Comment section is just bitching about alt right and trump

>comment section is just bitching about alt right and trump
Did miss something in the video?

every example he brings up is in other animals not humans. Also he's such a cuck he can't even pretend to be an alpha for a video lmao.

He completely contradicts himself
He says there are no alpha males and then says that agreeable, kind leaders mate the most
He makes the jump from dumb meatheads not being the true alphas to alphas not actually existing, and completely ignores the fact that a small portion of men across all cultures are responsible for the majority of children being born

The actual alphas are rich assholes with family connections that can actually get along with others and pretend to be decent people

It's pandering to his fedora tipping reddit audience to make them feel better about being losers, by stating the obvious that obnoxious dudebros arent actually alpha males and misconstruing what people mean when they say confidence is an alpha trait

Welcome to any modern comments section.

a ____ of wolves

Where's my harem?

The comments go both ways

'Alpha' males do exist, the problem is modern society has their own retarded version of what makes a man "alpha"


>alpha males don't exist
Certainly no not on this board


That's funny. Mind if insane this?

*i save


the fact that tv thinks they are alphas is fucking hilarious

Literally everyone would be an alpha compared to the beta cuck in op.

Lol no problem reddibro

No board on this site thinks they're alphas except Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums
>no dashes

Why do they bother referencing when it's always to Internet news sites

Come over to my house and watch the way I throw my tendies on the ground when my mom brings them in too cold. Alpha as fuck

sure, lad SURE

No one who posts on Sup Forums was ever, will ever be, or could ever be an alpha. There's only like 5-10% normies here. Alphas? Are you kidding?

Adam Ruins My Appetite Every Video

who was this supposed to pander to?

Yeah if you scroll to the bottom and read the comments from lurkers in this thread.

Sup Forums sits around and beats off to drawings of link, I'm sure they don't have to high an opinion of themselves.

I'm a liberal guy, this guy is the epitome of an SJW that is only in it to make money, tries to "ruin" things and justify that by connection things that have nothing to do with each other. He misses the point of a lot of what he's trying to say.

delusional nu-males