How can black bois even compete?
>Everything Everything 2017 1080p BluRay x264-GECKOS
> Everything Everything 2017 1080p BluRay x264-GECKOS
> Everything Everything 2017 1080p BluRay x264-GECKOS

Bleachedkino thread?
Bleachedkino thread


Why are blacks stealing our cuckold culture?

where are the african american women at?

If white girls with black men are coal burners, then what are black girls with white men?

Looking out for the future prosperity of their children

cotton weavers


smart sluts


They can't. They spend all their time complaining about bullshit online and irl. What girl would want a man like that?



white women can't compete with the BBT

White women can't compete with DBA (Divine Black Anything)

The white men are oil drillers.

Still racemixing, still a 80% black baby, still another white lineage that ceases, still another baby that's unhealthie than it could be.

>posts one random white whore
>looks better than all the Sideshow Bob haired blackies posted in the black women propaganda thread


I just want to fuck black girls, not have kids with them.

I only know about this film because it kept coming up when I googled the band Everything Everything

Why you want to fuck the empirically proven ugliest girls in the world? What is this weird fetish? And you never know if you fall in love with one of them.

They have great bodies and are a good fuck.

>Eighteen-year-old Maddy suffers from SCID, an immuno-deficiency disease that prevents her from leaving her home and interacting with others.

n33t the movie

they smell really really bad. especially their hair and pussies. actually their hair and their pussies smell the same.


they're called "swirlers" or "swirling sisters" in the black community

>white bois stealing them queeenz

I don't know pussies always smell bad to me, but I'm not really thinking about that when pumping.

>60% obese according to official statistics
>have great bodies

So, we're just making things up at this point.

Who pays you anyway? Soros?

Just don't fuck the fatties?
I'm not into fat women would never touch one no matter the race.

Angry black men call them "bed wenches". Which basically implies they still see white men as slave masters.

Palmas en la neve. Not a great film but decent colonial era kino scenes

Ruth negga




me on Maya's mouth

being a father to teenage girls must be extremely stressful

>white girl
>will cheat
>has sucked dozens of cocks beginning at ~ age 15
>no morality
>needs constant attention
>black girl
>bright personality
>respects her man
>supports traditional gender roles
>believes in God
>won't cheat for literally no reason
Pic related. A white woman literally ruined the human race and cucked her husband. White women = trash.

did you just assume her race??!

Whites are pathetic. If mixed kids are 80% of the black (or brown or what have you) ethnicity, then what does that say about the oh so incredible white gene pool? Fragile things shouldn't survive in the world.

>he falls for Sup Forums memes
>he thinks black women from the ghettos are the same middle class urban ones
>he probably got bullied by an ugly black girl at school

Holy crap I hope I never have daughters.

I.....I...I have no argument.

What could they possibly mean by this?

That Obama's White genes will not go unexpressed for long

The camera man knew what to focus on

I lost my virginity to a black girl

Forgiven if you didn't use a condom

holy fuck she is hot

I went with a bare cock

Good lad, should have started a family
Obama's kids are Blacker than he is, but his grandkids are going to be a whole lot Whiter than he is


was she fat?

Obama has to know right?

Something about that picture tells me that he doesn't like sand.

He's probably happy about it. He knows a full black dude will probably leave them pregnant

No way
>first he has a presidency with no long-term victories
>then he has no legacy
>now he must accept his attempts to create the first legit Black political family will end with BLEACHing and mostly-White grandkids

like nigger :D get it :DD

Wtf. These girls are too comfortable with each other

This was directed by a black woman

Their parents have been high-powered lawyers or politicians their entire lives, they're probably pretty sheltered and learned to depend on each other. I should be the one to teach them it's okay to open up and go a little wild and in the process impregnate both of them.


>blonde haired, blue eyed guy going "MUH FOREFATHER WUZ PREZ YO"

>that's unhealthie than it could be
think you meant "unhealthier" Cletus, but either way, genetic diversity creates heartier babies

>no victories
>Trump eternally cucked by Obamacare

What's that trope called where two sisters act very close to each almost lesbian like?

Sister love is pure.

>talc hoarders
>married with children
>not on welfare

They're practicing

those two look like vampires. hot vampires

Cotton Pickers.

I've fucked the rainbow, you're not really missing anything with white girls

why is Obama so fucking based bros?

jfc looks like i'll be betraying the white race


i'm sorry Sup Forums ;_;

Is COLONIZED the BLACKED for white guys fucking black girls?

I prefer BLEACHED desu. COLONIZED is a bit fedora, especially when you consider most Black families have been in the US longer than most White families.


He's got to accept his Blackness is a flash in the pan, his family will be White soon.

are they models?

This is the first time I've looked at a photo of Black people and said all the White people look the same

its not ok when white men do it

this girl is super hot but irl she is a hyper sjw

reminder WM/BF is being pushed by Hollywood hard right now reminder