Tomb Raider: 2018 Movie

>pancake tits
>swedecuck feminist

this lara is going to be shit

You can't expect anything better than that in the current year.

>implying you wouldn't

Dude as long as she has absolutely no sex appeal like the original Laura did and is a stronk women who then she is going to slaaaayyyy.

At least it wasn't given to Emilia Clarke or Daisy Ridley, I guess.

Which big titted but still physically fit actress would be best suited to play Lara ?

>He hasn't seen The Man from UNCLE.

You're missing out senpai. Vikander is a solid 8/10

>vikander lara

there are pros and cons

Daddarino if she was able to do an accent.

she may be a solid 8/10 but she looks like the opposite of who you would cast as Laura Croft, like most characters deemed to sexist or white by Hollywood.

>remember what /tv said about wonder woman and now drops spaghetti over it
She'll be fine


Where are her curves?

She went to the gym, yet she still has a refrigerator body frame.

>having hope in vidya movies

Fuck off back to Sup Forums

>movie based on nu-Lara
Kill me

>too old
>literally cannot act (in b4: 100 b- and c-movies she did)

>He didn't watch Ex Machina

Only one answer really.

Would you rather have an Angel of Darkness movie with Jolie reprising her role?

No, I'd rather have a Tomb Raider movie with Jolie and they could take the plot of literally any pre 2013 TR except the shitty one you mentioned and it would be perfect

Rebecca Hall
Gemma Arterton
Rachel Hurdwood

3 fine BRITISH actresses

Kate Beckinsale would've been perfect a few years ago but she's too old now.

She looks weird. Where's she from?

She looks so plain and uninteresting. How did she get a starring role? She's easily a background character.

Wont even pirate. This is my Tomb Raider.

Oh my. Yes please.


Why's that stick holding a stick??

You guys are so stupid THIS MOVIE IS NOT FOR YOU


Face it, this is a movie for girls.
They don't want to see a super attractive female on screen it will just make them insecure and piss them off
Think for once you fucks

She's too skinny for someone who is supposed to be a gymnastics goddess

No one except for dressup con girls knoe who she is.

>not Haley Atwell

You had ONE thing to do...

Yeah well if they put this perfection on screen it will piss off a lot of women i guarantee it

makes sense

This looks really bad on a woman.

Pic related is what a woman should look like.

Can you imagine her doing action scenes because I can't

Literally a coalburner

how are chestlets achieving so much influence in mainstream propaganda? are they the new jews?

all these stick thin, lanklet actresses with no assets are being cast these days. it all stems from furiously jealous titlet jews im sure. they cant get laid so they do this to raise their body's stock in the world.

Don't be a retard. She has way too much tits to be jumping around in a crop top, fucking idiot.



I get that not many people on here played it since it's shit and only know of classic Lara, but modern day Uncharted Lara Croft doesn't have a sizable pair of tits.

Tomb rider movie is unrealistic as fuck, using anorectic actress with no ass and tits to suck on SJW propaganda it dumb. She has 0 muscles, 0 strength.

TIty thick milf would be as unrealistic as her, but at least it would be comfy to watch.

>leave fridgekino to me
>yfw this isn't photoshopped

Ooooh that makes so much sense when you think about the Splidurgent movies. So basically, you can be a fat whore and still get the best men, nice. Very uplifting message and good for society too.

yeah why do you think amy schumer is allowed to be in movies?


like idk when females see someone really attractive they feel "threatened" ?
im a guy so i can't say for sure. But i noticed it in highschool

especially like when the school whore gets mad at the new girl because she's getting all the attention from guys

its fucking poetry

But Wonder Woman was shit

I'm not sure why but this is the gayest pic I've seen in a long time

it was pretty good desu
not as good as the old one but that's because i'm a tit guy

Theyre still way bigger than this bitches one

>Rachel Hurdwood
She doesnt have a career anymore.

>if Wonder Woman had a shit RT score and underperformed at the box office Sup Forums would be saying it is Patty Jenkins Capekino

as far as nu-lara goes, I think the mini-fridge is a good cast

>swedecuck feminist

highly ironic since the feminism comes from the cancer that's called american college, and it's 20 times worse in the US than anywhere, even fucking sweden.

Yeah no. A bit bigger sure, but not enough for it to really matter. The point I'm making is that Lara Croft hasn't had any good tits for about 10 years now so I'm not sure why everyone is so focused on that aspect.

I got you senpai

Why not just get the chick who played Lara in the reboot games? She was hot and had decent tits if I recall.

He's just admiring his physique

why are her nipples so juicy

He always does this, trying to see the eye of the tiger



well /fit/ memes aside, he does look like a homo.


So she doesn't have big tits, ok fine, but at least she could have some ass, or hips, or be fit, at the very least a cute face.

She's ugly. They should have given the role to KStew.

Why are women so afraid of their own breasts? They've done such a good job since third wave feminism being able to look down in the shower but now they're scared of their own milkers.

Women were such a fucking mistake.

She's also a jew.

Oh yeah that would've been an improvement

>not a single blonde pictured
jews: not even once

The name is lara , Lara croft

I cant wait for Sweden to pull a Venezuela and prove that this socialism shit doesnt work

No shes not.

>a litteral kike

she looks the same without makeout and shit lighting than the hideous thing in OP does with professional makeup and fixed lighting

really makes one ponder


>Implying thats a bad thing

Coal is the backbone of our economy and country you commie faggot

choke on cock antisemite

recommend me a scene of hers

What could have been.

Its all pretty good, but BIG BOUNCY TITTY WORKOUT is a good starter

wtf? Is this footage of the next Alien film?

This is fucking disgusting.

well I guess there are more than two genders after all

What's the point of covering your nipples at this stage?

Knowing the kikes it's trying to recondition the population to see androgynous bodies on females as normal, and even preferable to feminine bodies.

Neat-o thanks


>being jelly of another man's body is gay

I would raid her tomb if you know what I'm talking about

Don't make fun of Joe Rogan or else also this is how he normally acts

Did they ever finish these shitty movies?

You're the lady in this
w*f do you do?

Yes doesnt have the face nor body though. The new tomb raider games arent even close to what this actress looks like


>best suited

Have you played any TR game recently?
The games are good. They managed to save her and make the games good again after years of mishandling to the point that this movie is possible.

They can't surpass Uncharted but they've made them and more importantly her relevant again.

I have no idea what the movies will be like, the stories for the games are pretty weak.

Rise of the tomb raider was better than the last two uncharted games and it was shorter than both.

Once I read a critic say this about TR movies, TR games are basically Indiana Jones: the game (with tits and ass), so a movie will be basically a rip off of a rip off.

I think it's perfect casting. She looks exactly like TR2013 Lara, and everyone knows TR2013 is where the series finally became good.