Woah...marvel btfo

woah...marvel btfo...

>via 9gag.com
makes u think

Can you recall a time you were this assblasted?
I honestly cannot.

>spiderman and iron man together are going to make less than wonder woman
>shills react making false flag threads by the hundreds

the only thing good about it was the Bat and Supes fight

the rest was a steaming pile of shit

opinion disregarded

>if you're a comic read it's awesome
I don't know, maybe it is
>if you're a casual it's pretty nice
lol jesus no

The DC vs. Marvel shit on Sup Forums is just ironic right? There aren't actual fanboys of both on here are there?

The top statement is false.



It's just a meme because DC movies are garbage and it triggers Marvel fans.

>Wonder Woman changed the tone
>every upcoming DCU movie will copy marvel forumla as well

Sure hope so

Is it ironic when he makes these kinds of threads multiple times daily? I dunno.

>2 water marks
>impact font


I really hope not and its just one autist replying to himself. I really don't want to imagine a reality where theres large chunk of Sup Forums that likes capeshit to the point of taking sides in the matter.

These threads are a jab at Snyder fans

I'm a comic book reader and I thought it was horrible.

What now?

Yet that fight was too short

Every time I see this thread I like to post in it as if it's the first time I've seen this thread. It's pretty fun. Idk why it just feels good that I am probably pissing somebody off.

>Joe Chill has always been white/Joker
>turn him arabic

what did racist and white propaganda in media mean by this?

>>Joe Chill has always been white/Joker

no, that was only in burton's Batman and he wasn't even called joe Chill, his name was Jack Napier

I like capeshit as much as the next pajeet but pls fucking tone down the capeshit threads.