Can please explain to me why this whole "le Szechuan sauce" trend is so popular?

Can please explain to me why this whole "le Szechuan sauce" trend is so popular?

It seems like a very forced and dumb meme to me; it reminds me of the mid 2000s when Charlie the unicorn, Fred Fredburger, and GIR were considered the pinnacle of comedy, and Hot Topic kids would quote them endlessly as though they were forcing a meme.

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like all memes it will be forgotten in less than a year, stop getting mad at memes

stop going to places on the internet where you'll find things that piss you off. Or are you unironically and on purpose scouring the net for shit to get angry about?

or be a responsible consumer and boycott mcdonalds

what is this about

>Fred Fredburger

Was this even a meme? He's a funny character desu but I don't remember him ever being a meme.

Anyone who doesn't see this as a blatant promotional move by both parties is a naive fool who will not last in this world
>McDonald's sales have been shit
>Rick and Morty fans consume large quantities of anything and have a joke on the show where they beg for sponsorship from Nintendo

We get it you don't like Rick and Morty. Who cares

man, the letter and labeling really make this.


is the sauce actually good? I've never had it. fast food sauces always seem kinda average to me though.

Harmom & Roland cut a deal with McDs.

This whole debacle was nayive advertising from the start.

Why did McDonald's send it in an industrial shock and vibration-resistant case?

>or be a responsible consumer and boycott mcdonalds

How does it feel being an idiot?

nothing gets by this guy

1.) It's a product deal between McDonald's and R&M's writers. Also there was a Mulan remake just a few months ago.
2.) It's the kind of epic f*cking *randumb* meme1111 that Redditors love and R&M is known for

>Being retarded enough to think you are the first one to realize something blatantly obvious.

Good job skippy.

>Being retarded enough to think you are the first one to realize something blatantly obvious.
I never claimed I was the first to notice it. I was just answering OP's retarded question.

>Can please explain to me why this whole "le Szechuan sauce" trend is so popular?

guerilla marketing works really well. Young kinds are dumb enough to fall for it too.

fuck you, I used to spend 1k+ a year on mcdonalds until they fucked Samurai Jack with product placement

Lefties can't meme

Here let me show you how important your business is to them.

Skip to the 9 second mark.

You are a retarded special snowflake if you think your loss of business has affected them in anyway shape or form.

You're a retarded immaculated sheep who cares more about how little you matter to a billion dollar corporation than about your own personal morals

>You're a retarded immaculated sheep who cares more about how little you matter to a billion dollar corporation than about your own personal morals

Just because I'm aware how little I matter in the grand scheme of the universe (including corporate greed) does not mean I'm without morals.

Trying to sound "holier than thou" because you don't shop at one of the most successful businesses on the planet is the dumbest thing I've ever read.

Billions of people have heard of McDonalds, millions purchase from them. Your "boycott" means nothing, and your "morals" come off as contrarian bullshit disguised as deep thinking.

If you actually wanted to boycott them do something like phone your senator about how to vote for bills on business subsidiaries spend money on this causes to change the world. Not buying from them literally does nothing because everyone else will continue to do so and looking down on people is a great way for them to not join your cause.

You are a huge angsty teenager probably trapped in a 20 something year old body.

Kill yourself.

>You're a retarded immaculated sheep who cares more about how little you matter to a billion dollar corporation than about your own personal morals

Just because I'm aware how little I matter in the grand scheme of the universe (including corporate greed) does not mean I'm without morals.

Trying to sound "holier than thou" because you don't shop at one of the most successful businesses on the planet is the dumbest thing I've ever read.

Billions of people have heard of McDonalds, millions purchase from them. Your "boycott" means nothing, and your "morals" come off as contrarian bullshit disguised as deep thinking.

If you actually wanted to boycott them do something like phone your senator about how to vote for bills on business subsidiaries spend money on this causes to change the world. Not buying from them literally does nothing because everyone else will continue to do so and looking down on people is a great way for them to not join your cause.

You are a huge angsty teenager probably trapped in a 20 something year old body.

Kill yourself.

>being this butt-blasted

hmm, who could this be?

>I have no response to this comment because he's right.

You're welcome for showing you just how shallow and retarded your views are.

I enjoyed writing this while I'm waiting for my pizza to cook.

It's a forced viral-marketing effort by Adult Swim in order to promote the new rick and morty season.

After the april fools episode aired, AS paid a ton of people to go online and push the szechuan sauce thing in an attempt to viral market the show itself.

Despite the Reddit spacing this was a really good post.

moron, the point isn't to hurt mcdonalds, its to stop Rick and Morty from becoming a glorified commercial.

by the way like 100 people linked me the same exact stupid simpsons video when I announced my boycott on twitter a few months ago. Drrr you're so original go buy more mcdonalds it suits your intellectual capabilities

>by the way like 100 people linked me the same exact stupid simpsons video when I announced my boycott

Maybe you should take the hint your dense motherfucker.

