
Watch neither .
Burn both.


Watch Civil War, burn the other.


Burn Civil Disagreement.

Watch BvS and experience what comic book stories are at their most artistic.

I'd rather burn OP, but he's already a flaming.


Burn the bad one

So both.

I'll burn you if you attempt it, you retarded faggot.


You have to go back

Lol you're so intellectual! You're too good for superhero films!

Hello Réddiy. Enjoying your stay in Sup Forums?

I meant Réddit. Plz don't down vote my comment ! You Reddit nerds honestly think that


wow so smart people in this thread

Watch first half of civil war and first half of bvs

Burn the second halves

burn the jews

Hello fellow rëdditor yoyre so more intelligent than us channers wow bro u are so insightful. Oh wait ya cunyerin

Watch Civil burn BvS but i'll probably be burning marvel too once Miss Marvel gets here.


>ultimate edition
civil war has the shorter runtime

I dont have fedora images, but picture but cringier

Watch capekino instead

How is this even a viable comparison? One is the culmination of 10+ movies of character development resulting in staunch ideological differences in various characters causing conflict between friends.
The other is an overstuffed badly paced Justice League trailer where somewhat established characters act out of character in order for them to have a big fight which culminates in the shoehorning in of a big bad evil guy that conveniently forces them to forget about trying to literally murder each-other an hour ago and now team up to fight.

Spiderman doesnt wear a cape bruh

>One is the culmination of 10+ movies of character development resulting in staunch ideological differences in various characters causing conflict between friends.

"Leave my faggot boyfriend alone, CIS-scum Stark!"


BvS was an interesting but flawed attempt at a superhero film with questionable dialogue and forced trailer for future DC films that were probably forced by the studio rather than the director. Civil War was just yet another generic Marvel flick.

All you fucking losers watch are comic book movies

Civil War is at least enjoyable, BvS is so miserable to watch.

>"Leave my faggot boyfriend alone, CIS-scum Stark!"
More like Cap believes his lifetime best friend Bucky who always had his back before he became the supersoldier was being framed for something he didn't do so Cap decides to have his back as well. Cap is also weary of big government/organizations controlling the Avengers because of his experience with shield being corrupted by Hydra in TWS.

i stop posting about BvS for half a week and all these redditor MCUcks show up

you guys are like rats

I don't even remember what stuff was in Civil War and what was in Age of Ultron. All those fucking Marvel movies roll into one.

Watch Bats vs Supes.

>"yes, I'm a 4channer, once I cannot counter-argue I just reply with fedora pics"

This. If you wouldn't do this, you should fuck off from here.

>i stopped shilling BvS for half a week and noticed the majority of the people on this site dont like it


go back /r/sandersforpresident and post about how much you want a black widow movie


> go back /r/sandersforpresident
The absolute STATE of DCuck insults. Meanwhile you justice leage consists or a queer twink, a cgi nig, a brownwashed aqua pacific islander, feminist icon Wonder Womyn and alcoholic and depressed Afleck

Thisu desu. If you dont put DC contect down everybodiy's throat, they realise its shit.

Mcucks are this retarded, can't even see through a contrived t oy commercial

>go back /r/sandersforpresident
>he says as hes hyped for a gay flash
Holy shit

Why can't I just burn both?

AND Superman, faggot. The OG. Literally the best guy.

Reminder that there are only a few good super hero movies.
>Raimi Spider-Man
>Dark Knight

everything else can fuck off

which one has the longest scene of someone hitting a tire with a hammer?

3 out of the 4 posts you quoted were mine. Thanks for the (you)s.

Civil war was so bad and generic. At least BVS doesn't feel like MCU #45937

>Captain America survives Civil War
>literally zero consequences

youre welcome!

always Civil War.

MCU is just superior.

>Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public
explain this

Civil War has actual character development and real pathos.

Haven't seen superman in any justice league promotion. Another retarded choice by the people over there at DC. The forced the death of superman at the end of BvS to hopefully generate some emotional response was useless as everyone knows he's coming back and now they have to do all the justice league promotions and trailers without the most famous superhero in the world featuring in order to draw more crowds. So there are definitely some normies who think superman won't be in it and may be less interested in it. That would be the equivalent of iron man "dying" at the end of iron man 2 and the avengers promotions not featuring him at all. Only for him to return as a "big twist" in the avengers movie.

>gimme back daddy's shield

It had about as much pathos as do for the toilet paper I just flushed down the toilet after I wiped my ass with it.

Captain America Civil War analysis

The ideological differences of the those that believe in collective good (Iron Man) versus the individualist (Captain America). Captain America, who is the symbol and embodiment of the ideal American is a staunch individualist who is weary of big corporation/government control from his experience with SHIELD being corrupted by Hydra. Iron Man who from the beginning was motivated by guilt for his weapons getting into the wrong hands and hurting innocents now feels extreme guilt from those harmed as a result of him creating Ultron and believes the right thing to do is to allow governmental oversight as he no longer wants to feel the burden of bad choices he's made and is haunted by.

There are also very deep shots like the one after cap and iron man's final fight showing the broken ironman mask, the battered and scratched shield, and bucky's broken off arm. Symbolizing that although they're all still alive they have all been left heavily damaged and changed from their altercation.

Additionally there is a strong theme of revenge in the movie which parallels the teams literal name "the Avengers". The main villain Zemo is motivated by revenge for his family that were killed indirectly by Ultron in Sokovia. Black Panther spends most of the movie trying to kill Bucky to avenge his father's death all while he wasn't the one that actually killed him. Tony in the end starts his fight with Cap and Bucky because he wants revenge for Bucky killing his parents. Black Panther, who is not an Avenger, in the end decides to stop the need for revenge from consuming him and let's go of his drive to kill Zemo. He does this because he sees that the only reason his father ended up dead was because Zemo himself was consumed by vengeance and ended up killing others in his plot to get revenge on the Avengers. Seeing the cyclical and never-ending nature of revenge, Black Panther decides to stop the cycle and not kill Zemo.

only correct answer. why is this thread still going?

>mfw op got burnt after all

>One is the culmination of 10+ movies of character development resulting in staunch ideological differences in various characters causing conflict between friends.
top fucking kek

You faggot.

>M'independent lady

I'd rather spend my time looking for something more interesting to watch.

>save m-murthaa!!
nuff said