Anyone else miss when this guy was just a cocky asshole but nobody could beat him so it was okay?

anyone else miss when this guy was just a cocky asshole but nobody could beat him so it was okay?

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anyone else miss when this show hadn't jumped the shark into a moist pigpen of shit?

man. its poop now. yassss slay queen.

miss when there was genuine drama mixed in with swordplay... i was kinda iffy on the show, but when Jamie stuck the blade into that guys eye, I finally got it and recognized it as a great piece of work...

then, D&D basically stopped trying and fucked it all up after season 4. now its shit.

They realized that instead of spending the time and effort in writing really good dialogue and character development, they could get their huge numbers of fans to return reliably season after season just by blowing 90% of the budget on a big battle episode as the penultimate one each year.

No, his character became more interesting after a solid dose of reality

Anybody else notice the cast is aging like shit?

>when he decked that Lannister soldier for interfering with the fight.
Jaime just wants to have a good fight, I miss that part of him.

I miss when this guy had a steady character arc.
Fucking Clegane still has one going, what happened to Jaime's?
Can HBO's Jaime Lannister beat book Rand al'Thor, or has he been powered down too far?

I noticed the alt right manchildren on this board really love talking about how people look/how they're "aging." It's cringeworthy, why not go back to the TMZ comments section?

>anyone miss when the show was good?
yes, yes i do


Cry more, faggot.

There's bad pussy, and then there's best pussy. Ask Euron

I'm not a larper nerd but the sword fighting is just so terrible


Says the alt right neckbeard who gossips about how people look. You sound like a bored, spoiled housewife.

>like oh my god becky can you believe how stacy is aging? ughh!

Go back to TMZ. I don't understand how you can take yourself seriously as a man or even a boy if you gossip about celebrities and how they're "aging."

>dude tries to murder a child in the first episode
>show goes on to make him a protagonist and expects us to feel for him

GoT is such dogshit.


You could try to shut the fuck up.

A major theme of ASoiAF is moral greyness, where people can do completely awful things for various reasons, but aren't necessarily defined entirely by those things. Maybe it was their upbringing or their sense of duty or something else. It's not for everyone, you might just be a pussy.

>its poop now

how to spot the 12 year old in under 10 seconds.


I often forget he and the other Lannisters used to be blonde.

in the books he never talks to Cersei again after she's imprisoned
a true badass

Remember when everything was better back in season 1 like costumes, dialogue and choreography? This show is pathetic.

When do you think it jumped the shark? I like to think it happened starting season 4, 1-3 are still really strong

Jaime fought a bunch of chumps to inflate his reputation. Garlan Tyrell, Greatjon Umber and The Mountain all would spank Jaime's ass six ways til Sunday.

>character stops laughing when the only thing he's good at gets lopped off
>hurr does anyone miss not having character development?

>The Mountain

Oberyn destroyed The Mountain easily. How does Oberyn compare to Jaime?

Poor guy, he had a shitty upbringing. He still tried to murder a fucking kid because he got caught fucking his sister in someone else's house.

I don't give a shit about his tragic backstory. He's forever an irredeemable shitbag from episode one for that. I can appreciate shades of grey, I love that shit. This is not grey, and it does not become slightly grey because his father was a meanie.

Oberyn traveled the world for 20 years learning everything that he could and tons of fighting styles. He also used a spear, which is literally the best weapon to use against The Mountain. I'm betting Oberyn could also kick Jaime's ass.

Around Season 5, D&D decided it wouldn't be a problem if they just tossed out GRRM's carefully plotted arc to send Jaime on a fun adventure storyline in Dorne!

I'm not defending him, I agree that he deserves a lot worse than he's gotten. I'm just pointing out that it's not like he's an evil person, he just did what he felt like he had to. He doesn't enjoy torturing people like Ramsay, he's not heartless.

Also it's possible that Bran forced him to push him out the window, but who knows.

well tbf there is such a thing as matchups. Even if Jaime could beat Oby he's fucked against mountain if he can't dodge like Oby.

Not being sadistic doesn't mean you're not evil. There is a clear line between right and wrong and he crossed that line without hesitation while making a bad joke.

its been six years, even good looking people age, it would be weird if you looked exactly the same after that amount of time. In terms of aging id probably say little finger and Cercei are the least noticable

No shit it was bait. Just strange to see them all age so much when in your mind the show doesn't cover 7 or 8 years or whatever.

What worse thing does he deserve?

