How different would the series be right now if Bran never climbed that tower?

How different would the series be right now if Bran never climbed that tower?

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Ned and by extension Robb and Cat would be alive and wouldn't have looked into Joffrey's birth.And stannis wouldn't have rebelled, Renley would have been BTFO instantly.Everything at the wall would be the same.

Something else would have happened that led all of the same things to happen.

Wasn't Littlefinger already trying to make Ned reach that conclusion?

It would now be The Price is Right.

I bet it would be totes diff.

So the red woman through Stannis probably would have asked for some Lannister forces to fight the others. Would Tywin be willing to appease Stannis after Renly is crushed through blood magic?

does he want to be the shot caller's apprentice?

Hey OP, you watch Game of Thrones, do we ever see anything as hot as that sex scene with Boorman's daughter in Excalibur?

Renly wouldn't have rebelled. His plan at that point was to marry Robert to Margery, which assuming the Lannsters get slaughtered when the incest comes to light probably happens.

If he'd molested him instead he'd still be hiding under the bed in his room instead of about to warg into a bear to tear his face off. But no. Defenestration is so passé.

Most of the shit that happened doesn't matter if the Starks were there or not. Jon Arryn would still have been killed, Robert would still have asked Ned to become Hand, and Robert would have eventually been killed by the boar because of the wine Lancel gave him. Bran getting pushed out of the windie doesn't really affect anything, except maybe Cat capturing Tyrion, but Ned would have still eventually been killed anyway because he would have found out about Joffery at some point just by investigating Aryns death.

I didn't read the first couple of books. Didn't Cersei drug Robert after Ned confronted her.

I haven't read the books either, but this is all theorycrafting anyway. I don't think that Cersei's plan would have changed whether Ned was involved or not, she hated Robert and would have eventually tried to kill him anyway just to get Joffrey on the throne. She was worried about what Arryn knew anyway, and who he may have told, so those events would still have happened.

Also, Cat's sister would still have sent the letter talking about Arryn's death, and this would have made the Starks suspicious to begin with.

Forgot/didn't know she was worried about Arryn.

Yeah, they talk about it in the first episode. Jaime wasn't concerned, by Cersei was.

Bran would be able to walk.

She only killed Robert because Ned told her he would tell him about Joffrey.

Lysa killed Arryn, not Cersei.

the three eyed raven wills it

>She only killed Robert because Ned told her he would tell him about Joffrey.
Which would have happened as soon as Ned investigated Arryns death.
>Lysa killed Arryn, not Cersei.
lol, Cersei and Jaime talk about it in the fucking opening scene of the show, and Jaime insists he would kill anyone else that tries to get between them.

>this old meme
Didn't Reddit come up with this like five years ago?

They had the motive but they didn't do it. (S04E05)

Forgot about that, but it still doesn't matter. Lysa would have still sent the letter to the Starks, which is probably Littlefingers plan to instigate shit in King's Landing anyway, so the point is moot really... All of the events would still have happened regardless if Jaime pushed Bran out the window or not.

The Starks wouldn't have gone to war with the Lannisters, right?

Ned might have been less of a dick to Jaime.

In addition to this;

Unlikely. Ned held contempt for Jaime because he was the "Kingslayer". Jaime was a cocky cunt before he lost his hand. They still have would clashed.

Ned was infuriated b/c of cersei/jaime possibly being the cause of Bran's "accident". It might have been less hostile idk

Maybe. The one thing that wouldn't have happened would be the attempted assassination. But, like I said, Ned would have eventually investigated Arryn's death based on Lysa's letter. He would have found out the truth and would likely have been killed for it.