What does Sup Forums think of this?

What does Sup Forums think of this?

>It envisions an alternate history where newly freed African Americans have secured the Southern states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama post-Reconstruction as reparations for slavery, and with that land, the freedom to shape their own destiny. The sovereign nation they formed, New Colonia, has had a tumultuous and sometimes violent relationship with its looming “Big Neighbor,” both ally and foe, the United States. The past 150 years have been witness to military incursions, assassinations, regime change, coups, etc. Today, after two decades of peace with the U.S. and unprecedented growth, an ascendant New Colonia joins the ranks of major industrialized nations on the world stage as America slides into rapid decline. Inexorably tied together, the fate of two nations, indivisible, hangs in the balance.


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>Will Pecker

Didn't former slaves found Liberia and it descended into multiple civil wars and became one of the worst places on Earth?

I wish all the black people would leave America and start an advanced super rich utopia somewhere else IRL

I mean if it would be that easy I don't understand why they choose to stay here and suffer with us


Doesnt make sense historically so its not believable
Its not set in the future or anything so thats pretty boring as well
Seems like a dumb idea for a show and is only being made because HBO is making confederate and some dumb asshole negro went "well, i need to make me show like this for blacks!!!"

Didn't the North fight the South to keep the Union together? Why would they immediately give the land away again? Why would they be a foe with the US if that's the side that freed the slaves? The North was the industrialized side, why would they fail while the agricultural South somehow out-industrialized them? What the fuck?

So they're acknowledging that there's nothing wrong with ethno-states?

At least they're putting niggers into an original series instead of shoehorning them into white characters, I'm all for it. Even better when it bombs.

The idea behind it doesn't really bother me but exploiting racial drama for entertainment is getting pretty old. Clearly this is only being made to be controversial, which translates into views. This is the tv show equivalent of click bait.


I never asked for EITHER show

Also its probably some show filled with racial undertones that libs and blacks will eat up because its all they talk about

In reality, their new nation would become a shithole like Haiti.

country will be called Neblacksa.
screenshot this

Just imagine the memes

I've also heard that. And don't mulattoes pretty much run the show?

>Aaron Mcgruder
>Creator of the "Boondocks"
I guess he'll shit on his race just like on that redpilled MLK episode.

This is an utterly nonsensical idea. The whole point of the war was to enforce the Union ffs.

I'd watch Neblacksa, starring whoever the black equivalent of Bob Odenkirk is

facts upset people, shhh

Is Liberia in the US?

>kangs would be living on Mars if the white devil didn't rewrite history
This is LITERALLY what they believe

>less than 5 million black people at the time of the civil war
>3 massive states to house less than 5 million people, 99% of which are lacking in the education necessary to do something even as simple as grow crops efficiently
>Somehow they are absurdly prosperous while the other 47 states can't keep up at all

Sure sounds like a believable and compelling drama, not some kind of AU fanfiction by people who are still mad at the buyer, but not their brothers who captured and sold them into slavery in the first place.

david allen grier, definitely

Why it's almost as though a group of people with no history of governance or self-determination, moving to a region they've never lived in, with no natural resources or infrastructure, with no educations, in a region of the world known for corruption and strife had a hard time or something! Who'd have thought!?

So the union fought a costly war to stop secession. Then handed over 3 states to freed slaves... So they could secede and did nothing?

Not to mention, if it meant all the while people living in those 3 states would be forced to leave after the war ended, they would literally never surrender and would have fought the north down to the last man, a fight the North would not win.

They were given a shit ton of supplies and resources from the government stupid

Also what is with people always making excuses for niggers?
Literally every other race in history has gone through shit some worse than blacks and they overcame
But with blacks you have to treat them like kids and say i-its hard for them!!

Ask this question in any liberal forum. And enjoy the view

>as America slides into rapid decline

>first episode
>"President la-shay-quan, your meeting with the American president Ronald Flump is in an hour"
>"Oh, that boorish fool, he must want more aid from our prosperous nation"

If they were going to make a series about a society more successful than the United States, why would they chose for it to be in Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi? Those states have historically held very limited resources other than cotton and haven't been successful at all compared to other states. Disregarding the race aspect of the show, the notion that these states could be more successful than the USA on their own is incredibly stupid.

European colonists in North America and South Africa had all the same problems and still managed to build functioning nations

What is this cucking and fucking and black cocks and bbc sluts, son? What is this shit?

