Explain this showfags

Explain this showfags

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obviously euron had magical powers and he could summon the fog at will

not even fellow hardened pirate lesjoy could....see it coming

*ba dum tss*

King's Landing and Dragonstone are that close and nobody bothered to fucking capture it in all this time?
Thanks D&D you hacks

Tbf, we don't know exactly where he went with 2/3

why can't D&D write an "evil" character that isn't a Mary Sue?

same with Ramsay. that guy knew everything, never failed at anything

It's television, who fucking cares. You faggots are beyond autistic.

You can only see a couple miles out on the horizon. Clearly that is many more miles of sea, so they could have easily passed each other.

it irked me that there was not even some bandits or hobos at dragonstone...or at least have some local groundskeeper with his family or something

its a big bitchin castle and all empty after so long

Euron IS Arya

GoT used to be about not letting the good guys cheat, now it's about letting the bad guys cheat

he swiped Varys' jetpack

25 miles on level ground. A lot more if you got the height of a good lookout tower.


Euron's Ironborn picked up their boats and carried them to the other side of westeros.


They're gonna go the Robert Jordan route and have key players "discover" teleporting. Probably retroactively

>fighting over who will be the first to kill the Mountain

>loses a fight to a drug addict 2 on 1 (many more if you count Yara and random grunts)

they should have made it more of a scene

Do it at night and do it near opposite to Dragonstone shore. Also, female admiral know shit about how to manage a fleet.

Do you even understand how big are seas/oceans?

>Those two perfect specimens of non white women next to that abomination

but Yara was Greyjoy all her life and ran many raids herself

theres no excuse for her not to know what kind of person her uncle is

Hello newfag

>"lets make it realistic guys!"
>Euron takes an entire season to make at least one of these travels

just enjoy the show, jesus fuck

>Consistency and logic is stupid

D&D haven't looked at a map of Westeros in 10 years when they skimmed the books

If you don't like realism, give him a flying ship with turbines.

showfags don't know the geography of westeros so they'll never pick this issue up

also the order of the scenes don't necessarily have to chronological, it could be

1. euron proposes to cersei, departs KL
2. euron captures yara and rekts the unsullied or the other way around
3. euron returns to KL

so only 2 passes

still retarded tho

not only that, the sullied started on their journey to casterly rock at the same time as yara and sandsnakes

so euron did all of that and still managed to arrive at casterly rock just barely half a day after the unsullied

i assumed euron wasnt with his fleet at casterly rock.

GRRM had a note on chronology in his books that's relevant to the show as well. Many chapters take place at the same time as other chapters and they can be as brief as a few minutes, to the events of the chapter taking up to a month. It's applicable to show as well and the various narratives of the characters.

If this show did something even approximating real time, 99% of the show would be people travelling uneventfully from one location to another. You don't know how long Euron's voyage took, it for all intents and purposes, it could have been year(s). Just because it happened it a couple episodes time doesn't necessarily mean that it was a brief span.

I would venture to say most of this season chronologically is covering larger spans of time than any of the previous, you have Jaime at kings landing and then sieging highgarden. You have the unsullied at dragonstone and then sieging casterly rock. Just because all of this happened within 3 episodes DOES NOT mean it happened in a relatively brief amount of time.

Yeah that's kind of what the show used to be about
Now it's just the good guys and the bad guys running around at light speeds, smashing their armies together with no intrigue.
The most sophisticated political backstabbing that D&D came up with last season was literal backstsbbing.

When did this Euron is Arya meme come about?

You don't have to take an entire season to infer a passage of time or a long distance covered. Why are you and others defending such staggeringly shit and disjointed direction?

What part of DRAGONS don't you understand?

Why does /got/ call Dany 'Kelly'?

The only good Sandsnake is the boy.

Just peel it off the skin


This pic from a few years back I'm pretty sure

Your rape, Sansa

So beautiful

The rape, I mean

You cry

So rape



How do you left abandoned and don't defend the closet castle and the home of the targaryen that it was so possible Daenerys will land there?

So is watching a show you hate every week.

