We're doing the super villain shuffle

We're doing the super villain shuffle.

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>the supervillain shuffle
>to some a big kerfuffle
>while they worry and they toil
>in my bowl i lay seven coils

Who is this guy again?

And I'm out, people dare to see how far you can go with Melvin Brother of the Joker but that is nothing compared to this.


>I am Ra's Al Ghul and I'm here to say
>I won't tolerate you if you're a gay
Whoa, Doug was pretty based before he went full SJW

can someone post that joker rap he did.

Christ, that's awful

The man on the outside looking in.


Why can't I stop paying attention to this man and his brigade of autism?

Yes, Malcolm, there's a huge problem with fucking cereal mascots.

He did a Joker rap?

Such a shame she used to be kinda cute.

The up-and-coming content creator sensation.


We are not doing el super villain shuffle, senor Doug

She still is tbf, it was really only one ep when she went full SJW look with the clothing and glasses, which she dropped pretty soon after

What, I thought she transitioned genders or something.

If only she dropped the fashion and stayed chubby

Jim's about to make Latza go mainstream. GO EASY ON HIM, JIM! All he wanted to do was make a feature film and watch My Little Pony.

This is probably a rhetorical question, but I love this video so much I'm posting it again


>a literal slave nigger

What's with SJWs and dressing up as a librarian from the 50s?

You know, a child with money's a little like the whale with a e-celeb.
No one knows how she got it, and danged if she knows how to use it.
>Heh, Whale.
The name's Walker, Douglas Walker and I come before you good people tonight with an idea.
Probably the greatest-- Ah, it's not for you. It's more of a Red Letter Media idea.
>Now wait just a minute! We're twice as smart as the fans of Red Letter Media just tell us your idea, and we'll pay for it.
All right. I tell you what I'll do. I'll show you my idea. - I give you the Demo Reel! - [All Gasping] I've made shows for Molossia, Brother Melvin and Bart's Nightmare and by gum, it put them on the map!

Well, xir, there's nothing on earth
Like a genuine, bona fide
Shuffleized, six-episode Demo-Reel
What'd I say?

What's it called?
That's right! Demo-Reel


>I hear as a filmmaker you're a bit unskilled
Who told you that? They should be killed!
>Is there a chance that Brad will quit?
Friend, I wouldn't count on it!

>What about us brain-dead slobs?
You'll be given acting jobs!
>Why did Spoony tear the Bison cape?
I don't know but consider it rape!

>The building you bought has no cooling fans
The sets can handle it, my good man!
I swear it's You children's only choice
Throw up your hands and raise your voice

What's it called?
Once again

>But Sup Forums my film's still not done!!
>Sorry, James; this train wreck looks too fun!


>Three Hundred Thousan--d'oh!

Does this guy check ANYTHING he films before he edits it and releases it online? 99% of everything he puts out is a cringefest. I'm legitimately confused and in awe at the same time.


This gives me discomfort.

honest question, why would you not at least buzz your head when your hairline is in this state?

>When you want to show your body off but realise you're too far gone to do so without using something to blur it out a little too.

Prefer her vampire friend.

He finally started shaving it a couple of weeks ago user.

Who's your player, Sup Forums?



Latza always

Ugh. No. He. Doesn't. Like.... at all? Hmmmmm. Maybe.

Based Brad always
Only one I have trouble with is bastard Film Brain when he brags about banging my sister or something.

JesuOtaku was kinda cute. When he was a girl.

>not Based Sage

That's her thing for the Captain America (set in the 1940's) review. She only did it once for that.



I'm sad now.

Goddamn please don't tell me this cringefest had some parody song inspired by the TMNT theme accompanying it...

Fucking fat fuck getting all uppity that he watches old anime. And dubbed of all things.

>tfw a porn site used Lindsey's weiner gif

It just gets me every time.
>They're just plastic

my sides

Yes. And this.

Our excess and decadence has spawned our own deathcalls.

I don't know anybody after Film Brain. Am I lucky?

Pretty sure that guy at 0:13 is a nigger.