>something exciting happens at the end of an episode
>there is a long drawn out phantom SSSSHHHHIIIEEETTTTTT before the screen cuts to black
>every single episode

Black people can't into statehood, that's a fact you only need to look at Africa to see. Even South Americans, who's only history of government was a bunch of savages removing hearts from people atop of pyramids, did MUCH better than Africa with it's ancient historical line of black Kangz. And I'm not even trying to be racist here. Show me one state that's run by blacks and is doing well. It's unprecedented.

But since it's obviously a sci-fi/fantasy series, I'll give them a pass.

That was caused by racism, you racist, sexist, homophobe


>Bring black Americans who have never lived in Africa and now have nothing in common culturally with Africans "back" to Africa
>Bring them to a region on the coast that is already heavily populated
>Due to the Africans already being resistant to disease, the American colonizers will never be able to out-breed the Africans
>Found a nation where the American minority who is only 15% of the population rules over the majority-African populace
>The majority group gets tired of discrimination and overthrows the minority group
>Nation then descends into civil war due to the ethnic strife
>Ignore that the nation of Liberia was first suggested by white people, and instead say it failed just because they're niggers

Right-wing logic

Unironically true. Blacks absolutely hate blacks from other tribes and slaughter them with a prejudice. That's why there are so many wars and genocides across Africa.

None of what you said is any different to the idea of the country in the show
>group of people with no history of governance
It's the same group, former American slaves
>moving to a region they've never lived in
The slaves that made Liberia had the same advantages as Colonists forming the USA, Canada, or South Africa. They are at no disadvantage
>no natural resources or infrastructure
The American south had few resources beyond cotton and infrastructure was crippled during the Civil War
>no education
In the show former slaves build the country, still no education
>region of the world known for corruption
This applies to almost every colony ever, and they overcame it. Also, the country in the show would be in very close proximity to Mexico, a historically corrupt country
The odds were never in Liberia's favor, but it's a perfect analogy for the country in the show and explains why the show doesn't make sense

>Niggers lapping up the blue pill

USA and Canada had the advantage of being founded on a continent where 90% of the native population was wiped out from disease. Both Rhodesia and South Africa were nations where a small minority dominated the country politically and economically, and neither is doing so well nowadays.

>a group of people with no history of governance or self-determination




>I don't even know her!

Rhodesia and South Africa did pretty damn well under minority rule despite being international pariahs surrounded by Soviet-backed enemies. Things only went downhill when blacks got involved in politics

>>Ignore that the nation of Liberia was first suggested by white people, and instead say it failed just because they're niggers

user, if I give you a house is it my fucking responsibility that you don't fuck it up?
Whites gave niggers the chance, they ruined it themselves.

Was hoping it was going to be a comedy beyond its premise.

You're moving the goal posts. He wasn't primarily talking about America's success, he was talking about the implausibility of this so-called New Colonia being successful when Liberia is a perfect comparison, and that state failed completely.

No joke my favorite part of this whole discussion in general (reparations) is that we did give a lot of reparations, including buying/making AN ENTIRE COUNTRY IN AFRICA.

>country ruin by negroids
>not starving with one generation


Not only did I get dubs twice in the same thread but they were the same numbers!
Fuckin cool!

>Aaron McGruber

I believe he lasted longer than your god, Sam Hyde. He actually has a thing called talent, is an amazing animator, and knows how function in society.

You fucking losers bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch but don't do a THING about it in the real world.

Stay salty, you fucking bowl cut having losers.

>Black people "secure" three whole states and don't just get btfo by the Union, who had just finished fighting an entire war in order to keep the country together
Really makes you think

>what if we had just given the blacks their own states and let them form a country?
It would be worse than detroit and late 70's harlem while the rest of the united states would flourish in comparison?
>joins the ranks of major industrialized nations

If it had any sincere interest in alt-history, it would be depicted as a perpetual third-world nightmare, with the usual suspects blaming whitey for the failures of others.

From this description, however, it looks like a masturbatory fanfic about a reality where niggers are capable of founding civilization.

Dont forget the cannibalism bro

>Why come Aaron is working on his forth major project, while I make YouTube videos for beta males to talk about on a jap image board?

Ancient egypt, the sumerians, and chinese civilization are all prosperous civilization created by "black" individuals, with the term black itself referring to its true meaning of an otherized and disaffected group of those deemed nonwhite by a racialized power structure.