Welp, raids are one thing, managing a flotilla in defence is other thing. Jeeeze, she didn't organize vanguard or rearguard, or Flank guard and she got an enemy's flagship right into middle of her formation. She is an incompetent commander.

That is her name you fucking mongs.

in fairness, in the age of sail fleets did quite often just bump into each other. The real stretch is Euron finding her and being instantly battle prepped.

>Why does /got/ call Dany 'Kelly'

His fleet is faster than any other considering theyre pirate ships. The battle with Yara took place closer to the point which is just outside blackwater bay

Grey worms fleet arent made for speed and theyre heavily laden with heavy infantry and they traveled 3000 miles with inferior sailors and captains that dont know the waters as well. I think they fastest fleet in westeros made up of an armada of pirate ships with a captain that knows the seas ij the area better than anyone could catch up with a few days head start

This is an inability of the viewer to understand distance and the passage of time. Not an inability of the show to do so.

He didnt attack dragonstone because she has fucking dragons. He had missions to accomplish. Not getting his fleet burned was smart.

>wind moves faster for people who know the waters

>you cant grow food on dragonstone
>pic rel fields

but he has to go well within dragon-range to get past Dragonstone. You see the dragons patrolling around the skies in almost every Kelly C scene, they would definitely be able to see a big fucking fleet sailing past

That's apparent. It's actually pretty obvious in the show Balon is pretty stupid, it's even stated as such in the lore and histories. Yara was put in charge of ships because he had no one else really.

Shes not as good as she thinks she is basically.

Thats why when put up to a democratic vote the iron islanders went with Euron instead of Yara

>Just because all of this happened within 3 episodes DOES NOT mean it happened in a relatively brief amount of time.

That's when direction and filmmaking techniques are supppsed to come into play. You're supposed to at least somewhat contextualise the timeframes of events for the audience so that characters jumping from location to location isn't jarring as fuck. See this a perfect example: youtube.com/watch?v=FwmeRppQlYY
That clip is weeks - at least days - of travelling contextualised for the audience in less than 2 minutes with use of exterior shots, geographical reference points, actors out on location, music and voice over. What happens in GoT, over and over again, is a still exterior shot of wherever the scene takes place, before cutting to an interior scene of the same five rooms over and over again. A lot of the time now they completely skip over the exterior establishing shots. Westeros is starting to feel like it exists entirely within a few rooms - Winterfell council room, Dragonstone strategy room, Dragonstone throne room, Kings Landing throne room - with characters just turning up at each location.

>The real stretch is Euron finding her and being instantly battle prepped.
It was his white male privilege.


A 1.8 m dude can see ~5 km standing on level ground. I'm not sure how tall the ships/crowsnests are, but even at 15-20 m they'd still only be able to see 14-16 km. They'd easily be able to pass each other.

Now, I'm not trying to justify the seeming teleportation, it's probably just poor editing/sequencing, but there could be reasonable explanations. One, Euron my have intercepted Yara's fleet before they traveled very far, making the return trip fairly brief. Then they could also have the better/faster ships compared to the Unsullied fleet, as well as more experienced sailors and captains. It's a pretty long journey, so it wouldn't be at all unreasonable for Euron to catch up to the Unsullied, and even then, they only arrived after they finished sacking Casterly Rock.

Did they carry the boats over land?

And preparing for the attack on the walls would probably take some time allowing Euron to catch up.

HOWEVER in ep2 the maester gives Jorah like 24h to kill himself. Then in ep3 he's cured...

He has a bireme with cloaking and transporter technology brah, just accept it.

not that long, actually. If you're going for a straight up attack rather than attempting to siege, you go in as quickly as possible so as to prevent the defenders from preparing for it. The whole principle of attacking a prepared position is speed and violence.

Occupying a castle like that makes you a target if some major player comes to claim it. Try using your brain in the future.

why didn't Cersei send men to occupy it? It didn't even have to be that many to put a stinker on Dany's plans.

Because it has no value for her?

> It didn't even have to be that many
It would have to be very many, and she didn't know that Dany planned to use Dragonstone as her base of operations

Map scale? Means nothing unless we know of the actual distance between Dragon stones south coast and westeros. Euron could easily have passed closer to westeros and be out of sight of Dragonstone, or traveled at night.

