ITT: directors commenting on other directors/movie

>The great difference between a Kubrick and a Spielberg is Spielberg is more successful. His films make much more money. But they're comforting- they give you answers. Always, the films are answers. And I don't think they're very clever answers. People have different interpretations of the ending of 2001: A Space Odyssey which leads to discussion and ideas come out of that and thats what I always want to encourage. Spielberg's success is down to the fact that they're comforting, they give you answers and tie things up into nice little bows. He gives you answers even if they're stupid. You can go home and you don't have to worry about it. The Kubricks of this world make you go home and think about it. Schindler's List is about success but the Holocaust was about failure. In Schindler's list we had to save those few people AHH happy ending! A man can do what a man can do! But that's not what the Holocaust was about.

Other urls found in this thread:

Jodorowsky on Refn:

>>Superman makes me vomit- Batman, all that. That whole empire- this religion, I don’t give a damn. I shit on the United States. Cinema is on its way to degenerate as an industry and it’s all thanks to America. This octopus with eight arms, this cancer that American film is- has infected the entire planet. It’s just a bunch of spiritual excrement. And when you see how films radiate the same spiritual excrement ushered in by the likes of Spielberg and Lucas, you begin to lose hope. So when you discover an artist like Refn- an artist who can survive in this environment uncontaminated- that is a moment of great joy. This lad, Niclas, has saved me from my film depression.

Bergman on Welles:

>For me he’s just a hoax. It’s empty. It’s not interesting. It’s dead. Citizen Kane, which I have a copy of — is all the critics’ darling, always at the top of every poll taken, but I think it’s a total bore. Above all, the performances are worthless. The amount of respect that movie’s got is absolutely unbelievable.

Herzog on Godard:

>Someone like Jean-Luc Godard is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a good kung-fu film

Kevin Smith on PTA's Magnolia:

>I’ll never watch it again, but I will keep it. I’ll keep it right on my desk, as a constant reminder that a bloated sense of self-importance is the most unattractive quality in a person or their work.

Vincent Gallo on Spike Jonze:

>He’s the biggest fraud out there. If you bring him to a party he’s the least interesting person at the party, he’s the person who doesn’t know anything. He’s the person who doesn’t say anything funny, interesting, intelligent… He’s a pig piece of shit.

Vincent Gallo on Martin Scorsese:

>I wouldn’t work for Martin Scorsese for $10 million. He hasn’t made a good film in 25 years. I would never work with an egomaniac has-been.

Vincent Gallo on Sofia/Francis Coppola:

>Sofia Coppola likes any guy who has what she wants. If she wants to be a photographer she’ll fuck a photographer. If she wants to be a filmmaker, she’ll fuck a filmmaker. She’s a parasite just like her fat, pig father was.

Vincent Gallo on Abel Ferrara:

>Abel Ferrara was on so much crack when I did The Funeral, he was never on set. He was in my room trying to pick-pocket me.

Vincent Gallo on Quentin Tarantino:

>He's a collage artist.


>Godard on Tarantino:

Tarantino named his production company after one of my films. He’d have done better to give me some money.

Korine on Tarantino:

>Quentin Tarantino seems to be too concerned with other films. I mean, about appropriating other movies, like in a blender. I think it’s, like, really funny at the time I’m seeing it, but then, I don’t know, there’s a void there. Some of the references are flat, just pop culture.

Broomfield on Tarantino:

>It’s like watching a schoolboy’s fantasy of violence and sex, which normally Quentin Tarantino would be wanking alone to in his bedroom while this mother is making his baked beans downstairs. Only this time he’s got Harvey Weinstein behind him and it’s on at a million screens.

Spike Lee on Tarantino:

>I’m not against the word, and I use it, but not excessively. And some people speak that way. But, Quentin is infatuated with that word. What does he want to be made — an honorary black man?

This is pleb, it seems generic and a bit by the book now because it literally wrote the fucking book. It basically invented modern cinema and techniques. Thats why its so revered.

I agree with every single one of them

Shame that Korine does the same but with
>Look guys! IM wierd!

Most accurate.

