

James Woods is literally /ourguy/


It's really insulting that Watchmen is included in this bait picture.
Almost as bad as expecting that taking the ideas from mythology (like hundreds directors before) will excuse your incoherent mess of a movie.

1. Hades
2. Phil
3. Pain and Panic
4. The Muses
5. Hercules
6. Pegasus
7. Meg
8. Zeus
9. Hera
9001. Paul Shaffer


check wood's twitter, he's based as fuck.


So Marvel is a serial rapist?


You guys are all fucking losers for caring about any of this

As are all alphas


Rapists are just ugly alphas.

hahaha oh wow

So DC is the one who's actually a memorable character?

Makes sense for marlets resorting to much incest in order to touch vagina

Sup Forums hates Marvel though


>not realizing that DeVito is based
If you're a DCfag and you posted this then you failed.

>Sup Forums
>with Sup Forums
lmao we worship a fat jewish communist since before Sup Forums was created. back to le donald newfag


When will they ever learn?