It seems like losing his hand and the suffering associated with it has humbled him

You can argue his sleeping with King's wife warrants an execution, but what else? Should he be tortured first?

in the books he finds out cersei is imprisoned like 9/10ths of the way through ADWD

we have no idea where it goes from there, only that at that immediate moment he seems to have abandoned her to her fate

>pushes kid out the window
>makes a joke afterwards

He didn't struggle with some moral dilemma there, there was zero hesitation or crisis of conscience.

>D&D basically stopped trying and fucked it all up after season 4

those two kikes just want to wrap this shit up ASAP so they could work on their new "genius" creation-- a show with a concept that any loser highschool drama club kid could come up with...

Been a long time since I've read them but doesn't he burn her letter after reading her pleading she needs his help, symbolizing he's done with her?

Did he burn a letter from her in the show?

I feel like the only character who has remained interesting is Jon. I know that's debatable but I enjoy that he's essentially a man of the people who has absolutely no desire to be king but he's being thrust into that spot because he's by far the best choice for it.

> Tyrion has been pointless since he killed his Dad. He's done nothing noteworthy since season 4 and has mostly just sulked around and looked depressed.

> Daenarys has been turned into a generic mary sue style feminist icon. Despite her being an egomaniac with a messiah complex the show pretends that she's a flawless savior who can do no wrong.

> Jaime is really only around still so he can eventually kill his sister and become the queen slayer.

> the prophecy plotlines have been ignored completely

> It's literally going to become the entire remaining cast ruining together to battle the white walkers complete with the little 7 year old Mormont girl slaying zombies to the sound of YASSSS QUEEN.

this. did the fucking cast and producers forget that they are supposed to be blond.

No letter burning or anything of the sort, sadly. He's still apparently obsessed with her when he's not meant to be, all that OC in the Edmure scene in the tent kind of drove that home.
Also he's getting hanged soon in the books so they're clearly taking a different route with his character.

why did the writing become bad since season 5. i keep seeing reasons on Sup Forums but i can't really see how any of those reasons make sense.

There is definitely something different to the show post season 4 but i can't put my finger on it.

I'd say it set it up for bigger things in s5, but then they jumped the shark when they executed it. I felt the show peaked at s3-s4.

time is passing fairly fast there, I mean one scene is someone sending a raven, the very next scene is the person getting said Raven. Same with sailing to a different area of the map.

Why does Cersi still wear that stupid fucking wig? He hair would be much longer. She looks like a fucking idiot

I'd hazard a guess that as the budget increased and popularity grew, the ability to adapt the books more liberally became clear, and quality dropped as everything was made more flashy.

I feel like season 1, although it had some awkward moments where battles were just skipped outright, really benefited from budget constraints and the book fans being so dedicated. Now, the bookfags can cry all they want, but there's a huge enough fan base for the show that it won't matter.

Hes following Brienne to Zombie Cat. I'd say hes done with Cersei for the time being.

Well, the source material took a big turn for the worst during that part. Those two books were complete set up for the end of the series. In the show though it comes off as boring and pointless. When D&D took control of the story they started writing it like fan fiction instead of the realism that we saw the previous seasons.

He deliberately ignored the letter and proceeded with his Riverlands campaign.

Which they haven't done since battle of the bastards you damned retard.

Wrong link.

If he didn't, both he, his sister, and his children would be dead. He'd be a retard and a shitty parent if he didn't try to kill him.

r e d d i t

not him but i can pinpoint the exact moment, the producers wrote about how the show was too complicated to follow and needed to dumb down the acting/ writing for plebs to follow, because they wanted to chance success

so after that EXACT moment, they directed all their actors to sit there and make reaction faces to every fucking scene

THAT is when the series went to shit

i can tell you the season that was the last best one, it was before arya went to bravos, the ending with her going on the ship, and the hound believed dead, etc

after that, entire series went to shit, they went nowhere with the writing, and have done nothing but pad out terrible storylines and meander with the plot going fucking nowhere and achieving nothing

>Comparing S1 Tyrion to S7 Tyrion

The character has gone through alot, but i still enjoy the early seasons Tyrion alot more

>Jaime fought a bunch of chumps to inflate his reputation. Garlan Tyrell, Greatjon Umber and The Mountain all would spank Jaime's ass six ways til Sunday.

Maybe, but Jaime considers the raw strength of people like Umber and The Mountain and think's he can beat them, and I would say he's not one to under measure another fighter.

"She is stronger than I am. The realization chilled him. Robert had been stronger than him, to be sure. The White Bull Gerold Hightower as well, in his heyday, and Ser Arthur Dayne. Amongst the living, Greatjon Umber was stronger, Strongboar of Crakehall most likely, both Cleganes for a certainty. The Mountain’s strength was like nothing human. It did not matter. With speed and skill, Jaime could beat them all. But this was a woman. A huge cow of a woman, to be sure, but even so... by rights, she should be the one wearing down."

