Which Emma is Best Emma?

Let's settle this once and for all.


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>Best Emma back on American Horror Story

Time to watch this shitheap again I guess

>roberts winning
jesus this place has bad taste, roberts has the body of a 11 year old boy, and has no career

>Voting Roberts

What the fuck is your problem lads. Worse physique, worse personality, worse acting, worse face.

Don't talk about best Emma like that faggot

>reminder if you dont find best emma attractive it means you like the taste of semen

Watson blown the FUCK out

Walleyed scarecrow with mental problems and no talent.

Chanel is /ourgirl/

I want Emma Roberts to physically assault me.


>1 vote


look at her face, jesus, looks like life's beat the crap out of her

>oscar winner
>two actresses who can't act to save their life
so hard to choose

Best Emma coming through with the iced coffee!

>Choosing stuck up, femnazi, wooden acting Emma.

I guess you didn't get the memo.


>She dropped the cup.


What the fuck did she think was going to happen, perching it precariously there like that, what a shit Emma

>That Jaw


Never stopped smiling, what a sweetie pie!

Who the fuck is Emma Roberts?

>and shes immediately doing the same with the next one


Emma Roberts just looks like a fun normal girl, thats why Sup Forums likes her. Acting wise is alright, she is better at comedies than dramas.
Stone is ok personality wise, her eyes creep me the fuck out though.

Watson can fuck off.

Shut the fuck up

>tell me again user, who is best emma?

Where were you when you found out that 50% of Sup Forums has shit taste

shes going to age like milk


Petrificus Penisstiffis

>Watson at 14%

You on the left

Is Lena Dunham, dare I say it, /ourgirl/ now?

Did she really put duct tape over her nipples?

>Lena Dunham
>a girl

Bumping for Stone.

>Watson at 15%

How Watsonfags ever recover?


>too feminist, worst actress, worst body

>best ass but has herpes

Roberts wins by default

>no "all emma a shit" option

shit poll

>tfw you don't need poll's result to see best Emma's superiority



she looks dead inside

Why is her belly and forearms so hairy?

You mean worst?

Because she is not a waxwhore

No. Worst is Watson. Just comparing with stone.

She was better chubby.

Hell yeah let's do this !

OK, then I agree 100%.

due to high amount of testosterone

Anyone want to chat about hairy girls?

>people actually voted for twatson

my ranking:
stone > watson >>>> roberts

Roberts > Stone >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Watson

it's pretty obvious

>she looks dead inside


based thread

I haven't paid attention to emma roberts threads. Whats the obsession with her? Is it just muh waifu shit?

Bumping for froggy.