So let me get this straight

So let me get this straight.

The Night Kings plan is to conquer Westeros and create an unstoppable force of wights so he can stop another unstoppable force of demons that are also behind a wall?

Other urls found in this thread:

This aint Star Wars


Get back to your containment thread. GoT is on the same level as capeshit.

According to other anons, the book briefly talks about some ancient civilization in the east that got btfo by some monster, so some king made a huge ass wall to keep it from coming back.

Tips fedora.

You do realize that GoT is a show for the fedora manchild crowd right?

those ancient demons are more than likely just The Others as well. Winter seems to be a global thing, not just a Westerosi thing, There are hundreds of stories about the long night and dozens of stories about heroes like Azor Ahai who stopped it before. The Others in the book appear to be more than just augmented human weapons, they seem complex and appear to have a culture all of their own.

/GoT/ is 100% fedoracore though, the writer even wears a pseudo fedora

doesn't the far east end of essos just loop into north westeros anyway?
that would mean the ice zombies already tried to go the other direction at some point and failed.

>TFW you become super OP at the end of a game when there are no enemies left to fight.

GoT is a bad setting and you should feel bad if you like it.

Neat theory, but no. The Others are just a biological weapon created by the Children of the Forest. Once they kill every last human, they will just return to the Land of Always Winter and leave Westeros a wasteland.

>walls are the solution to everything


looks like an irish newspaper boy hat to me


George confirmed it doesn't

Not in the books though, and we still might get more exposition on them in the show.

The show doesn't follow the books anymore, plus D&D never included any of that in the show.

From now on its just Dead vs Living and that's all you need to know, choose the side and see will you win in the end.

I thought it was for the numale and tumblr whale crowd.

top kek

They're becoming more and more interchangeable by the day

never post this again

What's that, post it with sound?