>Also he's getting hanged soon in the books so they're clearly taking a different route with his character.

Is he? Wasn't that Brienne about to get hanged who made an exchange for her life to go get Jamie?

he fancies himself a dexfag?

No, because he's saying a handfull of fighters are STRONGER than him, but that doesn't imply he's not strong himself.

If anyone is dex it's Oberyn

still he's making some pretty bold claims about beating that entire list through speed and skill

damn this pictures sad as fuck. I've seen it before but it really got me this time

>still he's making some pretty bold claims about beating that entire list through speed and skill

He's implying that strength isn't the sole factor in a win. If he's faster and more skillful that can overcome the gap in strength.

Nah Jaime is a quality build if anything

>ywn see Season 1-Season 3 Jaime again

Yeah there's this thing called character development, which he had going in Season 3.
I mean it's gone now because FUCK HIS SISTER DABID but he was becoming a massively different person after the shit he went through.


>it happened starting season 4


They blew their wad on the red wedding, and it started going to shit immediately after.

Was pretty fucking good up until then, though.

Oberyn beat the mountain, but he let his obession with the death of his sister get to him.

Like a Virgin! Touched for the very first time!

cant wait to see more yasssss queen this sunday!

>every character on TV should follow my non-confrontational, egalitarian ideals, regardless of setting or circumstances.
you are fucking retarded

He has a point, though. Got is good at making grey characters.

You're trying to make the Starks as the protagonists of the show, which isn't really the point. GoT has a lot of characters with their own motivations, but that doesn't make them bad, or evil, characters. They are just trying to further their own house./

I like you user. I always check to see if anyone has made my point before me and you've done a great job.
>GoT is such dog shit
Yeah, that's what I got from that statement too. Got is great at making grey characters.

damn there are no women OR people of color in this entire scene....

>they haven't done that thing they do at the 2nd last episode since the 2nd last episode of last season....

This is some quality bait DESU

bait harder schlomo

at least he has food

What joke?

I think the cast just didn't want to dye their hair anymore and D & D didn't care about the series anymore so everyone just looks the other way.

I think he just meant guys that were purely strength like the Cleganes. No way he believes he could beat Arthur Dayne.

I remember when he lost his hand. Beautiful...

Id say after season 2. I remember there being diagrams and shit online to understand all the houses, characters and alliances. That's not a problem anymore. They started making the show for the bar crowd instead of medieval fantasy nerds

>autist surprised by the passage of time

This, i was reading then some comment about.

"The show is done, most of the arcs are concluded" and i was thinking to my self, HA, he don't know about the awesome journey of Tyrion to Meereen, about Septor merybour, about Brian's new Arc, Jaime Arc, about the Grand norther conspyracy, i was thinking the are copy pasting GRRM, they can't go wrong.

jesus... now its.

And he's got a decent redemption arc in the novels. Reasons for why he's got the goals/motivation for what he does, all the houses are shit in each of their own way.

Season 2. They started to merge characters or cut them out. I just want a 1:1 adaption (insert 'just read it then' or 'why bother watching': because I enjoy seeing the pages brought to life faithfully). Taking an established property that's not public domain and altering so much is fucking trite, just go and make your own series, don't use the name of an existing property.

No, he had good character development. Except in the show he gave up on cersei, still came back to serve her, got a blowjob and loves her now and will later abandon her?

except this only happens in the books

loved the slurping sounds in that scene

DABID is a genius when it comes to sound effects. BRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAP

To be fair all this time spent on the squabbles of the houses in westeros is meaningless. It's all for moving a few characters into positions to learn about things (sam learning about the horn in maester training, also the candle and other maesters who dabbled in magic; bran taking over as raven from bryden (time hijinks); a possible horn in Euron's possession; Cersei's prophecies coming true, Jon dying to free him from vows) etc.

On one hand focusing so much on all the food, clothing and scenery porn in the novels makes little sense when there is grander issues going on in the series. It could just be there to hammer home the fact that no one gives a fuck about ancient lore, because they don't think it's true and will all die because of it.

jaime looks super super handsome still

I get what you're saying, but don't use the term alt-right, this doesn't have anything to do with the alt right. The term is kinda meaningless these days anyway, kind of like cuck.

I don't get why people are so butt blasted over Dany. She was shown to be all bluster. The last couple episode, and hell, most of her arcs, have been her fucking up and barely squeaking by. Davos humbled the fuck out of her in about 2 seconds.

A small child could kick Jaimes ass right now. Hes officially one of the worst fighters on the show since his hand was chopped off.