It was never our forte

>it was never our forte

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Didn't the Tyrell army help defeat Stanis at the Battle of Blackwater?

>Writers note: PS btw the Tyrells suck at warfare and died on the way back to their planet

>siege of one of the biggest castle in westeros
>no siege weapons



I like how uncultured anglo swines had to use Italian words to sound Smart

>just put them in some elaborate bullshit formation, nobody will know the difference
>oh yeah and put about half of the cavalry the exact center of the infantry so they can't do anything

why didn't the tyrells just lock the door?


They honestly could have spent 2-3 extra minutes having the Tarleys have men kill people in the night, and open the gates. But they didn't

>I don't know difference between siege and assault

storming castles is a bad meme

They also had Loras Tyrell, one of the best fighters in the country

So how'd they get in?

The Tyrells have the food to last a siege.

>one of the richest and most powerful houses
>giant castle
>some people march up to it
>60 seconds later it's been conquered
>"oh wells we never could fight"
Just poor writing

You're out of your element.

shut the fuck up faggots

eveyrbody knows the tyrell army was down in the mander defending the the reach from euron's raiding which makes sense because he's sailing up towards casterly rock already

>Tyrell army
>100,000 strong at the start of War of 5 Kings
>participated in 1 (one) actual battle, the Battle of Blackwater Bay, where they were an auxiliary force attacking a confused and retreating enemy

>Lannister army
>60,000 at start of War of 5 Kings
>participated in a shit ton of battles, half the army was wiped out at Whispering Wood, then more were chipped off in various other battles

>Season 7, Episode 3
>Lannisters win LOL

thanks Dabid

>Baratheon Man-at-Arms was slain by Bolton Outrider
>Baratheon Man-at-Arms was slain by Bolton Good Man
>King Stannis Baratheon was knocked unconscious by Brienne of Tarth
>Baratheon Man-at-Arms was slain by Bolton Bastard Cavalry
>Baratheon Man-at-Arms was slain by Bolton Good Man

I suppose that without their best bannerman-general, they couldn't organize a proper defense. And there was The Bronn. He knows how to impregnate castles.

How do you explain Renly Baratheon marrying a Tyrell while planning to take the throne if they couldn't fight?

If they had formed properly the spear men could've held right?

>all characters we care about getting killed

this show is depressing. i'm glad i stopped watching. i hope the author and writers die painfully gruesome deaths.


Big maybe

they should have retreated to the forest

Just from the picture it looks like the spears outnumber the horses
But I guess the aftermath would be pyrrhic even if they held off the horses

Danny was op so D&D had to fabricate ways to make her weaker even if it made absolutely no sense what so ever.

Also you forgot,

> "build me a thousands ships!"

As if Balon never thought of that.

>Euron instant transmission
>armies just walking up to castles, under no fire whatsoever
>jon teleports to dragonstone in an episode
>gigantic castle(dragonstone) is inexplicably empty with 0 signs of life

What the fuck is going on this season, everything is just so lazily done.

The nigger was gay, what would he know about anything but bum sex and sucking dick?

I think its generous of them to kill off all the good characters before we have to see them turned to shit.

>army of a few hundred extras
are they struggling with budget constraints?


>Unsullied rapidly take Casterly Rock
>Oh noes we're trapped and will no starve to death

>Lannisters rapidly take Highgarden
>everything is okay

Why didn't Tywin let Robb take Casterly Rock to let him and the northmen starve to death there?

This made me so mad. Even with Tarly shits joining Cersei's side, House Tyrell still had the largest army on the continent. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Wrong. The Tyrell army was all supposed to be at Highgarden waiting to link up with the Dornish and Greyjoy forces.

>A fighter
umm sorry sweetie, in this show GAY Loras is a GAY twink and only a twink who is GAY... GAY

He was just good at knocking men off with a stick

To be fair, no likeable characters have been killed in this season.

Dany OP? What is this? Hearthstone. Bah! Come on, thought I was on Sup Forums for crying out loud!

shouldint she be saying the opposite?

>knows that the battle will call for mass deaths
>give everyone expensive armor lmao

>shut the fuck up faggots everybody knows the tyrells left their castle that holds all their gold and grain for the winter undefended

thanks dabid

>that intro in season 1 as some badass fighter
>never get to see him wreck shop
fuck this show


Is it have no use, it does not give extra protection from the cold, and it dose not add extra protection from weapons.


How can liberals ruin everything even when they try to act good?

>symmetrical warfare LOL

>able to spare 12,000 footmen and several thousand cavalry to help keep order in King's Landing
>held one of the largest, most defensible castles in Westeros
>"not our forte"

>wearing overcoats/cloaks
>Gee you know what we really need is some cold hard leather on our armor that would keep us warm.

wasn't leather better armor than plate in certain situations?

Because there are none left. Except the Hound and old Tarly.

Well you gotta give credit to them, this time those battle formations are pretty realistic

Are you sure she didn't say, "It was never our fort, eh?"

Hence why they gave it up so willingly without a siege even being needed.

love all the normies rushing to defend this shit writing


That is the whole point, you can make armor from the leather, gloves, tents..

and yet, wasting in to layer a plate armor is somehow a good leadership

You see the 20 good men split up after the Boltons death and half went with the unsullied and the other half with the Lanisters

Game of Thrones truly has the deepest lore

It's so your skin won't stick to the metal if you touch it when it get seriously cold

If you wanted to be stabbed a lot easier but wanted less wait I suppose?

