Is T.J. Miller fucked?

>Everybody was like, "What the f— are you talking about?
>You're on this successful show. Don't you want three more years of solid acting work and don't you want to be a famous television actor?"
>And I was like, "No, not really." I'd like to parasail into the Cannes Film Festival for The Emoji Movie because that's the next new funny thing that will make people laugh.

Other urls found in this thread:

>The Emoji Movie because that's the next new funny thing that will make people laugh.

>reminder that 44% of still found it enjoyable - nearly half.
Day of the rope, NOW.

>the no entry emoji in the consensus is real


this is
>immortal guy from misfits
all over again

why don't these cunts learn their place and do what they're good at?

T.J. Miller, this is your mom, and you are not my baby.

>>immortal guy from misfits
You had to remind me. That kid had real potential.

Seems like a giant unprofessional twat.

in the end though, it truly did make us laugh

44% of RT users who were willing to even vote



Is nu-Sup Forums so autistic they can't detect an obvious bit?

Hopefully. Fuck that liberal douchebag.

i seriously think his brain shit is acting up again

In a way.

T.J. Miller, this a you as a old man. and you will die. alone.

jesus christ, he's lost his mind. it's a kid's movie, not the communist manifesto.

he did, remember he has a brain issue

Dude, I don't even buy Tyson chickens because my mom told me 20 years ago that the Clintons were heavily, financially involved with the owners of that company.

Fuck is this true? Which brand of chicken nugs should I be buying?


TJ MIller on suicide watch

Things didn't have to be this way lads.

He's right that Silicon Valley is now just a sitcom and not a "premium" HBO show. Nothing happens and isn't that funny.

that anyuerism really fucked his ass up dinnit

>He's right that Silicon Valley is now just a sitcom and not a "premium" HBO show

It was always a sitcom and never "premium" HBO outing like Sopranos or whatever. Seriously, the fanbase of Silicon Valley really oversells it.

It did have a plot and the story moved forward for a few seasons. That's over now though

Season 1 was really nice, when that one guy died and they just kept it going with no real overall plan it deflated rapidly.

Silicon Valley couldn't last forever, it was a good run but you know with that many delusional Hollywood types in the cast it lasting for that many seasons was an eternity nowadays.

Lol that consensus

He did 4 seasons and it's all downhill from here. I don't see how it's a bad decision.

who the fuck cares, that show died in season 3 when they decided to change the way the story unfolds.

>I guess some people are like, "Ah, I guess he's got too much going on, he's too big for the show." What are you talking about? It's, like, the best show on television, in my opinion, and I'm going and doing The Emoji Movie — and you can publish that because Sony knows we down to get motherf—ing paid globally. But I want to make movies for children. I want to have a schedule where I can have a fun, healthy relationship where we have lazy days. I also want to be the voiceover of How to Train Your Dragon theme parks. I'm doing a lot as a public servant and jester to the American public. As Kristen Stewart always says, "It's worldwide. It's worldwide."

He knows the movie is shit and it's all about that fucking money for him right now

>people think he wasn't fired from Silicon Valley

I don't think so but who knows. He's not exactly a huge name on his own, his stand up is mediocre and he can't really carry a movie. Hopefully he has a few million socked away so he can do what he wants.

I actually met Miller and about half the Silicon Valley cast about five years ago at the restaurant where I worked. They were nice enough people but I had no idea who they were until I was told.

>immortal guy from misfits
what's the story behind this?


Met Thomas Middleditch (mousy main guy) at some college-funded performance.

His standup was AWFUL, he was patronizing/rude to the audience, and he's unironically the bumbling and callow character he plays.

The Chinese intern they hire did standup too, and stole the fucking show. Want to say his name was Yu or Yang? Nicer than Tom, but still kinda rude. At least he was funny.

I recently awoke from sleeping for 16 hours and among others I had a weird dream about T.J. Miller

He was just sort of hanging out around my parent's house with a friend of mine and I told him that he seemed quite healthy and positive for how much everyone hated the Emoji movie and he told me I shouldn't worry and that he was alright
The dream took some turns so I lost sight of him after that

Robert Sheehan. He played a character in Misfits with immortality powers and everybody loved him. But then he quit because he wanted to pursue Hollywood shit. Except he's only getting supporting roles in dumb B-movies like Geostorm.

>Deadpool 2:
>You look like DONALD TRUMP
>No but seriously, you look like muh Russia
>You looks like transphobia much???

I hope he's alright.
As much as it's fun to laugh at him making an ass of himself and The Emoji Movie tanking, I really enjoyed him on Silicon Valley.
Please gain your sanity back and become funny again TJ

>a movie that is literally an add for Sony apps and telling children that if they don't act in an accepted manner and use corporate-approved emojis they're fucked and will be arrested and killed
>the next new funny thing

I was wondering what happened to him. I loved him in Misfits. He looks funny now but he used to be a real qt.
I don't feel that bad for him, though. He's dating Sexy Mummy

O dam
Tell me which brand if chickie tendies I buy now

Is there really a bit about using generic emoji in the Emoji Movie?
I think that was the plot of Foodfight.

according to Sup Forums tj miller is freaking out because a bunch of Hollywood people got cut off from a designer drug they were addicted to

something about the price skyrocketing and them having to use tons of coke to substitute for it lol

the guy is obviously a mess

total respect.

