Eminem's new movie.




fuck they got Eninem too

How will whites ever recover. Black men have already taken all their men.

I dunno it looks like the guy at the end of the trailer is gonna be the protagonist

you don't say?

Keep saying white people are the only reason black communities are in anguish
Why is it that sub saharan africa never invented a written language
If it wasn't for my language you couldnt spout that shit rap
I'm gonna slap you so hard you'll cross the black-white IQ gap
Your turn to watch me, like ads on hulu
bitch about white crimes but you forget shaka-zulu
So go ahead, check the white skin and hate me
but dont forget you sold your own people into slavery

And here comes the triggered mayo monkey. Stop embarrassing us you moron.

>Why is it that sub saharan africa never invented a written language
Tribal societies generally have no need of writing, and there was never a group that gained widespread enough power in sub saharan africa to create a unified language over a large enough people to make it useful.

This looks like a 'white boi' rising through the ranks of the rappers though?

Place your bets, how many threads a day will /leftypol/ make to cry about this.


lol what? didnt he make 8 mile already?

In this thread, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums. Ya know the easily triggered kind. Not the general white population.


>being triggered enough to make a rap on Sup Forums


holy shit white people are the sole producers of grade a cringe. I really hope this is pasta

This comment is white genocide.


Hey can you tone down the racism please? This is a family website

u r fagget

>0 search results

Looks like he's real proud of his little rap.

>actually thought this was decent enough to share with the world

kek at your life

white and based saving it

This makes it even worse.

Well, white people...

>I wrote this in 3 minutes guise
[He did in fact spend all night writing it]

>faggot reddit blogger

not cool Em, not cool

I bet this'll hit for most of Sup Forums

I'll just vote Republican again.


Maybe Im stupid but I hard time understanding what angle the movie is taking.