>Vincent Gallo

Did he say that before or after Tetro ?

He is a shitposter here, no doubt at all.

I thought the same thing

>i shit on the united states
i love this man. Although he uses facebook like an aunt.

that makes no sense, his quote says tarantino steals from multiple shit, blends it, and ends up with a shitty collage full of pop culture references.
He could be edgy, repeat the same theme over and over, whatever u say, but he's not about pop culture nor he steals from classic authors

Nicolas Winding Refn on Hideo Kojima:
>Watching the trailers for MGSV makes you wonder if the spirits of Dostoyevsky, Stanley Kubrick, and Caravaggio entered Hideo Kojima's body because, using the art of gaming as his canvas, he boldly goes where no one has gone before.
>The trailers for Metal Gear Solid V, prove once again that Hideo Kojima is a master at portraying a wider and more complex view of human nature combined with breathtaking action sequences. A daring and bold move from one of the founders of the future of technology. With Metal Gear Solid V, Hideo Kojima has created the perfect marriage of cinematic storytelling and cutting edge gaming technology. For me, it all culminates into one word: Genius.

a hack praising another hack
what a surprise


>gotta make my new jap bestbud look good even if his game is incomplete

>Kevin Smith criticizing anyones work

Do you not know who Ingmar Bergman is?

Spike Lee is one of the best shit talkers in the industry.

Jodorowsky is a massive pleb it turns out.

Correct. But he is right about Quentin. They're both fucking hacks so...

He's on point about magnolia though, and I like PTA in general, but christ that movie is just one long wet fart. DUDE CONNECTIONS LMAO.


Absolute pleb.
Kill yourself.

What a psued


fucking halarious
he's got that lake erie rage.

>Vincent Gallo on Quentin Tarantino:
>>He's a collage artist.
This man gets it.

>watching youtube video on Tarantino
>it's his favourite movies since he started making movies
>his favourite is Battle Royale
>huh I guess I'll give it a watch
>it's complete fucking shit

Yeah a jealous cunt. Literally shitting on it because it was more important and revered than his earliest works.

What about Authors commenting on the film-adaptation of their novel while the director is watching it with them?

Couldn't find a non-Cracked copy of it for some fucking reason. I know I've fucking seen it without all the text-shit.

This is just tv/ but with a better vocabulary.

He's clearly never played the game. it was a train wreck

Truffaut on Antonioni:

>Antonioni is the only important director I have nothing good to say about. He bores me; he’s so solemn and humorless.

Bergman on Antonioni:

>Fellini, Kurosawa, and Bunuel move in the same field as Tarkovsky. Antonioni was on his way, but expired, suffocated by his own tediousness.

This guy excels at shit talking. There's simply insulting people, and then there's making a craft out of it.

Bergman on Godard:

>I’ve never gotten anything out of his movies. They have felt constructed, faux intellectual, and completely dead. Cinematographically uninteresting and infinitely boring. Godard is a fucking bore. He’s made his films for the critics. One of the movies, Masculin, Féminin, was shot here in Sweden. It was mind-numbingly boring.

Welles on Godard:

>His gifts as a director are enormous. I just can’t take him very seriously as a thinker — and that’s where we seem to differ, because he does. His message is what he cares about these days, and, like most movie messages, it could be written on the head of a pin.

woah why when i remember battle royale do i think of it being like an 80s older movie? it does NOT look like a movie made in 2000, the cinematography and camera quality in general are shit

Well, he's said right after the Nuclear trailer, so

Spike Lee on Tyler Perry:

>We got a black president, and we going back to Mantan Moreland and Sleep ‘n’ Eat?

Tyler Pery on Spike Lee:

>Spike can go straight to hell! You can print that… Spike needs to shut the hell up!

Clint Eastwood on Spike Lee:

>A guy like him should shut his face.

>Battle Royale is shit
you're the only pleb here pal

i fucking hate vincent gallo but i also love him. This extends even to his films. Buffalo 66 is one of the most fun yet also frustrating things to watch, both because of gallo. Odd bird that one

Herzog on Abel Ferrara:

>I have no idea who Abel Ferrara is. But let him fight the windmills… I’ve never seen a film by him. I have no idea who he is. Is he Italian? Is he French? Who is he?

