Alien Covenant

Just saw this, did I like it?


no it sucked

Prometheus was a 6/10, maybe a 7. Alien: Covenant is a 4 at best

>no forearm hair

shit was so fuckn boring

that feetkino scene with her was the only good part of Inherent Vice

forearm hair is for fags

>no pit hair
>no belly hair
>no pussy hair
>no leg hair



user pls


I don't mind it but I can't imagine anyone who fixates on it not being gay.

I want to suck her tits. Why is it so few women these days have nipples like suckable pencil erasers, bros?


>Twist: incredibly predictable
>Behavior of the characters: totally illogical
>Fassbender using the Frank voice: distracting
>Alien mythology: muddled as ever
I had no expectations for it to be good so I don't care really, it had a few interesting bits.

tallfu was great, but the movie sucked

>wanting a normal living woman instead of a dead plastic mannequin

shut up, this is a waterston thread now

She really needs to be in more movies, my dick demands it.

David did nothing wrong.

watch inherent vice baby

why is her nickname Pony?

Haven't seen it yet, been a little hesitant because everyone said that it was shit

wtf i love sticc now

you should also see The Babysitters

>Instant boner, the webm

But I prefer her with short hair

I like her Fantastic Beasts hairstyle

why are high waisted pants so fucking sexy?


she was full nude in inherited vice

She was very cute in that movie

What a nasty ugly merkin whore.

they're currently filming the sequel

>It's a "actress is hot in real life but boyish and plain in her big movie role" episode
why did Felicity Jones have to popularize this?

Apart from their relationship it was pretty lame.

I liked the style of the movie


cant really afford 5$ to watch at theaters huh?

Sorry, but I'm Yuropoor and I saved my yuros for Dunkirk

after all that shit
>lol she died offscreen
fuck Ridley

im third world fag and it doesnt matter

dunkirk was great too atleast you have great taste.

btw movie was mostly boring and dark. David scenes were good tho

She is so perfect..

The setting was nice, but the plot was completely retarded. Then again I've always preferred the books to the films, so perhaps it's just not easy to adapt Rowling's writing.

She's not returning in the sequel?


someone post the webm

at this point it may not even get a sequel. Apparently Fox is "reassessing" the franchise after Covenant under-performed

The setting was unbearably british.
In other words, disgusting.

>Inherent Vice

i liked the groovy vibe and how i didn't really understood what was going on most of the time. would recommend. tho i'm a pta fan so...

>Alien Covenant

coincidentially i saw it today as well. i liked it. sure, it isn't a masterpiece. but i enjoyed seeing more about the alien mythos, and david's evil. shawn shouldn't have given him a body... i'm not entirely sure about david's true feelings towards her. she says he loves her, and that she was the kind to him... but he just whacks her to continue with his experiment. he also resents humans, points how they are lesser than their creation (him)... yet he strives to create the perfect organism, which in theory would be, better? than him. he just strives to creation, without regard to suffering... eh not very illuminated.


I want Ridley to continue but Covenant sucked major ass

as an anthology-type story, it doesn't feel like it's unsalvageable, but the next one really needs to not be shit

>that stomach
>those nipples


It was okay. But really, I was looking forward to seeing Shaw again and was mad about what happened. Also, yay a hole society of engineers lets see how they functioned and maybe find out why they di-oh. They're all dead. Well, at least we have another evil robot movie.

This franchise is over and there is no more story to mine from it just let it die.

franchises never die, user

>Richard Wagner
>Das Rheingold
>Act II
>Entry Of The Gods Into Valhalla


>Felicity not hot in movies


She wasn't hot in her big break movie, Rogue No Fun. She was qt as heck before that.

>grandma jones

you people have some bizarre fetishes


What are you, gay? Their relationship was cute at best, but the bumbling sidekick was funny and charming, Queenie was waifu as fuck and Colin Ferrell was fucking terrific.

welcome to hell


I thought it was an entertaining B movie. For me the Alien "franchise" is a joke, 3/5 films being shit (5/7 if you include AVP) so there's no expectation there. The only thing that really condemns the film is if you take into account its huge budget and supposed grand narrative.

This body succeeds where so many generic Hollywood babes fail. I'm looking at you, Jessica Alba. Plain ass bitch.

wtf are you me


I'd impregnate that babysitter with SOOO much semen

Katherine's mom was a fashion model

I want to lick that sweat off her.

That's a fucking excellent body. Holy fuck.


she's 6' tall

giv giant gf

>Daughter of Sam Waterston



This, tbqh. Every camwhore you see or most pornstars have disappointing nips, regardless of the size of their breasts. It's probably a sign that those women aren't fit to wife/breed children.

I can't get over how fucking sexy her stomach is.





But her face

moar liek "fantastic breasts," amirite bruhz?


Aliens > Alien > Prometheus > Alien 3 > Ressurection

havent seen covenant

it's cute


Her eyes are too close together.

she's not an ayy lmao

She's almost like a brown haired Taylor Swift that has more ass. Almost perfect.

her body
his face

i can't not see jack mccoy

Das Rheingold doesn't have an Act 2

>daughter gets her father's face

>tfw you will never have a gf with nipples just begging to be nibbled on
Why even live bros?

This film honestly just depressed me. I've been sucking off the '79 original since I was a kid. It's one of my all-time favourite movies. I thought it was the product of genius. Covenant makes me think the whole thing was dumb fucking luck, some stupid fluke that accidentally just went right

She would just get old and ugly.

feels bad man


>that obvious massive outie

oh god look how sweety her neck is

>he doesn't like a fat pussy