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Gone but not forgotten Edition

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>showfags still obsessed with gendry
Can you even imagine being this stupid?

two swords better than one?

This is the deadfu central huh?

What is the point of him?

They should have killed him off in Season 4.
He does nothing.

What's his catchphrase again ?

Why did they have to ruin Jaime's character bros?

>the absolute state of the North

Looks more like Syria to me.

He's nice

>The greatsword Dawn was forged from the heart of this fallen star and has possibly been wielded by Daynes for ten thousand years. The sigil of the Daynes depicts the white sword and falling star. The blade is as pale as milkglass.
>pic related


>Eugene, please come back, we miss you. Your fantasy is going too far.


"finger in the bum"

So in season 8 Cercei will leavehumanitybehind and join the Night King as his new Night Queen right? I mean where the fuck else does she have to go? She wants power and that's about as powerful as you can get. Immortal ice lich-elve and shit.

While Dany was dismssing the idea of everyone dying this winter in apocalypse, did she forget she had a vision of the ruined Red Keep covered in snow?

Give your uncle a kiss!

he's the only man with a cock magic enuff to face euron in battle

who was this agan

all the colour shades for different factions there are too similar


Nigga please, the "writers" have long forgotten anything as interesting as this.

*loud roaring*

If I look back, I am lost

I miss her so much bros

Does anyone think there's a chance Baelish could have Brienne killed this season? I'm serious, their enmity/rivalry over control of Sansa has been built up for multiple seasons, leaks show they have a tense convo in Episode 4 and D&D haven't had a main character die in a shocking way in a long time. Plus, we know Baelish dies by the end of the season, at least let him go out with a bang. No one could care if the big bitch died except Sansa and Pod.

Is Westeros a flat earth??????

"I have the godliest cock to ever set sail!"

Are the first men white?

Lost in the folds

Read the leaks u nonce

d&d don't remember anything before season 5

remember when she had that vision of the army of the dead that corroborates Jon's outlandish story?


Uhh.. should I led Gregor Clegane back in? He seems to have survived this entire mess.

i want to suck on her titties desu


I love how the sun is just a little bit of paint. They couldn't even spring for a gemstone in the pommel, or an engraving.


Lewd mouth.

Yes, they're basically nordic/scottish


Everyone keeps repeating Big Cock and finger in the bum but I think the best line Auron said this episode was that weird "Twat" he called Theon. His voice was so weird when he said it. Like a highschooler cracking his voice.

Is there a webm of this bit? Laughed my ass off during the episode

Dragon Milk?

I am the tree.
And your pee.
Fiddle de dee

jesus i want her to stab me


What is his duel skill estimate?

The classic Dornish beauty

how do I get a qt dornish gf lads

At this point, why not just make Davos King? He's clearly the most level headed guy left, he cares about the people, he's a convincing public speaker, and he's got about as much right as the rest of these bastards and usurpers who are having no problem being in power.


Cersei gets btfo'd by Dany in s08e01

Brown girls always saving this show

why did D&D write bran like that

he's so fucking creepy, people didn't care about him before now they straight up hate him.

Did D&D ruin her career forever?
I doubt she will find work at anything relevant now after the shitshow that the Dorne plot was and how negatively were the Sand Sneks received
Is she destined to star in video game adaptations for the rest of her days?

>already spent the entirety of the series coming to terms with paralysis
>now he has to be autistic too

The Army of the Dead will never take him seriously after he tries to address the Niggit's King

Be a rugged and ruthless older mercenary with a fine singing voice.

the chad menace

We know by the spoilers that Dany will be too busy fighting Night King and fucking her nephew Jon Snou.

how did he become a turbo autist between seasons

>I'm an onion smuggler
>I smuggle onions

>>The greatsword Dawn was forged from the heart of this fallen star and has possibly been wielded by Daynes for ten thousand years. The sigil of the Daynes depicts the white sword and falling star. The blade is as pale as milkglass.

a lot of the fantasy trope stuff from asoiaf would look absolute ludicrous, same with x-men and yellow/blue costumes

pick a better battle showfags. like how rob was married under the seven to someone he just fancied

According to wikipedia she's been in film school for the past few years. She's been working in Italian productions since she was a little kid.

Most likely she'll just stay doing those post-GOT, no big Hollywood roles for her.

Wait, that's Dawn? I thought the swords Dayne was duel wielding was just regular swords. Dawn didn't look that all impressive in the show. It's supposed to be Valyrian steel-tier. Jon and Tarth showed how OP they can be against regular armor and swords.

Cuz bro
he IS the three eyed raven now

he always has been
he is everywhere and everyone

and it was beautiful

Are you honestly too dumb to put it together that he's emotionally detached from being a god?

He shows up for like 2 seconds in episode 3 with the lannister army.

Fucking hell I hope he comes back soon.

He started using his godly farseer powers to see into /got/. Now he's become one with the shitposting.



me too, him and the hound are the only amusing characters left in this shitshow

>My Grace, the word "Prince" is also colloquially used to say "Penis".

His cockening of the whores is proof. He is azor ahai

why do normies hate autistic people so much?

May they all have copious amounts of nudity

cersei did nothing wrong

>>emotionally detached
>sorry you got raped sis
>but u were lookin pretty cute that day ;))))


Reminder that the Tower of Joy was 100% accurate
not a single book detail was forgotten, it was meticulously crafted, bravo D&D

>This is what Stannis/Davos fans actually believe
stop being a nonce, you nonce.

It's been said but can we give a moment to acknowledge how rough puberty was on this guy?

All three sand snakes are so horribly unattractive. Look at them ffs. They look like spoiled bratty bitches who smell like unwiped arse.


Daily reminder that I will put my finger in your bum and my big cock in your twat!

That shitty haircut doesn't exactly help

He has three cocks which impressed the Kings Landing tarts enough to give him his money back. Samwell Tarly will use Maester skills to transplant his spares onto Theon Greyjoy and Varys.

They will all then stick their cocks up a dragon's arse and take the 7 Kingdoms for their own.

They are the Three Japs Eyed Ravens.

So after all that talk about breaking the wheel and Dany's actual justification is "I'm so fucking great I should be queen, and everyone should follow the Targaryens"? That's an immensely selfish idea since as far as Dany knows* she's infertile and is thererefore incapable of establishing a lasting dynasty. All she's doing is dooming Westeros to another round of civil wars after she dies.

*Note BTW that the prophecy that she was infertile was removed from season 1, and yet she states it as a fact in season 6 with no previous set and no one noticed

you'd smell her unwiped arse if she allowed you, you hypocrite

pic related is a young tormund and mance.

false. in the show they were at the toj under rhaegars orders due to fan service r + l ship

>Brown girls always saving this show
The introduction of Talisa is where the show began going downhill.


>board is almost nothing but low IQ vapid neckbeards gossiping about how people look
>need to deliberately call even more attention to gossiping about how someone looks

Obara is literally the only one who is unattractive. Whip was cute and Bad Poosy is the hottest chick on the show.

ye ok lad

>falling for the old 'army of the dead' story to steal dem natural resources

Jon drinking da fuck out of Danys milkshake

I mean physically

Davos is lowkey the best character in the show.
He's a real man.

No you're a fuckin faggot. She's top tier.

Well I can't disagree with that