Maybe that's why Tarantino likes it so much, reminds him of his youth or some shit.

Alright not total shit but it's goofy and retarded. To say that's your favourite film of the last 20 years is insane


fuck jodorowsky, piece of shit faggot. I agree with what he says about capeshit but he is no better, he is DUUDE LIIIFE AND SOCIETY the director

Based. He's the armond white of filmmaking

In his free time he prostitutes himself for $50,000 and sells his semen for $1,000,000

yoga hosers

>4/5 directors say something of relevance
>spike faggot lee has to make it about race

goddamn get a real sense of identity beyond your skin color you faggot

that paragraph about selling his sperm is one of the funniest things ive ever read

>I don't know how a well hung father can enhance the physical makeup of a female baby, but it can't hurt.

>Mr. Gallo maintains the right to refuse sale of his sperm to those of extremely dark complexions.
What did he mean by this?

I like how Sup Forums falls for these fake quotes every time you remake this thread

none of them are fake though

based Jodo

Source them.

this nigga is just laying down the smackdown, holy shit.

copy paste and google them

the only time I've ever agreed with Spike Lee
doesn't change the fact that he's completely right

>dude it's bad if it's not open ended lmao
What a hack

>tfw modern directors are just studio yes men
>tfw we'll never get modern day directors shit talking one another

Nothing shows up of relevance you fag.

lmao what a joyless cunt, I bet he's unbearable to be around

More Gallo:

>(On Roger Ebert) Fat pig with the physique of a slave trader. I wish colon cancer on him.

>Stephen Soderbergh sucks.

>Wes Anderson sucks.

>Spike Jonze sucks bad. I’ve known Spike Jonze since he was 11 years old and he’s a rich jew from the upper east side. He’s embarrassing as a BMXer and he’s embarrassing as a skateboarder. He’s the biggest fraud out there. If you bring him to a party he’s the least interesting person at the party, he’s the person who doesn’t know anything. He’s the person who doesn’t say anything funny, interesting, intelligent… He’s a pig piece of shit.

When asked about what he has in common with Dennis Hopper:

>I don’t relate to any drug addict or alcoholic

which one do you want sourced? most of them can be found in an article on flavorwire "30 harshest film maker on film maker insults in history"

Fake news.

did he say good things about anyone?

listen to his interview on stern. he's no more negative than anyone else in hollywood he just doesn't bite his tongue

No he's a bitter failure

Ferrara is the best American director of the past 40 years. Herzog makes shit.

It's a movie for 14 y. o. boys who are obsessed with violence. Not surprised he liked it.

ferrara's best films are shit compared to herzog's best

ferrara sucks and is bitter that herzogs bad lieutenant is leagues above the original

>Clint Eastwood on Spike Lee:
>>A guy like him should shut his face.

Clint being absolutely based


Dear god. But is he really drug free?

Would he sell me his sperm if I promise I'll only eat it?

Yes. He's one of those pro-Bush right wing straight edge types. I get the sense that he aligns himself politically in opposition to those he hates as opposed to what he actually believes. He's a contrarian in the purest sense of the word.

>this balding manlet thinks his little dick is big
You have a tiny laughable cock vinny, and you're ugly as sin

>Schindler's List is about success
hmm where have i heard that before

fucking based

vincent gallo is truly /ourguy/

>a bloated sense of self-importance is the most unattractive quality in a person or their work
I think Smith's calculated "unpretentious" schtick is far worse. He spends millions of dollars to make a movie, but he won't even attempt to say or do anything real or worthwhile with it. I would much rather see someone swing for the fences and miss the mark rather than another childish "bad-on-purpose" piece of shit from a middle-aged hack who thinks he can dodge any criticism by saying "haha but I wasn't even trying though"

Japanese film production standards aren't great, despite inventing a majority of cutting-edge photography equipment.

He's actually put that very well, I've always preferred more open-ended works but never been able to express why so eloquently.