But it still doesn't explain why fat ass queen didn't go with her ships, taking her dragons to cover them while they are basically empty sitting ducks travelling to Dorne. She just sits on that throne doing nothing.

Nah dude. I could see the small water tower from my house that's less tall than a ship mast at over ten miles away with the naked eye. And I could see two hundred foot tall hills at forty five miles away.

You're thinking about where you stop seeing ground level.

A ship sized object from a crow's nest with a spyglass is waaaaay out there.

considering Dany walked in without sending guards first, one pleb with a crossbow would've been enough


maybe he split his fleet?


the showrunners recently admitted flat-out they don't bother showing the episodes linearly. shit that happens in one scene could be before or after what happens in the next, timeline wise, they just show you the pertinent shit and don't give a fuck about jumps in time. stop expecting more from these hacks.

Why would you need to occupy it? There would at least be people coming along to raid it for valuables. Empty Dragonstone is just more laziness from D&D who have completely given up on padding out the show's realism with extras.

his flagship was there

Euron had a thousand ships he could easily have split the fleet.

Yes I know his ship was at Casterly Rock but how else will normies know that the baddie is attacking?

they actually moved the fleet over-land so as not to sail the dragon-stone straight, this was not shown however due to budget constraints

It's not laziness, it's an obvious possibility that the castle would be completely empty. If people came to raid it for valuables, they'd have already come and gone. Your argument is fucking retarded, there's absolutely no logical reason to assume the castle would be occupied versus unoccupied. You're just whining for the sake of whining, like every moron who uses the term "bad writing" on this shitty board.

>Means nothing unless we know of the actual distance between Dragon stones south coast and westeros.

It does when other characters are taking a much longer time to cover much shorter distances (at least according to the map).

In fairness he does have alot of sails on his boat

There's like 1,000+ retarded mistakes like this through the entire fucking thing. Hell, any abandoned building would be full of riff raff 24-7. This just shows you how far away from reality the people are who write this shit and the people who okay it.

>On a boat
>with a whip and a spear
what were they thinking?

Ocean going galleys can't sail up mountain streams.

If you're so stupid that you really believe it's a "mistake" that dragonstone would be empty, you're not qualified to judge what a mistake is.

Should've filmed on Iwo Jima.

Those are stone formations like the ones you see on the beach.

Don't be a cunt. I don't frequent /got/ often.

They invented teleportation in the last episode. Keep up, faggot.

I suppose Jon Dough didn't tell Arya about the 300 ships being carried past the Crossroads Inn.

Travel time has always been an issue, but that image says nothing about travel speed, just that he's passed her area a few times.

the show lost all value after season 4

You think they would have inserted some cgi to make that look less like a cultivated area. I guess that dragon scene took them over the budget.

You don't think this series suffers from bad writing? LMAO.

Are you retarded? Yeah Dragonstone would be garrisoned.50 men just to keep the pirates away at the least.

May favourite moment of the last episode was when Tyrion was talking to Jon Snow, making a quip about "walking dead men". I reference to another show I like. References are nice.

Not that user but it would at least have been ransacked and there'd be evidence of that. What Dany turns up to find is a completely empty, untouched castle fortress - with the front door unlocked.

Yeah, but ship masts stick up above it. You don't use the horizon distance for an enemy ship. You just need to see the sails or the colors. Using a 30m'ish tall mast and assume the enemy's is the same, you wind up with about 17 and change nautical miles and almost 20 standard miles.

That's like thirteen times farther than the 2.5km initially posited.

And now I want to watch some old naval movies where they use that trick. Master and Commander was one.

>Expecting for some logic and consistency is autistic.

That was just sad. Can't wait for a Rick and Morty reference in the next episode.

You know what would've been hilarious? Dany picking up some Iron Bank sign that had been stuck into the beach of Dragonstone, or her running into some official measuring the halls or something.

>Dany isn't your aunt in this universe, time to get swifty Jon

Tyrells are suppose to be there, Loras took it in the Siege of Dragonstone from the men Stannis left behind.

But since they forgot to do that entire plot line it just stood there empty for ages. Guessing the same shit with Storm's End.

What's the Rain House?