Convince me that Westworld is not a complete piece of shit show

I don't care about any of the characters. The acting is horrible all around (inb4 but they act like they don't know they're robots). Story is decent, but the execution could have been better. Mcpoyle.

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You sound like a piece of shit edgy teenager who's full of himself, regardless of the accuracy of your post.

I can't, and I won't.

Its a completely overhyped show that has been given way too much wiggle room from the critics and fans.

Making the Man in Black a human was a mistake.

Shrink Ray Theory.

nah its shit

its shit. abandon it completely now and safe yourself from being pissed off.
It is shit.

The series started out with a lot of promise. The problem is that as time went on, instead of fleshing out their interesting and mysterious setting, they instead forced us to endure greater and greater suspension of disbelief as the plot became more reliant on deus ex machina to progress.

When Maeve became a literal Mary Sue because of some really stupid plot devices, I knew it was all going downhill from there.

>huge buildup for some crazy new addition to the park
>huge machines moving massive amounts of earth
>tension builds and builds
>the robots just come and shoot everybody in

The show had some potential and (a few) good actors, but the abysmal level of writing brought it down.

i yearn for a plot about androids that doesn't pull the whole "omg this character was an android all along!" thing

expectations for season 2?


Hopkins made a synth version of himself for Dorothy to kill and Discount Hemsworth is chilling with that grill I forgot her name (libby?) and the ghost nation.

and more bullshit maeve shenanigans

It will be decent but the fans will keep expecting MUH TWISTS and will get butthurt over it switching into a war story. Expect the only good bits to be a brief visit to or past Samurai world

why bother, even the most cogent arguments will not convince a retard

One word: M-I-N-I-A-T-U-R-I-Z-A-T-I-O-N

>Not getting they were rebuilding the old town

At least pay attention if you're gonna say it's shit. You can do better than that.

I liked it a lot. I really liked the video gamey aspect of the park, with each day starting anew. I actually liked Mcpoyle's actor. But I don't think there's enough material to warrant a second season. Two of the best characters Ford and William (young version) are gone leaving only Man in Black to carry the show. Plot-wise they've written themselves into a corner and there are no more interesting tales to tell in the park, because the first thing that's going to happen are that people in the outside world realize the park is in lock-down since several rich and prominent members have vanished, and send in the army/police to regain control and shut the park down.

God I want this chick. I've never given this much a shit about a photo online. But for some reason this one feels like the hottest goddamn photo I've ever seen. Even getting sent titties on snapchat in the middle of class doesn't come close to this for some fucking reason. Is this that waifu shit people keep going on about?

I think you nailed it. I don't read manga or watch anime but a friend got me hooked on Attack on Titan, and after I checked it out I had a convo with her about Japanese entertainment, and how everything seems to lend itself very deliberately to online discussion boards and wild crazy theories and whatnot as the true scope of the world/setting of the story is slowly revealed. Westworld felt a lot like this for some reason.

best meme

First episode was pretty good. Second episode I could see how this would become yet another 'episodes without clear direction' show. Third episode I stopped watching. In other words, it IS a complete shitshow.

i can't

I'm pretty sure you could watch episodes 1, 2, 8, 9, 10 and not really miss anything. The amount of filler in this show was excruciating.

This show is so fucking terrible, it's so confusing and boring at the same time

Why do you think people care what you like op, we don't