Why did the Boltons even have such an excess of fucking cavalry?
Why is the best general in Westeros not moving up in some semblance of a formation?
Why are the Boltons trying to just mob them with cavalry? Not unsuccessful, but an entirely wasteful way to utilize such an asset.

you'd be wearing gloves, that's retarded and a massive waste of leather.

Are Tyrion's 10 good men related to Ramsay's 20 good men?

why would you touche it with your hands? don't you have fucking gloves?

Or did you planed to wear the armor on naked body?

Use fabric if you that scared of a cold bite.

it makes sense because Bronn had mentioned 10 good men before, he's probably the link to the Lannister army.

Speaking of that, why the fuck is Bronn loyal to Jamie and not Tyrion now

The sell swords Stannis hiredswitched sides? Stannis didn't expect them to defect to the Bolton's?

Only weight. Leather is pretty good against slashing though.

Why would sellswords switch sides? Why wouldn't they just leave? Bolton shouldn't realistically be able to pay them, and mercenaries tend to like getting paid.

>pretty realistic
>assaulting one of the oldest and largest castles in the 7 Kingdoms
>cavalry are in your center
>archers and infantry marching in the same columns
>general and lieutenants all bunched together at the front of the army


Bronn got his title from battle of Blackwater and he didn't want to fight the Mountain for Tyrion.


>realistic siege arc for half of season 6 over taking a battered Tully stronghold

>fucking walk into Highgarden

Getting to the plot you want by making people stupid decision makers or suddenly incompetent is bad writing

Confederate is gonna be high budget shit, screencap this

That's actually a pathetically small army.

Stannis was running low on food, a siege would take months, at that moment it was for survival. Explain all that cavalry charging Stannis, almost same formation as the attack on the wildlings.

>be Salsa
>spend 99% of your life living in castles and palaces
>last winter was when she was 6 years old
>did anal once
>"Why aren't Winterfell's PROFESSIONAL BLACKSMITHS covering those plate breastplates in leather? Don't they know WINTER IS COMING?"
>Queen in the North

How hard can it be to make salsa do actual smart things if you want to push the whole littlefinger junior thing ? What the fuck are they doing

to be fair, she was taught in the arts of clothmaking.

i think you guys are just trying to get triggered. why wouldn't an inner layer of leather be better than none against cold?

A) clothmaking isn't tanning leather
B) you wear thick quilt and chainmail under plate
C) leather isn't warm
D) no she didn't she did knitting or some shit

A) true i give you that, even though being brought up at winterfell she probably also knows some shit about winter clothing
B) both ressources they probably don't have
C) of course it is compared to metal, it's not conducting coldth (probably the main reason to use it)
D) -> A

They were extremely low on supplies and practically no morale, there was no way for them to prolong this. This battle was a last ditch effort to survive.

I love how barbarous italian wogs have to use the Anglo language to communicate.

No, jesus, the leather will get as much cold as the steel in maters of minuts, it will not protect you from the cold, leather is a shit isolation, buy a pair of leather gloves, and but pair of staffed gloves, feel the difference.

I believe it's a Mount & Blade reference

You forgot Podrick

Pssst. Eh? is also a mount&blade reference, it's one of he few voicelines in the game.

>leather will get as much cold as the steel
stoppedreading there

>well we figured the battle wasn't important so we skipped it
I understand that, with the budgeting and timing and having to build a set, it's not feasible to show everything, but it's funny how he just comes out and says it after the episode. These people are way more interested in sets and set design than they are narrative.

Cersei convinced all the others that helped in that turn on them, like Sam's family

yeah I didn't catch that, haven't played that much with it

Only in the books. It was never expanded in the show.

Tommen has been knocked unconscious(falling damage)

>Speaking of that, why the fuck is Bronn loyal to Jamie and not Tyrion now
tyrion lost his ability to pay bronn when he murdered tywin, jaime still pays bronn

As body fodder.

People need to stop acting as if the Tyrell army would not have got btfo by the Lannister one. Would have been such a mindless slaughter than I 100% agree with the decision to not even show it. And with the Tarlys backing the Lannisters as well. Honestly. Why do you want to see this "battle"? What do you think would have turned out different?
I don't even see how this is a complaint this episode when there is so much more wrong with it.

The simple fact that any Lannisters stuck behind at Casterly is a fucking joke. Especially when they saw all the food stores there being emptied. More than anything that just meant you were going to 100% die.

Confederate will be awful
>we wanted to show the unseen side of the war that people don't know about...
>...that the Confederacy were unforgivable slavedriving monsters with zero redeeming qualities or any relationship with leadership or representation
>but I bet there was some guy who betrayed them who was nice. I bet he did it to fuck a black chick.

Season 1 battles were unironically better despite 1/100 the budget, prove me wrong.

>stuff actually makes sense
>there's real strategy and tactics involved, not just literally marching at a fucking castle wall
>you're emotionally invested
>it looks like a real battle, not total war

it would be poetic of it wasnt so sad

>the leather will get as much cold as the steel

So you think you are smarter than Sansa and this is your prove of that?

>bannermen defect to lannister
>suddenly don't have as many soldiers

I'm more concerned with the fact that why the fuck would she think one would wear a breastplate with nothing under it?

>because it's a breastplate and not a fucking gamberson or brigandine my lady

Are these the retarded helmets in the world? How would you even see out of those slits when they're so far away from the eyes? Why even bother protecting the eyes when you've got half your face exposed?

Leather thermal conductivity (lower = more resistant to heat transfer) = .14 w/mk
Generic carbon steel = 43 w/mk
So, no.
Cotton is .04 though.