It's a VERY embarrassing marketing deal that the "artists" can play off as more of their awful post-modern rando ironic """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""humour""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" if it were to ever blow up in their faces, which it won't because people are retards.

>tfw nobody else misses Shoney's
I really wanted to eat at a Shoney's breakfast buffet after that episode.

Just another short-lived normie meme, like that dumb fucking dress or whatever.

Shoneys reminds me of being a kid, and my parents dragging us out to break the news that they were separating again, and food poisoning from the milkshakes. that place was so nasty the dotheads said it would have been shut down in india.

I never eat McDonald's but if they brought back the sauce I'd totally try it. I never had it back when they did it the first time.

fuck you again, I considered my boycott and bitching campaign a success when they didn't mention yatzee by name 100 times in the newest R&M episode

>break the news that they were separating again
Do white people really do this at trashy restaurants?

You are the ideal example of special snowflake syndrome.If you honestly think anyone outside of your circle of friends and family even know who you are let alone that it influences anyone then you are seriously retarded.

seriously what are you ten? This reads like a ten year old wrote it.

It's a low-quality Reddit meme dude. Just enjoy the fact that it's an easy identifier of redditors until they run it into the ground and move on to some other shitty forced meme.

mine were trash, and the owner of the franchise owed my dad money and we ate there for free.

when the people from corporate inspected they freaked the fuck out and pulled his franchise. its owned by another local chain now, and is a breakfast anytime 5am-2pm place.

they are a pretty decent restaurant now.

>or be a responsible consumer and boycott mcdonalds
Yes I'm sure you alone not going to McDonald's will send a message to stop maymays ironically yelling this on Sup Forums of all places

Who are you faggots? You can't use snowflake properly, and you get so anally devastated by the right using a tactic the left has proven to be extremely effective. Are you the same faggots from reddit that called right wing boycot subs hate speech?

>Also there was a Mulan remake just a few months ago
Uh, no there wasn't

I do think Disney is making a live action Mulan though

there was a mulan thing on the once upon a time show.

They are but it's not until 2018. Beauty and the Beast came out a few months ago

>Charlie the unicorn, Fred Fredburger, and GIR
Fuck, no one but me watched Billy and Mandy.

reddit in post form
>there is no magic sky man morty, gods not real

I have no idea what any of those things you listed are, and I pity you for knowing them. Sorry what you liked as a kid wasnt popular with those you hung out with

That's the Grim Adventures of

The real surprise is how much the most recent episode sucked.Since when did the idiots think Rick and Morty was a deep character study?

As a joke?

>people still making a big deal about this
jesus come on if you had your own show something like this could happen.
wow now they are gonna bring surge and jolt cola back because of my show.

shit I'd do something like this to get the rodeo burger back at burger king.
or for animal style fries to be like 2 dollars extra instead of fucking 7.

nothing wrong with this shit.
justin or dan or the writers or whatever genuinely liked the sauce, reminisced about it at work and bam it got into an episode because some dude said Hey remember how good this sauce was 2 decades ago?

and mcdonalds did a pretty good job responding to the hype that was artificially created. and now the fucking dudes got some sauce whipped up for them by McD's HQ chef guys.
win win situation. no harm no foul. shit maybe they should talk about a dimension where the mcrib is sold year round. I'd dig that.
>if it becomes a running joke then we can get upset and call bullshit

Thats it, good little cockro-..i-i mean fellow human being!

Grim and Evil?

holy crap you seriously think I was the only one? not only that but there has been a major pushback in general against gorilla marketing, the Pepsi stunt was the catalyst.

Maybe I should try being mature(TM) like you and accept corporate products as a enthralling plot device.

there is a thick noticeable line between having a character drink an ice cold refreshing coca-cola product(tm) and a character spending 12 mins of a 21 min show as an HSN whore

I havent seen the new one. did they do something else? I mean from all I know its just been a few twitter exchanges.

>Religion and nationalism is bad lmao, identify yourself by consumerism and brand loyalty

Lots of people watched it. It was a funny show

Chik fil a's Polynesian sauce is better

I saw Justin name drop Bootsy from cinemassacre in an interview last week. Apparently Bootsy uploaded the only commercial for the sauce on YouTube 10 years ago, and it blew up recently because of R&M. Cool at least to see that Justin is a fellow Bootsy fan


I like Charlie The Unicorn

Then again, I like anything with H. John Benjamin style humor.

Since episode one turned szechuan sauce into a popular, trending thing, maybe episode two will do the same for female empowerment in the form of getting statutory raped by a savage murderer.

I loved Evil Con Carne. Never met another human being who used to watch it

Bodied? Like it will be in the box office.

Am I supposed to be able understand this picture?

Or this post?

Or Harambe

Evil didn't have a memorable main squad, sadly. At least general scar was used


>its to stop Rick and Morty from becoming a glorified commercial.

and nothing of value was lost