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imagine being tj miller for a day
just imagine

jesus christ, no

Imagine quitting a successful HBO show to be in the fucking Emoji Movie.. like holy fuck.

I'd kill myself too.

I'd rather be Anthony Burch

How big was his pay day though?

If he kills himself over the Emoji Movie I would be quite impressed.

fuck dromp and fuck white people


Posting in an eventual 310+ response thread. Get all your TJ Miller jokes out now, lads


are we watching career sudoku in the making?

trully the che guevara of our time



What a fucking drama queen. It's a movie about emoji's jesus christ.

Ok why is he so upset, because the movie is shot?

why can't celebrities handle flops anymore?

Good riddance.

Why didn't you try to save him?

>his headstone is just a yellow face with two "Xs" for eyes.

His HBO special was actually more embarrassing than The Emoji Movie.
>I dumped water on myself AGAIN! Hahaha!
>Sneard! Get it? Smell+Nerd+Heard=Sneard!
>The only joke for the next twenty minutes is me repeating "I bought a battleaxe" over and over again!

I'm not going to verify this

Will he do it?

Post the Huffington interview


So movie wasn't raunchy fun then?

>we must instil progressive value in the movie
>loses to racist Dunkirk


Guess he finally had enough of Jian-Yang


What is up with his profile picture? Is that blood?

not all his opinions are bad

nice fake tweets

Is he only famous because of that HBO show? I don't know him from anything else

B R O K E N & S H A K I N G

hope he goes through with it lel

but tj miller probably has a wiiU

Who the fuck is TJ Miller?

Why does Trump trigger jews so much?

Sneard! It's like Drumpf! LAUGH NOW. You thought James Joyce was the pinnacle of word play well...not any more!

Later sneard!


he's in Deadpool

he just go trought manic depressive episodes

Low-t beta nu-males BTFO


Who's TJ Miller?

He left the show at the right time desu. The premise is stale af now. Still a tool though.


This. It's now,Richard does something cool, then legal issue, then Richard fucks up, everyone gets mad, everything is fixed at the end!

It would be great if he did

The premise was that he invented a word for when "you smell something a nerd heard". Like "A flowerpot fell and the nerd heard it break, but you smelled the flowers." The word for that is "sneard". That's the whole joke.

New member of the JUSTice league?


actual cuckold

these are his wifes kids

>white people comedy


feel kinda bad for the guy

his standup album on spotify is pretty neat

holy fuck thats bad

Just schizophrenia my shit up, senpai.

Those two alcoholics have kids?

I liked Monkey bone

Tumbleweeds at amateur night comedy club level.

source on parentage?

he's JUST gonna end like this guy, right?

quick rundown?

who? what?


Miller is sick. I mean mentally sick.

The guy is seriously the most butthurt anti trump guy.

I mean, say what you want about Trump, I'm not a fan myself, but why the fuck is T.J. taking this shit so personally?

Like I said, seriously sick.



Didn't he go through surgery a few years ago for a tumor or something growing in his brain and changing the way he responds to things?

is there a cuckold emojii?

I have never seen this pic before, but I can tell it comes from Krautchan.

He's not totally retard, but I love to see a sony movie flooping this hard


>when you find out he spent money on hilarys campaign


give it a try

If he does it, do we have to call him TJ Killer?

The fuck? Has he gone off the deep end? He also said children don't deserve happiness

Ach, Bernd.

Based frogposter



someone mad there won't be a sequel

one is a boy right

I agree, ha

He's the product of a likely psychologically abusive single mother.

why couldn't he just be erlich irl

was the movie any fun

yeah but have you seen his wife though



this just makes me more confused

I definitely think he might have some kind of severe mental disorder. He assaulted a cab driver just for supporting Trump, it's just common sense that someone that does something like that must not have a very healthy state of mind.

>he fell for the wooden bowtie meme

How does one manage to throw one's showbiz career away when he or she is just barely on the cusp of actually having one?

Huge faggot is a huge faggot.

He literally had a part of his brain removed while filming Yogi Bear.

What the fuck does that even mean? What if the person who heard the pot break wasn't a nerd? I hope this asshole gets herpes.

Do children deserve happiness?


He had a tumor and they had to remove a chunk of his brain.

Don't Chester it man. You still got things to live for. Like when Emoji goes into the green and you get to flip everyone off.