Why are his hands so tiny

>Put on green makeup and a green shirt
>Suddenly realize you can't use your greenscreen
>Just leave it how it is


I was just watching old NC videos last night. Some are still funny, but he really should've just threw in the towel when he got bored

buh muh black alpha men never do this weird stuff, furrism is for white beta bois!


>Nostagic Critic is talking shit about Brandon Fraser

>tfw Douge is a time capsule of 2008-2010 humor and never evolves
Is this something to hate or cherish

>Douge is literally unaware that he's considered the Superman of the JUSTice League

Where did you find this picture, my dude? I don't see it on her Twitter.

Moar nudes

Had an ex that looked like her vampire friend. Shit's still hot to me

Someone posted it on another site somewhere, but I forget where. I know that's the best we've got at the moment though as I'm pathetic enough to do a Lindsay in less clothes than normal search every other week.

Well, if you ever find any scantily clad pics of her, be sure to share.

She lived a few towns over from me, I discovered a couple years ago. I even found her facebook and we had friends in common. I damn nearly went full autismo and started coming up with a plan to meet her.

I think she's out in California or at the very least dating the Horror Guru now? I haven't kept up with TGWTG as much as I used to.

I find it charming. I will never get back those days I stayed up until 5am waiting for Suburban Knights to drop, but goddamnit they were pretty fun while they lasted.

TGWTG honestly got me through some very dark times in my life. I must have watched their entire video catalog in just a few short months. Call it a friend simulator all you want, but it got me back on my feet. That and Sup Forums.

best I have :-(

Hawt. Shit, she used to be so cute. My brother and i drove to new York to meet her once, about five years ago. She was perfectly sweet when i introduced myself to her, but I would never drive that distance to meet 2017 Lindsay.

It's a weird kind of feeling to know that these two women and all their internet buddies are friends in real life, hang out with Z-list celebrities, and are all just doing whatever the fuck in NYC right now.

To people who don't live near or visit NYC often, that might as well be another country. But as somebody who lives close and visits quite often, it's a very strange feeling. I've actually been to some of the places they talk about and recognize locations in their photos. I even ran into Nella once at a bar in Brooklyn, but we're still complete and total strangers. And they're still just basically being normal people who have access to Youtube.

It's such a weird thing. Something I think only younger generations have ever dealt with. It's like if Jimmy Fallon did an entire show about not your hometown, but the town next door to it. Or fucking MattPat just shows up at the same Taco Bell you're at, but you don't bother saying anything because he's just getting a burrito like everybody else. You can't help but feel like you have a personal connection.

>drove to New York to meet her.
>didn't take creep shots of her tits and what not to post her.
Shame on you.

why did you meet her? tell me it wasn't just a con

Dougé kinography stream when

Yeah, it was surreal. She hosted some Halloween themed event, so the entire night she was wearing a blonde wig and a strapless white dress she was basically spilling out of. It took me hours to muster up enough courage to even speak to her. I remember she said I was really tall, even though I'm only six feet tall. She must hang out with manlet cucks.

>My favorite themes are mind control and feminism

you messed up man, she wanted to fug

It wasn't a con, she hosted a party at some new york bar, I think it was basically a fundraiser or something. She had an open invitation on her face book, so my brother and I just hopped in my car and drove down there. As I said, perfectly sweet girl, she invited us Apple picking, but I had no idea that she would transform into the sjw she became.

No the correct reply was:
>She hosted some Halloween themed event, so the entire night she was wearing a blonde wig and a strapless white dress she was basically spilling out of. Here are some pictures I took that night.
Try again and get it right this time

He did though. It didn't work.

Ha! Maybe my brother, he got all the looks in the family. But, she was legit sloshed, though. When I finally introduced us, she looked up my brother and me and just started squinting like she was staring directly into the sun before just blurting out that we were really tall. 2012 Lindsay was just really adorable.

I think she posted pictures of that night on her personal Facebook, I'll do some research and see if I can find some.

good man.

Once Jim's video comes out, Latza's going to DMCA this and delete everything.