Dont mind me my third film will be good, r-right?

No one can tell me what Thor 2 was about, yet everyone is falsley getting hyped for 3, really?

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Time to shitpost in India huh Pajeet?

someone redpill me on pajeet meme? what does marvelpajeet mean?

>No one can tell me what Thor 2 was about
It was an excuse to showcase another infinity stone.

I dont even remember thor 1 let alone thor 2

>everyone knows thor 2 was shit
>go out of their way to shift the tone of thor 3 so it's nothing like 2
>trailer looks good and people are genuinely interested


This much Damage Control, hows indias toilets mate?

Disney truly are the masters of manufactured hype. Other studios should learn from them. They have social media by the balls.

the street is pretty quiet today, thanks for asking.

>hows indias toilets mate?
Not sure, mate. I've only ever used the street.


I only remember the queen trashing the edgy elf villain like a little bitch and Loki being the only thing of value in this fart.

It was about evil elves and a red gooey thing thet possesed Natalie Portman, and yes it is the WORST MCU movie to date.

it was smart of them to make it as much like guardians as possible and replace portmans boring ass character with hulk bro-times

>No one can tell me what Thor 2 was about

Some elf comes back after 5000 years to use a dimensional alignment and an infinity stone to destroy everything. In the process, Frieda is killed and Loki glamours his way out of prison.

It wasn't that hard to follow.

>It wasn't that hard to follow.

it is if you're the kind of person that finds BvS thought provoking.

Easy to follow =/= memorable.

The opposite is true actually. A very simple story becomes forgettable very fast.

Rather take a spic than a streetshitting pajeet

Is qt Portman going full valkyrie this time? My dick needs this

Because Taika Waititi is directing it instead of a TV Director that also made Terminator Genysis

Never implied

Yet somehow I remember it despite not seeing it in 4 years. Maybe, just maybe, you're a fucking idiot that can't remember anything unless it generates memes.

Loki finds out hes adopted and is mad because Thor is the golden child heir apparent. Loki's gonna loki and ruses thor into disobeying Odin's orders. Thor loses his power and is banished to earth for his pride, he has to become worthy to hold the hammer again. Meanwhile loki betrays asguard for power and releases the armor.
I saw this movie once when it first came to redbox years ago. Why does Sup Forums have such a shitty memory? Is so much of your brain devoted to thinking about big black cocks with pearly white cum that there's no room for anything else?

and Patty Jenkins was the original choice for Thor 2 until she got fired for (((reasons)))

kek, plz tell me you did that on purpose

I always hated how they ignore a vaguely interesting fantasy premise and setting to spend so much of their time on boring fucking earth.
I always thought the cosmic shit was the best part of marvel and DC comics.

>socially and sexually successful, bros
>awkward, virgins, ugly, reclusive in every way
is right

Was this joke really necessary?

Did what?
Not have a brain full of bong resin and nigger cum?
Then yes. It was entirely on purpose, and oddly enough, I've never had to even try all that hard to avoid it.

you described the wrong movie.

See the person he was replying to.

This fucking board, I swear.

And ?

I really like Taika Waititi's film and it seems Marvel has had let him have a fair bit of control over it. So I've got hope for it

I liked The Dark World.

I enjoyed the first two. Looking forward to the third.

I can't remember.
Funny story thought I first saw it on an airplane, they played thor 2 and thor 1 in that order. I wonder if they were to lazy to switch it back after the last flight.

spoken like a true shrill

enjoy your disney villain kid

Why did Iron Man, Captain America and Thor each get three films but Hulk only got one?

ask me literally anything about Old Norse

He can't have a solo movie as part of some shitty deal with universal

As long as it has Kat Double Dennings, I'm happy


More importantly, what the fuck happened to Ed Norton? Seems like he missed out on his chance to cash the fuck out on this capeshit


He was in Sausage Party, so that can't be it.

Thanks for backing me up user.

>everyone is falsley getting hyped for 3, really?
because Hunt For Wilderpeople was good

really? I never saw that

Count your blessings.
I think its on amazon or netflix if you're curious, but even as someone who has enjoyed seth rogan DUDE WEED LMAO comedies in the past, that movie was easily one of the worst pieces of shit I've ever seen.

I'm not alone.


they're not the worst things in the world.
Has that nasaly jew titty bitch, hershlag, and hemsworth is a good casting choice for thor.
They're dumb fucking movies, but have some fun over the top action, and some good fish out of water humor.

It's gonna be Thorkino

They got rid of all the human garbage that dragged the movies down, it's going to be lit now that Marvel's letting Thor go cosmic

>No one can tell me what Thor 2 was about
evil elves from the previous universe were warring with the asgard, they wanted to do bad things, thor was like "no"

Taika is making a Thor movie fun, something I never thought could happen

desu I'll see anything with Chris Hemsworth's arms, Thor 2 was garbage because he wore sleeves 99% of the movie

They could just project a photo of his arms on the screen for 2 hours and I'd watch that shit

not even gay, but homeboy is a beefcake

it was about the ether and kat dennings delicious and charming fat tits