Is there literally any good movies on this?

Is there literally any good movies on this?

Yes, but you should sign up for FilmStuck if you want a larger selection of great movies.

Yes if you've never seen any movies before, it was great when I was 12.


the third man


>Oh, let's watch a movie, you guys
>Okay, how about [2-3 Year Old Casual Movie], sound great
>Title not found: Related Titles- ScyFy level garbage
Seriously? I hear Canadian Netflix is even worse somehow

The Bicycle Thief was on it when they first introduced streaming. Got an A on the college paper I wrote on it. Don't know if it's still there.
t. oldfag

>watching movies
Do people actually do this? Why not just watch TV shows like a regular person?

Just wait for august 25

Zodiac is on there, that one is alright
Nightcrawler is also pretty good

TV is trash. The lowest form of "entertainment." Glad I don't waste my time with that shit.

They used to have starship troopers, and I think predator

Yeah, but I can only watch Zodiac and Amadeus so many times. How are they winning the Stream War when their selection is like a value bin at Walmart

It used to be the only place to watch The Anvil Hoarder (1930), but even that got taken down.

>investing 50+ hours into a single narrative
>waste four to five seasons only to realize the writers had no fucking idea where they were going with the story
>someone asks if you've seen ____ new movie, you have to say no because you've only been watching one fucking show the last month

>thinking any decent narrative can be told over the length of the average movie
95% of movies are terrible and a huge waste of time

How can you even watch a tv show when you know the writers write every new season after the last one? And they write based on audience reception, or what they think people will tune in to. Half the shows get cancelled before the story is even finished. There are probably less than 10 shows ever made really worth watching.


Easy grandpa, not him but I'm 18 and have had Netflix since I was a kid

Just finished watching Rogue One. It took me 5 times starting it before I powered through. Fucking terrible 2/3. Last planet part was really good.Overall l will never watch again


You're making a huge mistake if you think Netflix is going to have any good, intelligent movies on there.

Get Filmstruck if you want the great stuff.

Filmstruck blows out Netflix, their special features are amazing

>watching movies for the plot

what devices besides computer can I access film struck on?

Roku, Apple TV

+ hours

Your attention span is two hours or less.

>>someone asks if you've seen

You like sharing opinions with NPCs.

bad meme

mexicans have been under represented in Sup Forums meme culture, its a good thing

can confirm canadian netflix is garbage. Paying for a VPN so you can access american netflix is a real thing here.

They have The Omen

Their original movies suck.
Only exception is the Beasts Of No Nation that's actually great.
Probably the best thing to come out of Netflix together with the first two seasons of House Of Cards.

Hotshots part deux is on it

okja! fun movie

Cat woman
The ridiculous six

Watched The Wailing today which is pretty good. Honestly I just want to get a torrent setup going and use Plex.


What about Android?


this, Kinoflix

Do they have anything from Goddard, Tarkovsky or Bergman?

>tfw stuck w/
>they took Danger 5 off without warning
>won't put season 11 of American Dad on for over a year now
Fuck these nigs