Post and rate 'em

Post and rate 'em


Probably gonna get shat on but oh well.



Which didn't you like?

>Anime in the middle

those are the only ones i liked

what do these mean?

I'm asking which film in particular did you not like you fool

Fuck i want to marry rachel

what is the middle left one?

Short Term 12, cracking movie





whats the one you havent watched?

Bottom middle. Looks wild.



its van helsing lol. Cheesy film but 10/10 visuals. I love it regardless.

oops meant for

my nigga







1/1 I need the titles nigga

someone post the link to the mosaic site you use to make these, I've been away from Sup Forums for a while and lost it

thanks senpai

top left / bottom right?

Names? Already seen Nights of Cabiria


get some fucking taste

meme. haha

why do plebs think these threads are about having a 3x3 with movies nobody recognizes? The whole idea of the thread is to rate taste, that doesn't work when no one has seen the films that you have

No problem

Embarassing how much time passed until this got posted, it's often the third or fourth post in the thread


The Hunt is a classic in every sense of the word.

The girl with titties might be from "White sun of the desert" (Бeлoe coлнцe пycтыни), soviet movie.




You seem to enjoy "dark" themed movies. Here's a recommendation, La cité des enfants perdus (1995).

If you haven't seen Brick, I'd recommend it to you based on your mosaic.

Good list.

All around a decent list. You'd most likely enjoy My Sassy Girl (2001).

Nice indeed. Can I have the bottom right?

Watch more foreign movies, your list is severely lacking of them. Here's a recommendation, The Man from Nowhere (2010) or Castaway on the Moon (2009).

Nice bait, I almost fell for it.

Worst rivette, makes your whole chart worthless.

Can you post the titles?


Nice grid OP. A lot of the films in there actually really match up with my own personal taste in films for whatever it's worth.

From left to right.

I love all of the LOTR films. Epic spectacle and the pinnacle of fantasy films. A very warm core to them as well, in amongst the large scale battles.

Blade Runner, I'm honestly not too crazy about. Found it to be kind of boring but it's hardly a bad film. It's hard to fault the world and the atmosphere it builds, very cool visually. Rutger Hauer's great in it too.

Pan's Labyrinth is just beautiful. A brilliant and imaginative fairy tale.

Short Term 12 is one of my favourite indie dramas. It feels very genuine, especially in how the characters talk with one another. Brie Larson gives a good performance too.

Akira is one of my favourite animes. Not very fond of aniem my self, but from what I've seen this has been one of the highlights. Has a lot of the neo metropolis atmosphere present in Blade Runner, and a riveting dark superhero plot filled with teen angst.

The Hunt is pure rawness. Mads Mikkelsen sells that film completely. Everything is so raw. I think one would be hard pressed not to feel something during this film.

Drive. What more can be said about the real human bean? Stylish, cool and entertaining. A unique artistic approach to genre film.

Casino Royale. Honestly not a Bond fan. Can't remember much from this, but it was probably one of the better ones.

My Neighbour Totoro. Not a big Ghibli fan. Obviously you can't fault the animation and visual creativity, but personally what bothers me about their stories is there's no tension whatsoever.

Overall good list user. At least for me, there's a lot of films in there that I really love.

Evil dead, goodfellas, lotr and scarface are valid choices user.

good choices for lynch and refn

when it comes to movies, that's Jin Roh or Metropolis, even Memories or Millennium Actress, but Akira was a mess, although interesting visually and has a neat OST.

I miss the 70's


what is bottom right??

Dark Star. Kino Carpenter.

thanks for the rec boyo