Gilmore girls

Which Gilmore girl do you prefer, Sup Forums?

i like the cuter one!

Lorelai is slightly less of a cunt than Rory, so her
But Louise was best girl

me too, user!

Rory in the ass
Lorelai for pusy and BJ

Daily reminder that Jess is the best bf and if you like Dean you're a massive faggot.

Kurt is just so damn unattractive doesn't help he's got that chest birth defect. It is weird seeing someone with the exact opposite defect as my chest bowl though.

me on the left

Young Lana Rhoades.

Jess is a piece of shit.
>Dude, I treat everyone around me horrible and act like an immature brat. Why doesn't anyone like or trust me?!?

t. Dean

fuck off cuck

Neither, Logan best boy

Rory after she grew out of the soft kiddish look. She was also the perfect level of strong empowered wymyn to be appealing without being a huge cunt about it. I think the scenes where she's bossing jess around gave me some kind of mild femdom fetish.

He had a good arc.

Step up, best girl coming through


ffs he was an insufferable cunt and was introduced in one of the worst seasons of GG

I wanted these 2 to be a couple, they were perfect for each other.

>less of a cunt
>preferred dumb ass Luke over this

I prefer them together.

Rory duh

Whichever has hairier pits, legs, toes, arms, belly, asshole and nipples.

Lorelai all the way. She aged better too.
At any rate, the best thing is a Lorelai/Rory/Emily foursome.

Neither, this is the sexiest person in the show

Rory before the Netflix disastrous season

I like to pretend that shit isn't canon

What hairy celebs do you like?