How much you wanna bet it will have a space race between baboonland and the US where the blacks actually reach the moon

Only when they aren't white. ONLY!

But I'm sure that Niggerslovakia will be a shades-of-brown jerk off fantasy reflecting "demographic destiny."

Just by this fact the premise of the show entirely falls apart.

>It's great to see the cream rise to the top, while bottom feeders complain about their existences, all while blaming it on minoritys.
>You still a Millionaire, McGrub?

What's with the sudden influx of alternate history America? Can't these Lazy Fucks just create a new world to envision a brand new world?

Notice he doesn't refer to the harlen renaissance or black innovation in the early 20th century, he jumps right to the point where Black's have been impoverished by redlining their neighborhoods and crashing their equity and cocaine and crack being pumped into their communities.


Reboots but for real-world events



T. Butthurt white bitch

>the Chinese, Egyptians and Sumerians are all "black" according to my super special definition of the word. A definition no one outside a community college 'social studies' group would even countenance.
You're engaging in cultural appropriation, plain and simple.The fact that you have to reach this hard should really tell you something. Reflect on what you're writing there mate.

stop making sense

Cultural Marxist-friendly reboots. Everyone is valid, not just those who deftly outsmarted the entire world.

>user, if I give you a house is it my fucking responsibility that you don't fuck it up?

If you give me a house with a shitty foundation and the house collapses because of said shitty foundation, and you then brag that your house with a solid foundation is still standing, then yeah, it is your responsibility. Or at the very least, you should realize you played a part in the collapse of the house instead of just blaming the homeowner.

And Liberia was stable up until the 1980s when the Americo-Liberians were overthrown by the African populace. Gee, it's almost like nations where an ethnic minority dominates a majority generates resentment and ethic strife, inevitably leading to its collapse.

AU Black America would render the accomplishments of the Harlem Renaissance, Black Wall Street, Tuskeegee Airmen, and Civil Rights Era null and void since Blacks have already achieved equality.

>implying blacks don't perpetuate a culture that keeps themselves in the "shitty foundation"

What you commonly refer to as black is just made up of groups disaffected by the current white dominant power structure and placed into borderline slave conditions through punitive financial and political mechanisms. Basically institutionalized racism.

Look what happens when the black world is reawakened and countries like china and korea begin to retake the global economy from white countries.

Bye bye european dominance.

Nigs were always shit even before drugs became an issue.

that isn't entirely true, Nigeria and Botswana are pretty stable not on the level of non-African countries but still,

Buys fully into the fantasy that the Civil War was solely about slavery, not just rebranded that way when it was looking like the North would lose.

It pretends that the majority of Northerners gave a fuck about slavery. That they wouldn't violently oppose their nation losing a huge swatch of territory to people they either dislike or feel nothing for.

Blacks really suck at running countries.

Why not Negraska?

I can see Black Wall Street becoming too successful that Black owned Business start growing into multinational companies and start doing shady shit.

In reality, this would basically turn the USA into a paradise.

>I'll ignore the fact that nations where a minority dominates a majority are inherently unstable, and instead claim that black people all over the world have the same culture

Nice deflection

So you're saying that groups put into poverty through literal slavery and financial slavery through sharecropping are shit?

Groups who also had their urban communities devalued by federal housing and lending policies and then destroyed by eminent domain and gentrification are shit?

This man doesn't even know the meaning of the word "black"

Season 2 starts in the 1930s and sees New Colonia defeat Nazi Germany

No they are uncivilized deranged savages, the only reason these apes even have clothes is because of whitey.

The transition to black rule in Rhodesia and South Africa was 100% the result of outside nations fucking over the minority governments. If they hadn't been snubbed by the international community they could easily have continued to be functioning, white-ruled nations to the present day

top kek

Fun fact: there WAS a Black Wall Street until white people burned and looted it based on the mere rumor that a black man had assaulted a white women

>nigger led country prospers while America dies
So believable.

What you refer to as black are literally people from varying ethnic and cultural backgrounds with no affiliation besides being dark skinned and being abused by a white elite.

>Amazon original series

Who cares? Amazon is a poor man's Netflix.

Maybe an opposite, parallel reality is required to keep this one in balance.

Haha you are a real edgy guy haha

>Country of three states that have little to no industry
>Somehow beating the entirety of the rest of the states left in the USA
God nigs are dumb.