>Sony knows we down to get motherf—ing paid globally.

A white man in his forties, talking like this. Shocking. Imagine if Bob Hope had come out with a line like this.

What happened next? Was there sex?

How would an English superhero find out that he has immortality powers? Nobody has any guns in England.

Surgeons literally removed a part of his brain. Plus, he's Jewish.


TJ also had a stroke and he legit has brain damage

Yeah, he's fucked, but not because he worked on and is promoting The Emoji Movie. He's fucked because if you look at him, he's just got this generic character actor face, with meme hair to give him a visual hook, but it's too quirky for him to play a regular turnover of identification figures, which is what it takes to be a star. He could get a haircut and shave, but then he'd look like a guy who plays prison officers. "T. J. Miller" is a character actor name too, it's almost a stuntman name. All told, he's clearly a mid-ranking television star, the kind of guy who comes and goes, big or promising for five minutes but in the context of television history, a dime a dozen.

He's 36 you fucking retard.

He looks older. He should lay off whatever habits are making him look like that.

>3 fresh
so tj... and who are the other two?

heres the thread if your interested. seems interesting. TJ is def on something lol


Apparently the drug is harvested from the pineal gland of human trafficking victims and the skyrocket in price is due to the doj cracking down on human trafficking


Why? He's doing voice-acting and standup, you don't exactly need to look good or healthy doing those.

my bad screwed up link


Lmao are you serious? That's so fucking retarded even for Sup Forums

Artie Lange fan detected.

cant get this stupid shit to work but try to find the "adrenocrhrome" thread on there.

His brain tumor or whatever is basically a get out of jail free card for whatever stupid shit he says.

That friend of mine he was hanging with cracked my back really good, after that I believe I left and things get a little mushy

For reasons I can't remember I then had to explore some sort of abandoned facility, there was fields of grass and it was pretty gigantic in general.
The people where all gone, it got pretty dark at times and my flashlight was shit so there was an episode where I had to wait for light. There was a lot of looking at shit people had left behind and whatnot
I don't think there was any clear conclusion but my reason for being there was that this insane man had his consciousness in a radio
He was pretty scary when talking over the speakers and he could sort of summon a frightening creature but it was generally very dumb and I just avoided it, then I turned off the radio and all was well

The dream was PG 13


lol at you acting Hollywood faggots doing designer drugs and getting addicted is impossible

did you just start following this shit a week ago? lol

I think if you just do the normal two >>, the link is produced automatically.

Ah, okay, still sounds pretty epic, like... The Pagemaster. Thanks for the closure man.


Hopefully that worked. Idk why I thought it was three of them that did it

Ah no, you were right, this shit is getting censored, fucking CUNTS

Nice link homo.

The Emoji Movie causing him to kill himself would without a doubt be hilarious.

and I thought dreaming of Alex Jones afting being on Sup Forums too much was bad.

>that will make people laugh.


>it's not fake

>And then the people that don't are like stupid f—ing websites like TV Overmind or something, and they're putting forth very reasonable, well-written logic for why this is so dumb and the only thing I'll ever be good at was this part in Silicon Valley. Yet none of them have seen Yogi Bear 3D, so they're all talking and chit-chattering and squawk, squawk, squawk — but none of them have seen Yogi Bear 3D. So they don't know that I've already done the best thing that I'll ever do.

TJ this is you mom, you are not my baby

What? No you fucking retard, I'm not in the slightest surprised that they use drugs but these so-called "designer drugs" are never gonna fucking be on short supply. Are you fucking 12?

He's a jew

When they all get their powers, Nathan is the only one who doesn't have anything apparent. In the last episode of season 1, he falls off a building and gets impaled on a railing. He wakes up in his coffin and the telepath finds him.

This. I mean come on

Dude you're edgy you say fucking a lot

I think it's just creepypasta shit

Maybe he can go back to guest hosting Ray William Johnson's show.

literally /our guy/ started from the bottom now we here

You don't even know what a "designer drug" is, you fat little toad.

Ya dood, come over to my house after school and we can make LSD out of banana peels too.

He's still married to a hot chick though

>Apparently the drug is harvested from the pineal gland of human trafficking victims


You need go posf the full http link to anogher board and it will automatticall do a >> #

and I forgot to pasta it

Maybe if he kills himself over the :):(:O movie will gain some infamy at will be viewed as the videotape from Ringu

After all that build-up, it's /x/-tier bollocks! You should be ashamed of yourself for believing this shit.

Sup Forums is so illiterate they think a fake drug from fear and loathing in Las Vegas is real

but, user, interdimentional vampirss! water filters!
get woke!

honestly, I would not be surprised if some new designer drug going around Hollywold was named after that fictional drug from that popular movie