialogue that he is her husband



in one reality she died on birth and in coma when Richard and Linda were born

in the crap reality she survived and she has not kids

go back to reddyt


b i l l y = b i l l y z a n e