
>no 3x3
Let's revive it.
discuss, rate , hate, recc, what've you been watching lately ?
also get better taste you for christ sake

Other urls found in this thread:


Just posted mine here


When are you going to leave?


No seriously

Names? Besides Mishima and The Red and the White

Starting Antonioni, I had mixed feelings about L'Avventura. La Notte next.
Also hoping to get to The New World, Silent Light, Zerkalo, and maybe even start Bresson.
Also, rewatching FWWM yet again because I got my girlfriend on the twin peaks bandwagon and she just finished the series.



requesting this as well


only recognize
heat (?)
rear window

not sure about the others

Knight of Cups
Inherent Vice
Inland Empire
Andrei Rublev
Voices Through Time
Upstream Color

(Recent faves)
Immoral Tales
Fire Walk With Me
Song to Song

Top left is silence

Our century
Letter never sent (I think)
Idk the rest.
>those filenames
Y i k e s.

When everyone's super, no one will be.

thank you

runner ups
>Dazed and Confused

Passing On
The Sheik
Blow Debris
La Revelateur
Boko Climax
The Little Sure Shot of the Wild West
Eye Above the Well
A photograph taken during the S. A. Andree's Artic Ballon Expedition

>A photograph taken during the S. A. Andree's Artic
>Ballon Expedition
So which one is it?


>Fire Walk With Me
patric choice

I literally know none of these films bar (1/1) and this dude.

Why Van Helsing? Also, middle right is Goonies, right?

What the fuck are you doing on a film board?

Everyone has to start somewhere, right?

What's the problem? Not enough artsy-fartsy foreign films from the 50s?


start from here, when you get to 250 you'll know more about film than 99% of this board


Its a pretty silly movie on the surface but had an insane budget all things considered. It pretty much resulted in a B Gothic Horror movie that was made for mass appeal. It looks fucking fantastic. Monsters are well done and still hold up imo, set design is top tier, and I'm a sucker for that spooky Victorian atmosphere ala Hellboy Universe (comics), Bloodborne and most Victorian Gothic novels. Van Helsing is a film you can't help taking the piss out of if you follow the story seriously, but I can't also help admiring everything else. Also yes, that is the Goonies.

Wanna start watching better films. Familiar with most other boards of topics/hobbies I'm interested in and want to see what Sup Forums has to offer.

>all these hipsters thinking they have taste

Been there done that, I'm not the guy you originally responded to, but you seem like a guy who ventured beneath the surface a bit, so let me ask you something. Where should I start with Chinese cinema? I've only seen cheesy kung fu shit and some others that aired on tv over the last 10 years and would like to be well versed into it. What's the Chinese equal of someone like Kurosawa or Park Wook?

Well said, fun cheesy flick with Beckinsale being a qt as usual. I have a similar relationship with the first Underworld, vampires and werewolves are my guilty pleasure, so yeah. I'd love to see Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines HBO adaptation, I know there already was a show called Kindred The Embraced, but they canceled it just when it was getting good.

desu nothing Chinese has ever impressed me much, besides Wong Kar-Wai or Hsiao-Hsien I don't think I know much else

Also, do you know some other well choreographed films, fighting wise, like Crouching Tiger? Although the story wasn't anything special, it had it's moments and I really liked the fights, if you know other movies that are similar to it, please do tell.

nice b8

What's the Chinese equal of someone like Kurosawa or Park Wook?
You mean a hack that's absolutely inferior in every way to his contemporaries?




>The Ascent
