Walk in to a basement

>walk in to a basement
>see this
wat do?

I wish I was a girl desu

suck their dicks and fug them

Then just take some pills and then after a few months you'll be a girl.

>Then just take some pills and then after a few months you'll be a girl.

sounds good to me desu

>tfw ordering succubus (male) shirt right now

>sounds good to me desu
kinda considering it myself tbqh. I'm 5'7" and never got super masculine so I probably wouldn't have too much trouble and being a cute girl sounds comfy.

>I'm 5'7" and never got super masculine so I probably wouldn't have too much trouble and being a cute girl sounds comfy.

I am the same actually
and I have a really fem body, I would look exactly like that one mexican boy with the cute body if I transitioned

but idk
I would have to deal with the logistics of buying and hiding pills from roommates / parents

and the effects will be evident at some point

what the fuck is wrong with you people


Why am I walking into a basement?

>walk into a Dutch basement
>you are now underwater
What do?

Start my daily swimming session

>hiding pills from roommates / parents
Say it's steroids when it comes.

Tell us about everyone's reaction when they see you turning into a cute girl even though they thought you were gonna become some muscle man.

Why do you have to hide the pills from them? Couldn't you just tell them?

desu I think I want to be a girl but I'm not sure. either way it's better to not dwell on it because it's not like anything can be done about it

>I would look exactly like that one mexican boy with the cute body

>it's not like anything can be done about it
If you have the right features, it's doable to turn in to a girl without any surgeries.

>If you have the right features
I don't

Imagine the smell of that room

>Girls Last Tour on the TV
too far

sorry, I can't find the webm in the archive. It's this cute femboy dancing with his dick shaking around


yes that is the one
and I just found the one I was thinking of as well
great work team

God I wish that was me

It bothers me when I see things I like in these images.

I wish I was her (him)

I haven’t been on Sup Forums in a while but holy shit. This is a good meme.

>things I like
Such as?

I found it on /tttt/