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poor sweet Joff :-(


>tfw Joffrey died thinking he was a Baratheon

Anyone have the Jon Snow Master Ruseman vert?


Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright

Here you go bro

Chloe died thinking her father, Rachel, and Max abandoned her.

Post your ASOIAF waifu (Hard Mode: Must be an offscreen Lady or Queen and one who isnt from this era)

Mine is Pic related, Argella Durrandon

>Theon will never get a redemption arc

why does the faceless man in braavos persist in using the fake lorathi speech pattern even after he reveals his identity to be fake to arya?

and why does she imitate him?


>Littlefinger unshealths


>have Jon repeatedly deny being a Stark and offering blatant parallels between him and Dany
>dropping serious lampshade with lines like a Targaryen cannot be trusted with the camera right on him, last Targaryen, dragons were thought to be gone but now they're back, Drogon flying over him, petting Drogon soon
>have Dany repeatedly bring up her inability to have kids for the first time since season 2
>faggots still deny that he'll fuck Dany, that he won't hate being a Targaryen, that Dany will get pregnant

Literally how retarded can someone be?

>implying bran's photo op with paid 5/10s isn't to beard his remarkable gayness

Are these retards actually gonna let SANSA kill off CIA?

The only one who deserves to outsmart him is Varys. If they do this this show has officially become a meme.

We're boycotting the show if /ourguy/ dies right?

>going to the beach with 5 girls is homo now


I saw you at the wedding, Salsa.
I came. Twice.

jesus fuck he is chad as fuck

She married the Night's King, so that makes her a queen in my books.
>ywn have an Other waifu

holy kek



Hourly reminder of what's to come.

Wonder if they'll understand that's it's auntxnephew if they fuck


A man cannot save a script from the wrath of D&D

it wasn't rape

They will and normalfags will cheer for it.

bye ho

>bring up her inability to have kids
>still deny , that Dany will get pregnant
wait, are you saying D&D are making it out that only a magic targ sperm can impreggy another magically barren targ now?

so she just up and leaves her crippled brother in the cold ass godswood?

sansa thot ass

fuck these SJWs for ruining it

Does anyone else just feel like they are just an hour of small segments of two people talking to each other in different sets? If I get too high, it goes full loop and I can't see them anything more than actors struggling to pretend like they are in a medieval fantasy. Fucking blows, man. Watching season 2 high was awesome

the two on either ends are the hottest

This one's easy: Rhaenys Targaryen (right)

>tfw you will never fuck your sister

>Implying that isn't the best type

Yes. I just finished ep 1 and i was bored to tears. I struggled to care about anything they were saying or doing, and it honestly feels like the actors couldnt care less either.

beard. hi hbo social media managers

How does he go from this
to this?

hes clearly the gay friend. Im not even projecting.

>CIA will die like a littlebitch stabbed by his own dagger, Eddard Stark style

fampai you nailed it.
couldn't quite explain in wordss.

>tfw no evil heterochromia witchfu

D&D have made me 200% more anti-semitic.


Now watch episode 2, its even worse than the first one.


>rhaenys over t h i c c dominatrix visenya
pussy pleb

plebs be plebeians

>season not even halfway over

lol, okay

theres no way hes not fucking the brunette

>(((rotten tomatoes)))

It's just a fucking commercial not a leak

I really want to fuck her in front of him. What's he gonna do, he is a cripple.


faghags always want to fuck us~

Daenerys Targaryen as well. The original Daenerys that modern-day Dany is named after

>hi hbo social media managers
youre mixing isaac up with shitpee

>powerful storytelling
>focused interest in its central characters-particularly female ones

What did they mean by this?

It was already confirmed 7 months ago that scene was going to happen. Its real

really made me think

doood weed lmao

i thought this would have been more obvious but its pretty clear most people on this board dont understand how social environments work

That's how soap operas have always been structured. That's why the pov scheme translates so well to television format, gurm wrote it with adaptation in mind. It's a soap with two people in a room talking then moneyshots of dragons/zombies/big battles (rip).

>not Jon's mum


season 1 doesn't have enough women

>particularly the characters that make up half the human population
Why do feminists think being a woman is an accomplishment?

2 was worse than 1. I dont understand how anything else is possible

Reminder that Boatsex will make Dany pregnant and the bittersweet ending is going to be Dany and Jon, the beautiful prince in his shining armor who marries the beautiful princess, who ends up being his aunt and their conditioned to love eachother.

what the fuck

Daily reminder this article happened.

lose some weight and get your own girlfriend desu


>end of S8
>Jon and the other survivors of the war with the White Walkers return to King's Landing to find it was taken by Howland Reed and the Crannogmen, who have named Meera Reed Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm.

this is literally the best ending we could hope for

I know it's real but everyone was acting like the webm was a leak and it's just a commercial

>you can see the handprints where she was patting on him and the holes where she poked his nipples


Stannis will die in the books, his character is just too tragic, too good. What's the best way for him to go out?

Why is she so tsundere for Jon?

oh, post more commercials then


dubs of truth, theyre so unfamiliar with women they think being around a lot of them means youre clearly fucking them.
Hes a fag and theyre whoring off his fame without having to fuck him. Easy to understand.

What a fucking cuck POS. I hope the North stabs him in the back and rallies with Sansa against this manlet,if I was a northman i'd beat the shit out of the traitorous bastard myself.cuck slave for women has broken every vow or oath he made,first he betrayed the NW for whore ygrittes ginger minge,then he betrayed Mance because muh NW, then betrayed the NW because muh wildlings, then betrayed stannis because muh NW, and is now betraying the North just to get a whiff of Targ pussy. Fucking son of a whore who eloped with an emo harpplaying faggot like the dumb roastie she is, then didnt have the sense to use contraception.I hope Night King ends Jon and Dany and her Cuckshed Coalition
Jon is a beta cuck. As King in the North, he has a duty to his people, to preserve their honor and dignity even if it means their death. He should go to her and offer an alliance, and tell her "fuck you, my people made me king, I come here as King and leave as king, take it or leave it " Jon will be known as the "King who Knelt" like Torrhen Stark and the North will spit on his memory regardless of what happens next. Hes humiliating himself and conceding to Dany


best offscreen waifu

I never stated it was a leak. Just a reminder of what's coming.

Which is basically what TV commercials are for.


I don't believe there are any more

If dubs then Brienne beheads him.

Is that the Daenerys that Doran referred to?


but misandry said she was first of her name

Imagine being this mad

Don't have to, since he feels how I feel.

First Dany wasnt a Queen you idiot.

someone explain the whole castle that characters think is a whole city. it's just a big castle. no way the castles shown could house thousands of people.

early stage idiocracy