/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General

very fast Jerry running at incredible hihg speed Edition



Other urls found in this thread:


agent cooper listen to the sounds

>season 3 ends with cooper still as dougie

>season 4 is made but without lynch
>completely written and directed by frost
>cooper and janey-e watch the news
>trump appears in the news
>this is enough to wake up cooper
>rest of the reasosn is cooper fighting to take down trump

daily reminder to go to the arthouse twin peaks showing tonight

Gordon was always Cole lol

Sheryl Lee is a wonderful and genuine human being!



>6 episodes left
>still no GudCoop

Name a more iconic foursome.

I want to take Sheryl to a date at the amusement park!

Wait and see from here on out after all the hype last week.

eddie vedder recorded a song...


yes yes well done user, very good job


>It is in our house now
>It all cannot be said aloud now
>Remember 430
>Richard and Linda
>Two birds with one stone
>You are far away.

>Tfw 2/3s in and still none of this makes sense
The ultimate lynching happened at the very first scene, folks.

And that makes four of these threads now? Three or four, idk.

I wouldn't be caught dead in New York, the only state worse is fucking Connecticut. Assholes.

t. Masshole


The imagery is disturbing as fuck, the night club scene made me extremely uncomfortable for example. Lynch understands exactly how to create an evil that isn't just ugly to look at or the immediate danger of being hurt or killed, but something more, something worse. Also the implications are horrible, the Black Lodge is truly fucking hell seeping into Earth or something similar and people out there are aware of it but powerless to stop it (blue rose).

my dick and candie's vagoo, left tiddie, and right tiddie

It's just U N P L E A S E N T poster posting this with every episode, doubt anything will happen

>doi t for her
pic unrelated

does this song make you uneasy?


Gordon, Albert, Tammy and Diane

damn right

I really like it, but yes. There's something in it that speaks of a deep dregradation that goes beyond the "le degeneracy xD" meme and someone or something enjoying it.

>the night club scene made me uncomfortable
kissless virgin detected

Nth for Laura's secret button



Fuck you Tammy.

chug-a-lug, donna

Just got done marathoning the first 3 episodes. What does the red room with the dwarf mean? Is this where Cooper gets all his ideas from?

It's not the scene, it's the way it's made and what you know about Laura that makes it disturbing. Also fucking Pic Related.

It's the "future" where Coop actually wakes up. This is the Giant getting him up to speed and out of his Dougie coma.

The Lynching is that literally nothing matters in the series until that point, it's all spinning wheels until the plot actually moves forward when he comes back.

Does this song make you uneasy?

>you will never see Ronette's tits

Keep watching, pielet. Just dont' skip any of the James scene, he's extremely important to the plot and mythos as you'll see later.


Yes, because it confirms Cooper doesn't come back :(

God, I hate nu-peaks sometimes.

absolute kino.

Don't tell me this is some fucking twilight zone town where it's purgatory on earth.

>implying Jersey isn't the worst state in the Northeast

It's way cooler than that.

Sorry, I'm a dumb phoneposter.

No, this is the Lynching breeding grounds.

Wew, I'll be sure to stick around then.

Yes, well done spammer, well done. HOWEVER, this is one of the dullest copypastas in the history of forum copypastas. Seriously, each episode following the boy spammer and his pals from Reddit as they fight assorted imageboard admins has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the posts’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of wording, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Bill Gates vetoed the idea of Windows removing copy and paste; he made sure the posts would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for his word processors. The "Don't come here anymore" copypasta might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-electrical infetterence pasta in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the underlying message was good though
The writing is dreadful; the post was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time the spammer wanted to get Hiro's attention, the spammer wrote instead "hey moot."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. The spammer's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of this copypasta by the same John. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these faggots are reading the "Don't come here anymore" copypasta at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read the Navy Seals pasta." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Don't come here anymore" you are, in fact, trained to read Navy Seals.

why does this spammer hit /tpg/ so much? I never see him anywhere else on Sup Forums

Can I read The Secret History in tandem with watching the new season or is it recommended to read it before?

Vedderfags, what does "can't get to heaven on a cross" mean? Oh, that's right, nothing, just like the rest of the song. (pic is Cooper who gets his mind back next episode)

ok my dick hard

Because the show turned out to be shitty

Once upon a time he got LYNCHED





дэвид лaнч лoл

13. What story is that, Charlie?
14. We are like the dreamer
15. There's some fear in letting go
16. No knock, no doorbell
17. The past dictates the future
18. What is your name?

>more Charlie


I know, why couldn't he do got.

becoming really obvious that this scene was a flash-forward and not where Cooper had been spending his time between season 2 and 3 as we were initially lead to believe.


>It is in our house now
>It all cannot be said aloud now
Dunno. Will probably be explain later on.
>Remember 430
>Richard and Linda
Richard Horne (Audrey's son) and Linda (Annie's daughter?), both Doppelcoop's progeny.
>Two birds with one stone
Probably means that they were conceived at the same time in the same location (Twin Peaks' hospital). It could alternatively mean that they're both going to be killed.
>You are far away.

Is the 3.5 hour cut that mashes tofether Fire Walk with Me and The Missing Pieces the best way to watch those?

didn't believe it until I heard that line about dessert (bc agent cooper (pic related) likes pie (a dessert)) I think it might be true now

Friendly reminder that Angelo Badalamenti recorded a soundtrack, it confirms that THERE WAS A STILLNESS (Pic is MIKE)


>It is in our house now
>It all cannot be said aloud now

They're talking about us. Damn...

Someone lynch this spamming faggot

No, watch FWWM first.

Any proofs.



>dead before dessert
Did Dougie die before dessert? No.

Vedderfag status: OBLITERATED.

This article is more coherent than the new season

>That gum you like is coming back in style
Literally when will they explain?

Becky dies in the finale, screencap this.

Full circle.

How do you guys feel about the bike that your dad gave you?

Go to the date of the finale with Showtime's schedule page and when you hover over the episodes it'll show you what their titles are.

You are a fucking retard

The club scene is witnessing the death of Laura's soul as she sells herself as a prostitute

It pisses me off so much that emotionally retarded dumbfucks like you watch Twin Peaks. FWWM is a horrifying, horrendously bleak and scary film.

watch the show

I'm sorry to have to bring you these news

No, I only read Frost's books.

>only 6 episodes left

Maybe it was literally an ad for an old gum brand that was planning on coming back but it never happened.

>That still means six hours

There's some fear in letting go, user

Oldfag detected.

I think Harry would really appreciate... that key... Ben...


they were alone why were they talking like that? what was the code they were using what did raddit say

It's just an awkward conversation.

Reminder that Dopplecoop is the person who ran Trick (the guy in the Roadhouse at the end of episode 12) off the road.

imagine being that piece of paper

I'm gonna regret asking this, but
>red curtains
>Let's rock!

Something is up with Diane, right? Something weird?

That would actually be better than Richard being a dumb cunt again

I mean she's been helping Booper for a while now so yeah

she a thot

Diane is the least weird thing in that town or Coop's life. Keep watching.

ben stole the corn, chad had it canned above the sheriff's station... the look on hawk's face when the door was opened, there was a stillness, like he didn't give a single fuck

They're just old idiots. The bike was definitely code for rape, though.